Let’s talk about the subsequent inheritance. SCSS also has a lot of built-in functions that are commonly used
Mixins are usually used for whole block style output functions are usually used for output specific conversion functions are used for reuse of attribute values
<style lang=" SCSS "scoped> // define variable $width100 :100%; $height50 : 50px; @function remToPx($rem:1){@return #{$rem*100} + px; } @mixin box($width: 100px, $height: 100px) {width: $width; height: $height; box-shadow: 0px 0px 5px black; margin: 10px; } .test { width: $width100; height: remToPx(2); background: red; } .test1 { @include box(200px,200px); } </style>Copy the code