Just in the knowledge of a problem, also carried to here with the deepening of continuous improvement.

In the last six months, I have also studied the direction related to visualization.

Personal understanding visualization is a relatively independent theoretical theory subject, at the same time, it can be said to be an interdisciplinary systems, not just the front, the desktop system, actually we use GUI belong to a part of the visualization, including algorithm, data analysis are relying on the graphical interface, that is visual. Visualizations are huge in this way.

Therefore, front-end visualization is just a technical branch of visualization. I think it is mainly due to the compatibility of environment, browser, canvas and friendly support for WebGL, which basically covers 2D and 3D graphics rendering.

Include that knowledge

I think since it is front-end visualization, the basic capabilities of the front-end three wagons must be mastered. Next, I will focus on canvas and WebGL in the direction of visualization. Canvas is relatively good, and webGL does not recommend direct use at the beginning. You can take a look at three.js, including the examples, which are worth checking out. There are also good visualization libraries at home and abroad, such as Echars, D3, Highchart and so on.

In fact, in addition to being able to use these excellent open source works, you should actually see why the design, what business logic is included in it, why others use it for visualization, and whether it is user friendly or a habit of thinking, which is also what I am thinking about and will continue to learn. So in addition to the technology itself, visualization should also understand design, interaction, and product business thinking. As you get deeper, you’ll probably get to know things like graphics and math.

In my opinion, the above knowledge is not easy to be solved by one person in a short period of time, so it can be cultivated gradually. A systematic visualization work definitely requires different people to cooperate and think more, or strengthen the part that you participate in first, expand the boundary and have your own ideas.

To summarize: front-end related knowledge, interaction & design, graphics, mathematics, product thinking, etc.

Is it the future of front-end development?

Personally, yes, in fact, in all walks of life, with the gradual growth of data, algorithms and so on, it is very necessary to have a good visualization. Who doesn’t want to see what they want at a glance through a beautiful graphical interface?

In addition, there is the 5G era, which is bound to lead to the rise of VR, AR and other industries, speed up the Internet, speed up traffic, who does not want to make their web pages look better. (Of course performance tuning should also be considered……)

How to Learn (improve as you go)

This is also what I am learning. At present, I suggest that you should use a good library first, look at it, and then bring your own thinking. For example, a lot of excellent computer textbooks mention “top-down ***” what, with good, in-depth, and then use good, and then in-depth, leak to fill the gap, in the cycle of experience, expand the boundary.