Received a submission from a Java engineer friend who just joined the company — the following content comes from his own experience and was obtained by a non-master’s spring recruitment programByte 60 w offers, thank him for sharing *** *). 支那

PART1: Personal information

A dish J, this master is a computer (ordinary two), the class of 2021 master, back-end direction. Personally, I also like reading books, such as technical books, and finally I will recommend some classic books.

First, let’s talk about the result of spring recruitment: WE got offers from four major companies: ** byte, ** Huawei, B station and Didi.

The second interview invitation from Kuaishou, Meituan and Xiaomi was rejected because Base did not have its own intention.

Finally, I chose the ** byte most consistent with my values and rated ** 2-2.

PART2: Bytedance 3 round interview scene

Bytedance side 1:

The first part is relatively simple, looking at the basics and then asking some questions about the project.

Bytedance side 2:

The questions in the second interview are basically based on personal project experience, and a series of questions are raised according to the project.

Bytedance third side:

PART3: How do I prepare for an interview?

1, prepare resume (stepping stone, the most fatal)

Resume must work hard, especially for some words to consider carefully, such as ** “proficient, familiar with, understand the difference must be distinguished clearly, otherwise it is to dig a hole for themselves. If you don’t know how to write a resume, here are some good sample resumes:

2. Comb the knowledge system and learn to draw inferences

Usually according to the big factory interview test points and corresponding requirements to comb their own learning and development roadmap.

After that, you need to carry out targeted learning according to the key points on the roadmap, learn to draw inferences from examples, and make notes and summaries.

Here are some of my personal notes:

3. Brush interview questions

I don’t want to say too much about the importance of brushing.

On the one hand, they can quickly understand a certain technical point. On the other hand, they have a certain chance to be asked the original question. They can brush the question before the interview to enhance their confidence

I was able to win the offer from the big factory thanks to this internal Java interview notes of Ali (Everest version). This note contains many small and medium-sized factories, such as ali, Baidu, Byte, Tencent, jingdong and other big factories, and I feel that I have gained a lot after finishing the interview questions (including answers)

So what are the contents of the interview notes for Alibaba Internal (Everest edition)Java?

Next, I will show you the contents of the catalog

Ali internal interview notes outline content:

  • Alibaba high concurrency SEC kill architecture display
  • distributed
  • The middleware
  • The database
  • Design patterns and practices
  • Data structures and algorithms
  • Alibaba interview real scene restore

I have sorted out these notes and can share them with you. The way to receive them is put at the end of the article. I hope it can help you and let you get your own satisfactory offer from the big factory!

Alibaba high concurrency SEC kill architecture display

Alibaba Chinese station commodity information how to store

MySQL scalability bottlenecks


The front and back ends are completely separate from the Rest specification

The middleware

Redis expiration strategy and memory flushing mechanism

Cache penetration and cache avalanche

The database

MVCC(Multi-version Concurrency Control)

Gap locking and phantom reading

Design patterns and practices

Five principles of OOP SOLID


Data structures and algorithms

Red and black tree

B + tree


JVM memory management algorithm

Alibaba interview examples

Design a globally unique transmitter in distributed environment

Design a distributed lock

Write at the end:

Gold nine silver eleven blink of an eye is also coming, for many people is a good opportunity to job-hopping, big factory interview is far less difficult than imagined, set up a good attitude, prepare, you can also.

All of the notes, interview questions, resume and other materials mentioned above can be shared for free: just like this article and click here for screenshots