The text before

Well, it was my significant other’s birthday last weekend, so there was almost no activity. Cultural exports continue this week. But LAST night, I discussed with my enlightenment upperclassman about efficiency, so there may be some articles about knowledge output in the near future. It is not a transformation, but I just need to organize my mind and study in a more efficient way. For details, see The book study Hard – An Improved Guide to Personal Knowledge Management.

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1. Big data revolutionizes public health

A new flu virus emerged in 2009. This a H1N1 (this thing in China a few years ago also broke out, but not effective prevention and control, is it because China’s big data has not been involved in public health??) The flu, combining characteristics of the viruses that cause bird flu and swine flu, has spread rapidly in just a few weeks. Public health authorities around the world fear a deadly pandemic is on the way. Some commentators have even warned of a possible pandemic, similar to the 1918 outbreak in Spain that affected 500m people and killed tens of millions. And people had no idea when it was going to start.

A few weeks before the H1N1 flu outbreak, engineers at Google, the Internet giant, published a remarkable paper in Nature. It has alarmed public health officials and computer scientists. It explained how Google was able to predict the spread of winter flu, not just across the United States, but in specific regions and states. Google makes this prediction by looking at what people search for on the Web, a previously overlooked method. Google, which keeps records of all its searches over the years and receives more than 3 billion search queries a day from around the world, has enough data to do the job.

Google compared the most frequently searched terms of 50 million Americans with data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention from 2003 to 2008, when seasonal flu was circulating. They hope to analyze people’s search histories to determine whether they have the flu. Other companies have tried to identify related terms, but they lack Google’s vast data resources, processing power and statistical skills.

As a result, Google was a more effective and timely indicator of the H1N1 flu outbreak in 2009 than the habitually lagging official data. Public health officials gained valuable data. Amazingly, Google’s approach doesn’t even require handing out oral test strips and contacting doctors — it’s based on big data. This is a new kind of ability unique to today’s society: to analyze huge amounts of data in a way that has never been done before to produce products and services of great value, or insights. With this kind of technology and data base, the world will have a better predictive tool to prevent the next flu pandemic from spreading.

Reading comprehension: Then, we can fully imagine how much big data can be used in the field of social science? What social survey is more reliable and wide-ranging than the records that people search for themselves? If you want to monitor the happiness index of people in a certain area, you can search the search index of people in that area for entertainment activities, and then you can roughly analyze the happiness index accordingly. More detailed words, there are many fields, can be infinite expansion, so this is the charm of big data ah.

Big data is revolutionizing business

Oren Etzioni has created a forecasting system that has helped virtual passengers save a lot of money. The prediction system is based on a 41-day sample of 12,000 prices, all scraped from a travel website. The prediction system doesn’t say why, only what might happen. That is, it doesn’t know what factors are causing the price fluctuations. It doesn’t know whether there are a lot of unsold seats, seasonal reasons or what it calls “not going out on Saturday night.” The system only uses data from other flights to predict future price movements. “To buy or not to buy, that is the question.” Etzioni mused. He gave his research project the aptly named Hamlet. That small project grew into a venture-capital-backed tech startup called Farecast.

By 2012, the Farecast system had used nearly one trillion price records to help predict the cost of domestic flights in the United States. Farecast’s fare prediction accuracy is already up to 75 percent, and travelers who use the Farecast fare prediction tool save an average of $50 per ticket.

Five or 10 years ago, Oren Etzioni couldn’t have started a company like this. “It’s impossible,” he said. The computer processing and storage power he needed was too expensive! While technological breakthroughs are the main reason this is happening, there are also subtle and important changes taking place, particularly in people’s ideas about how to use data.

After all, public health is something that only national government agencies can worry about and implement. Although most of it is not available to us, we may not be involved in it in the future. Big data has become a trend. So it’s good to know more. Commerce is very close to our life, like this price comparison website, which can greatly facilitate our life. Imagine, if we can put the things we want to buy into the price comparison website to check the price reduction ratio before Double 11, then we can spend the least money and buy the most things. What’s more, we can use pure big data to detect the profit curve of the store. At present, most of the store owners rely on intuition, and it is estimated that the trend will be great if they can use Excel to analyze it. Then, when the stronger big data is introduced into thousands of households, the store owners can even know the sales forecast of a certain morning? Comprehensive weather, dates, holidays, seasons, current trends, per capita GDP and so on to forecast sales, think about it is very exciting? Moreover, the scope of application is too broad, the business is not just selling clothes, selling small stores of daily chemicals. The prospect is infinite, of course, to build the platform of big data (computers, data sources, big data tools, data analysis methods) the threshold of the vast majority of people blocked at the door, but the future can be ah.

Big data, transformational thinking

Today, data has become a kind of business capital, an important economic input that can create new economic benefits. In fact, once the mindset is turned around, data can be cleverly used to inspire new products and services. The secrets of data are only known to those who are humble, willing to listen, and able to listen.

This is just the beginning. The era of big data is challenging the way we live and interact with the world. Most strikingly, society needs to abandon its thirst for causation and focus only on correlation. In other words, you only need to know what, not why. This upends ancient conventions and challenges the most basic ways we make decisions and understand reality.

Data is not an exact concept. Originally, the concept was that the amount of information needed to process was so large that engineers had to improve their tools for processing data that they had to deal with more than a typical computer could handle. This has led to the creation of new processing technologies, such as Google’s MapReduce and the open source Hadoop platform (originally from Yahoo). These technologies have greatly increased the amount of data that people can process. What’s more, the data no longer needs to be neatly arranged in traditional database tables — there are techniques that can eliminate rigid hierarchies and consistency. At the same time, because Internet companies can collect huge amounts of valuable data and have a strong incentive to use that data, they are naturally the leading practitioners of the latest processing technologies.

Reading comprehension: I can say for sure, these days reading down, my thinking has undergone a sharp change, do not believe you can @ my Mrs Right@xnc, I went to her birthday a few days ago were three sentences without big data, may be a daze. But there are so many things in life that can be analyzed with big data. You don’t even need accurate big data, you don’t even need supercomputing, you just need to use this thinking, even Excel can analyze a lot of them. Of course, the data must be structured, otherwise unstructured data is too uncomfortable for outsiders. I hope I can create more data science content with the help of professional high tools in the future!! I am looking forward to the prospect of big data!! Big data thinking is particularly important, which is a magic weapon to win, small to customer analysis, market trends, big to national policies and so on can be used, I hope Our country can catch up with this trend, become a data power, after all, China’s demographic dividend is still continuing, a huge number of people to create data is extremely considerable!

After the body

Big data is indeed a very promising direction, but it has not yet entered the real draught, the scope of application is not broad enough, slowly come. Maybe when I went out, I just stepped into the forefront of The Times?? Wow ka ka ka ka!! I hope I made the right choice! But I really feel the scary prospect of big data! Looking forward to you, I’m the tentative project topics for the “big data industry”, the name, because mechanical college educational administration department to mechanical or related, “send you is our mechanical college degree, not a computer college, so if it is too wide of the mark, maybe give you a low score, if when the time comes for a project score not good can’t push from graduate school of policy, That you can’t go to graduate school “I rely on, but it also makes sense, so after learning big data, my maiden battle on the industrial big data, recently want to do what, should be the machine tool data analysis in the production process, but the specific content has not been decided, the follow-up also want to pay close attention to. I really want to go to the lab, but the big boss has no such intention, so scared ah!!