HTML determines the structure of the page, CSS determines the style of the page, and JS determines the behavior of the page

HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) : Hyper Text Markup Language

HTML is the root node of all tags

The head tag is the header of the document

The title tag is the title of the document

The body tag is the body of the document

1. Double tags such as ,

2. Single labels such as


HTML Tag relationship

Common HTML tags 1. Layout tags

2. Title tags: Head title H1-H6

3. Paragraph tags:

4. Horizontal label: < HR />

5. Newline tag:

6. Div span tags

7. Text formatting labels: Bold: or ; Italics: < I >
or ; Add a stripper label: or ; Underline labels: or

Tag attribute syntax format: < tag name attribute 1= “attribute value 1” “attribute 2=” attribute value 2 “> Content </ tag name >

1. Tags can have multiple attributes and must be written in the start tag after the tag name. 2. Order between attributes. Label names and attributes and between attributes are separated by Spaces. 3. The attribute of any label has a default value. If the attribute is omitted, the default value is used.


attribute Attribute values describe
src URL Path of image
alt The text Replacement text for images that cannot be displayed
title The text What is displayed when the mouse is hovering
width pixel Sets the image width
height pixel Sets the height of the image
border digital Sets the width of the image border

The link label

text or image

The a tag represents the hyperlink, the href attribute specifies the target address to jump to, and the target attribute specifies how to jump to. The default value is _self

_self indicates the current page to jump, and _blank indicates the new page to jump

<! <span> Line level label container </span> <span> Second line level label </span> <! Auto --> <div> Block level tag 1</div> <div> Block level tag 2</div> <! Any row-level tag and block-level tag can be converted to each other.Copy the code

The anchor point positioning



Base tag Basic

Base You can set the open state of the whole link. Base Is written between the head. Special characters: space: &nbsp < < sign: &lt,> > sign: &gt

Comment tags

Comment shortcut: CTRL +/ or CTRL + Shift +/ CTRL +/ The generated comment will comment out the entire contents of the current line. CTRL + Shift +/ will generate a comment tag in the current position. The default width is 100% (it occupies one line by default). For example, H1-H6 tags, P tags, DIV tags, and HR tags. B is short for bold. Strong indicates emphasis. In special cases, the content of the strong label is read aloud

The path

Relative path:

Relative path is the path that this file is in relative to other files meaning the path from the current path

Example :JaveScript/day20/ code / 01.login cases.html

Absolute path: the path starting from the drive letter

For example: C: \ Windows \ System32 \ CMD exe

The action attribute controls the address of the submission server. If no value is given, the submission type is given to the method attribute: GET or POST. Default is GET7

Differences between GET and POST When A GET submission is submitted, the form content is displayed in the address bar. When a POST submission is submitted, the address bar does not display the form content. Post is more secure than GET, but not completely secure