The reason for writing this article is that I hope to give you some reference for finding a job. At present, the whole industry environment is very depressed, and many students are facing the pressure of finding a job. Over the weekend, I talked with several friends who were planning to change jobs. Maybe many of them had not changed jobs in recent years and had some uncertain questions about the process of changing jobs, so I summarized the questions we talked about over the weekend.

This article is just a snapshot of what happened before and during the interview. Out of respect for the company and the interviewer, questions and salary will not be disclosed.

There is an introduction of the team I work for and a real feeling of entry in the post. If you need to promote, you can chat with me privately on wechat Dengzhuli1 or directly send your resume [email protected]

Let’s start with what we’re interested in

This time, I met with 5 companies and went through 16 rounds of technical interviews and 5 rounds of HR interviews for two and a half months.

Timeline for your reference:

  • Starting to brush questions at the end of October;
  • Attend the first interview in late November;
  • Received formal offers in late December;
  • Joined the new company at the end of February;

That said, if you’re working, be prepared for a long interview, during which there will be a lot of communication.

Let’s get down to business here

Take every job change seriously

When I talked with my friends over the weekend, I found that everyone had been thinking about a question: should I leave or not? A long time ago, Jack Ma said, employees leave nothing more than two points: 1, the money is not in place; Heart wronged; But the Internet is developing so fast, I think these two are no longer applicable. When chatting, I found that few of us talked about money, and most of them wanted to leave because of anxiety. When the current environment could not support them to overcome anxiety, job-hopping was the only path left. Everyone will have different reasons for wanting to change their environment, and there are several questions to ask before making a decision:

  • Is there a promotion ceiling on your team?
  • Is what the team is doing competitive in the industry?
  • Does the salary level address your dissatisfaction?

If two of the above three items are satisfied, there is a high probability that the idea of leaving will occur. Therefore, if job-hopping new company must be able to solve the above problems plaguing you, otherwise in vain.

❤️ THE reason for my resignation is that the company is too far away from home and the one-way commute time is too high. It is not for other reasons. Please rest assured ❤️

How to prepare?

The best way to prepare is to not prepare, and your day-to-day work experience will be the focus of the interview. But how is it possible for everyone to do that? So we need some skills to compensate. Before the interview, we should do the following things:

  • Choose the right platform and department;
  • According to the work content of the department, integrate your most suitable projects into the resume;
  • Brush basic knowledge and algorithm questions;

Before the interview, we should think about which company we want to work for. What are the characteristics of these companies? I divided the companies I applied for into three categories: a) the current hot companies; B) a company that has always been popular; C) a company that will be very popular in the future; Other types of companies are out of the picture for now. These companies will have many internal teams, which can be broadly divided into business teams, infrastructure teams and special teams. Optimize your resume for your target team. Don’t put mismatched projects on your resume. Focus on specific projects that match you. For example, if I want to work on the infrastructure team, the business projects I have worked on will not show up on my resume. You may only know what kind of team you fit into. Basic knowledge is also important. If your project is excellent and well-matched, chances are that the interview will go well, but if the basic knowledge is not good, then the grading may not be ideal. I have brushed a total of about 20 algorithm questions, easy level. During the interview, the proportion of the algorithm’s answers can account for about 50%, and the other 50% basically has some shortcomings and is not the answer the interviewer wants.

According to my recent interview experience, 60%~70% of the interviewer’s energy is devoted to the questions of technical projects, the other 20%~30% of the time is on the basic knowledge, and the proportion of algorithm is about 10%~20%.

How to write a resume?

Have you ever received or written a similar resume?

Personal introduction


List of skills

Proficient in Runtime, runloop, XXX;

Proficient in XXXXX;

Familiar with XXXX.


Project experience


Introduction: XXX APP is to do XXXX….


Responsible for XXXX, performance optimization, etc.

To be honest, once as an interviewer, I got most of the same resume, it was really a headache, every time I need to dig out the question point, otherwise everyone has to ask the runtime again? So what should and shouldn’t be on your resume?

✅ company awards and honors

✅ Deeply researched technical points

✅ Technical project matching the position

✅ excellent original article or Github

❌ Unfamiliar technology

❌ non fresh students write the award certificate of student times

❌ introduces the functions of APP in great length

❌ short-term surprise copy hydrology and ten thousand years inactive GitHub

How to send a resume?

Currently, there are three popular delivery methods:

  • push
  • headhunters
  • Their delivery

If the person pushing in can reach the target department directly, then it is best to choose to push in. If you can’t directly contact the target department, then you can choose a headhunter, a reliable headhunter can still play a lot of help.

Here are some tips for an interview

  • Don’t change the interview time frequently without special circumstances;
  • You can enter the interview room five to ten minutes early;
  • Don’t be impatient during the interview;
  • The interview will certainly encounter not the problem, if not to the conclusion, then you can give ideas or methods can also;
  • Make good use of your introduction. It’s not about who you are, it’s about what you’re good at, or what you can do.

Some questions after the interview

  1. How many rounds of technical interviews? — Most of my encounters are in a 3 + 1 format, with 3 rounds of technical interviews and 1 HR interview.
  2. How often will you be informed of the results of the interview? — As soon as the day, as slow as about 3 working days, except special circumstances.
  3. Is there anything I should pay attention to in HR? — The focus of the interview is different from that of the technical interview. The technical interview may only ask about your technical projects in the last two years, but the HR will ask about your reasons for leaving, career plans and so on, company by company, starting from graduation.
  4. How are grades calibrated? If the company offers you a lower rank, give it up, or you’ll have to struggle for years.
  5. Feel oneself answer of bad, be certain to hang up? — No.
  6. What else should I pay attention to? — In the interview to observe the interviewer, from the interviewer’s questions or the focus of the investigation can roughly understand the character of the team. It’s all by the seat of your pants.

Team introduction and on-boarding experience

Team to introduce

I am a trill based technology team, yes, full sharing is years ago live | five trill engineer reveal trill iOS based technology (attached PPT and video playback) [1] of the team. There are a lot of great people in the team, and the things they do are very challenging.

Location: Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Guangzhou, Shenzhen

If you need to push in, you can contact me at [email protected]

In feeling

At present, I have been employed for nearly 3 weeks. Since last week, I have been able to independently investigate and follow up some difficult problems. Although it is only a small thing, it is the first time for me that the transplanted saplings glow with new buds, which is quite happy. In addition, I have several obvious feelings after joining the company:

  • The working hours are not as exaggerated as the rumor outside. On Friday and daily, the working time is about 6 o ‘clock, and on other weekdays, the working time is about 2-3 hours later.
  • There was a small ritual to the induction, unlike the rumor that you’d come in in the morning and lose a pile of documents and leave in the afternoon. After the arrival ceremony, you will also be taken to the brother team for introductions.
  • The tools and platforms are robust and easy to use, and the documentation is good.
  • You don’t clock in, which means no one counts your attendance and you just get things done.
  • Requires a certain amount of self-drive.

On the whole, I feel very satisfied after entering the job, which is consistent with the expectation. The spring of 2022 has arrived, I hope you can get a satisfactory offer in the spring ~

The resources


Full review | five trill engineer reveal trill iOS based technology (attached PPT and video playback) :…