We all had that fantasy when we were younger

The incarnation of a swordsman to travel rivers and lakes

Save lives in distress

But do you know what it takes to be a warrior?

Today, follow GaussDB(for openGauss)

Reveal the secret of database warrior

Young kung fu, master taught

Huawei Cloud GaussDB(for openGauss)

You can also call him Master Ku

Since childhood by the master Gauss under the door

Since childhood determined to be in the master such as forest of relational database wulin

Break out a day, become a generation of chivalry

Hard practice, practice magic

After the guidance of famous teachers and their own hard practice

Master Ku after 13 years of practice six unique moves

[The first move: a thousand miles – high availability]

Two – three – center architecture design

Cross-region data DISASTER recovery in real time

Ensure high availability of data wherever you are

Realize full stack without single point of failure

Not only can achieve strong distributed consistency, data 0 loss

In addition, disaster recovery costs can be effectively reduced

Recruit in place, and the largest degree to preserve their own strength

[Second trick: Open ecology — All Rivers run into Sea]

We have the best of many families and we have our own

Open the openGauss ecosystem

Avoid being locked into a closed ecosystem like traditional commercial databases

At the same time support and encourage other factions based on openGauss open capabilities

Since the creation of a school of its own martial arts secrets

[The third trick: Infinite God palm – Extreme Expansion]

Internal work based on distributed global transaction consistency optimization

In case of strong, the flow peak period can be expanded as needed

Scalability up to 1000+

In addition, online redistribution of fragmented data is added

Pb-level massive transactional storage will be done in minutes

A thousand men and a thousand horses can handle it

[The fourth trick: Lingbo micro-step – excellent performance]

With distributed optimizer +Numa- Aware technology heart method support

In the prestigious TPC-C and TPC-H and other test rankings in the top

Excellent performance under enterprise-class loads

Pian if jing Hong, wan if you dragon

Gives a sense of lightness and speed

[Fifth trick: Mixed power – rich enterprise-level features]

The ancients cloud: cunning rabbit three caves, get to avoid its death

The more tricks, the more power, the better the ability to protect themselves

That’s exactly what happens when you create your own set of abilities

For example, it applies to enterprise scenarios such as HTAP mixed load and single sharding deployment mode

It has autonomous AI capabilities such as intelligent diagnosis and index recommendation

No matter how complicated it is, you can get away with it

[Sixth trick: Invulnerable – high security]

Attack is the best chance and defense is the best strategy

Chivalry should have the cultivation of advancing and retreating and defending and combining attack and defense

Master library supports TDE transparent encryption, full secret state, tamper-proof and other security technologies

Inherited 10 + years of r & D management experience from Master Gauss

Including 100% intellectual property in the core code

Code level problem fixes for all modules of the product

And architecture optimization ability

Can easily face all kinds of arrows

Beat the world, upgrade the strange

Master Ku down the mountain, all the way chivalry

A short period of fame, martial arts are also constantly improved

So I decided to make an appointment with two relational database masters

Traditional relational database and distributed database middleware

Top of the Forbidden, three, four moves to win

▲GaussDB(for openGauss) VS traditional relational database editing

▲GaussDB(for openGauss) VS Distributed database middleware editing

Help the world, for the country and the people

For many years, Master Ku has reached the summit of wulin

In this vast river and lake, there is no enemy

He decided to follow his example

The man of chivalry is for his country and people

Open the capability of commercial GaussDB(for openGauss) to the entire network

Let finance, government and enterprises learn, use and experience

Provide unlimited new power for enterprise digital transformation