Hello everyone, I am cold grass ๐Ÿ˜ˆ, a grass system code ape ๐Ÿ’. Intermittent hot blood ๐Ÿ”ฅ, continuous sand carving ๐ŸŒŸ. If you like my article, you can follow โž• to like, and grow with me ~

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Time flies, looking back has been a spring, summer, autumn and winter

This article shares an ordinary programmer’s mental process and a little experience, as a commemorative work of one year

Hello, everyone, I am cold grass, I am a program in Beijing has been working for a year of apes, I have spent a complete spring, summer, autumn and winter in the capital of our motherland, when I was a child did not go to what field, has been looking forward to come to the North to the wide struggle to make their own world.

But really came to Beijing, most of us have experienced is not so in the two blood passion years, but also will experience trouble, pressure. But experience makes you grow, and I’m here in Beijing, I’m here, I’m here, I’m here, I’m here, I’m here, I’m here, I’m here, I’m here, I’m here, I’m here, I’m here, I’m here, I’m here, I’m here, I’m here, I’m here, I’m here, I’m here. I came here on July 23 last year. It has been a full year since today. During this year, I:

Summer walks past the lake in Chaoyang Park

Autumn is full of blue sky and white clouds

Walking down the street with the lights on in winter

In spring, the cherry blossoms in Yuyuantan are in riot

In the summer experienced a thunderstorm raid

I have been a front-end practitioner for a full year, and I have a lot of experiences and stories to share with readers. I hereby dedicate to all of you, to you in the prime of your life.

So, let’s get to the real chapter

Present cold grass

I and the front end of the story, to you confused

This article is a summary of my experience on the first anniversary of my work. As a front-end practitioner, I will start by telling my story with the front-end.

I know THAT I am not an outstanding front-end engineer, the future will be I do not know, but I am still far away, but just as an ordinary front-end practitioner, I have had a long not short story with the front-end.

I remember when I was a freshman, there was a free activity in our school, that is, you could learn products or front-end. Of course, everyone who is a prostitute doesn’t like it, so I chose front-end and followed it for a period of time, which was also my front-end enlightenment. Of course, I only knew simple HTML and CSS knowledge there.

That’s right! It is only the knowledge of HTML and CSS. At that time, MY friends and I attended it together, and we wrote a static page with HTML and CSS. The happiest thing at that time was to say to others, “Look, this is the page we wrote. I think that’s probably what influenced me to end up doing the front end. Interactive beauty is a wonderful thing to achieve by our own hands.

I’ve actually talked to a lot of front-end engineers about this, and I’ve been asked by a lot of front-end engineers why I chose a front-end, and I always have the same answer:

“There’s a sense of accomplishment in creating something beautiful.”

I believe that many people choose the front end for the same reason, because it lets us experience the sense of achievement, although I believe that making games, animation may give me a greater sense of achievement HHH, who is not a teenager who loves games.

Of course that’s why I’m going to be very involved with Commi-UI, and I’m going to continue to create great things.

But a lot of things will change. At that time, there was a defense after half a year of work, and the leader asked me why you did the front end, and MY answer was still the same, but I was silly for the following question:

“But what’s your goal when all the pages we’re doing are a bunch of forms and things like that?”

I did not answer at that time, because it was like a dimensionless blow, my world view suddenly changed, you may not know where I work, I work in a security industry head company, HHH, have you guessed ๐Ÿถ. No, I went on, I just felt a little confused, yeah, what I’m doing now doesn’t feel the way I wanted it to. I have been thinking about this for a long time, and it even seems to be a problem that affects my professional thinking, but NOW I probably understand something:

I want to bring more creative things to the industry, whether it’s starting to write articles or write open source projects, because when we get involved in an industry we may feel like it’s not what we want it to be, but we have more things worth doing.

It’s not just mechanical work but I start at the front end and I create at the front end

I left my true thoughts here in the hope that someone would be willing to engage with my thoughts.

Through half a year of spring and summer, writing journey

I began to post already over half a year, although I’m sure is the author of heat or a nothing, but found that I write this, I really feel a lot, whether to write the contents of the more exciting and to study the experience of meditation, or writing an article for a lot of interesting friends.

In fact, the original intention of my article may be that I think working outside needs some recognition, so I will be happy every time everyone likes or comments, so I look forward to everyone’s likes ๐Ÿ‘ and attention โž• oh, ha ha ha. Not only that, but also I hope to know more like-minded peers through writing articles. It is really important to have friends who work together.

I recommend every practitioner to write something anyway, the purpose can not let more people see (I am not so oh, I still hope more people see, just people don’t see it hey hey hey), I say here I think the benefits of writing an article to record it, from my experience of this half a year starting ha:

  • “Likes” from others are really positive feedback on learning, making you more motivated to learn
  • Learn to sort out the summary, help to improve themselves
  • You can meet some like-minded people
  • Exercise writing ability, although my writing style is ordinary now, but it is really progress ha ha ha
  • Of course, it’s possible that some bigwigs will actually build their own technological influence
  • .

As I’ve said before, I love the dream Eater comic. I think pure love and dreams are beautiful. I also want to make my career a little more pure, so:

For a pure career, start by sharing your writing

I speak from experience

The views expressed here are my own.

How do you communicate at work

Concise, clear, straightforward, eliminate unnecessary links, should be said and said.

When I just started to work, I really feel that everyone is a big guy, only I a small dish chicken ๐Ÿ”, a lot of things are afraid to mention, dare not say, afraid of being laughed at, afraid of being criticized. Don’t say what the server says (or if you’re a server or something), don’t say what the product says, people work together, have the same goal, even if you’re cute, you have the right to express your ideas.

Speaking up will give you more control at work.

What do you do when you suddenly have several things to do at once

There is something called the four quadrants of urgent importance that you can look at and establish your own style of doing things in a unified dimension. Here is my understanding:

First of all, we have a clear idea that people can deal with problems in parallel, not in parallel, and we have to deal with a lot of things one at a time. Then, we rank things according to their urgency and importance. Generally, the degree of urgency is more worthy of attention. We deal with problems in descending order of urgency, and consider the priority of equally urgent things according to their importance and duration. If things aren’t too urgent, prioritize tasks.

And, in my eyes, once you’ve started something, try not to switch to another task in the middle of it unless there’s a blocking problem that’s hard to personally push, or something extremely urgent that needs to be addressed. Because it takes time to switch events.

How to solve the problem of time conflict among participants

The thing is that a friend of mine was once scolded for being invited to a party. I thought about it and organized my thoughts.

First of all, the participants have priority, we should first to understand, which are the must attend, who can not attend, then we go to first arrange more key role in meetings, less important participants can also learn about the meeting conclusion by other means, such as meeting minutes or discussion document update related record.

What if there is a problem at work that goes beyond what you know

As cute new people, we are sure to encounter some problems beyond their own recognition, this time is actually a need to deal with the problem of a standard.

To put it plainly, it’s still a matter of time, so I think it’s a priority to solve the problem, and if you can quickly Google a solution, just do it yourself and record the problem (preferably with your own markdown). If not, prior to ask around or those who have had previous experience technology bosses () if he have time and willing to take a reason you, don’t waste a long working time exploring problems for this matter, I can control my eyes this time in an hour, if less task, of course, I’m screwing, task time is tight, I take a look at the direct exposure, look for a person to solve quickly. Anyway, in terms of the amount of work, the intensity of the work, to measure a threshold for yourself. The amount of time left to explore and solve the problem. But, finally, we must record the problem! And try to do this week, this week, do not leave a tail, to figure out the problem, understand, this is the process of improvement.

What about confusion of needs and difficulty in understanding

Have you all experienced such a situation, the project progress is chaotic, the requirements are not straightened out began to develop, or just took over a project, you do not understand the requirements, the results of the requirements, there are a lot of do not understand, a face muddled.

Anyway, I have, the product is not clear about the demand, or he has not confirmed the answer to some details, this period of demand began, so everyone does not take the initiative to promote the demand clear, it is very dangerous!

At that time, we began to everyone did not understand the demand on the beginning of MAO MAO manic, asked the server he looked meng, asked the test she also looked meng, asked the product is almost a day an answer to change to change to change.

Therefore, I directly pulled the server and tested the requirements for two or three days, wrote a lot of documents and legends, and finally entered the stable development process, and in my eyes, the completion and quality of the module which was extremely chaotic in the early stage exceeded our expectations.

Having had such experience, I have a few experiences to share with you, but it is one opinion, not necessarily correct:

  • If no one is taking the initiative, you should take the initiative to promote it

Trust me, if you take the initiative when everyone is confused, everyone will trust you more, you will be more active and more decision-making.

  • To be the one who understands the needs

Maybe a lot of front-end think, what the server gives me, I render what, for the requirements of understanding is not so important, but in fact, there is a difference between completing a task and doing a thing well, when you understand the requirements, you can do better optimization and coding, also help you increase the depth of the business.

  • Speak up

Say what you think, ask what you don’t know. Holding back will not let you grow, cowardice will lose the opportunity. If I ask a silly question, I will be laughed at and laughed at, but most of the people I know are very polite and easygoing.

Computer foundation, should learn after all

For those of you who know me well, most of my recent technical writing is related to basic computer science

Front-end study compiler principle (a) : compiler introduction grass department front-end hand touch hand with you to achieve regular engine, lit the summer’s most enthusiastic fireworks ๐Ÿ”ฅ

It is not because I think highly of myself or anything else, I am not good at computer foundation, but also while learning to share with you, just because I think these things are very necessary.

For those of us in the computer industry, the principles of compilation, the principles of computer composition, the operating system, the computer network, the introduction to algorithms, etc., may seem remote to us, but they are not. In fact, they are integrated into every aspect of the things we work with.

I’m not going to expand on that, but I’m going to start with the two subjects that I recommend to take first, or at least to take.

  • algorithm
  • The data structure

Here’s a saying:

Program = algorithm + data structure

Algorithms and data structures can be said to be part of our daily work to solve problems, to put it plainly. I don’t know how to describe it, my metaphor here is not right:

If we want to reuse some capabilities, we might abstract those capabilities from the view layer. The algorithms and data structures are the ability for us as computer practitioners to solve problems that can be reused outside of the programming language.

Clean coding is the professional quality of engineers

I think I’m not a coding habits how good people, but I want to try to put my code is to be as clean as possible, because we want to know one thing, coding is the process of working together, also is the interpersonal communication, not a stuffy dry, the code will not only be executed, also can be read.

In my eyes, the first thing to do is to establish good coding habits, and ensure coding quality is the professional quality that engineers should have. After all, everyone does not want to read the code like mountain of shit every day. Do not do to others what you do not want others to do to you, start with yourself.

My bitter experience with old code

Actually in the beginning, I have no feeling of code readability, but I just took over the project, it is shit mountain โ›ฐ ๏ธ, we imagine, a newly hired programmer, actually a piece of blank paper, actually may be a lot of,, after all, surface after watching a lot of documents to see over and over again, but may practice experience most people should be very scarce, An old hand might shudder at a nasty piece of code, but a new one might be even more stunned.

So I also experienced a painful experience, read code read nausea ๐Ÿคข experience, such pain as a new generation of engineers certainly can not let him reproduce in my successors, so I began my road of exploration, and swore:

The basics of my code are easy to read and clean.

It’s easy to do and raise huge points

I say so much nonsense, do not say how to improve is meaningless, code variables and functions occupy a large proportion, I here briefly introduce how to improve coding cleanliness in naming and functions, refer to the Code Clean road, book recommendation environment later in this chapter ๐ŸŒŸ.

Meaningful naming

  • All names have to be meaningful. Names tell you why they exist, what they do, and how they should be used.
  • Avoid misleading, variable method name and the actual meaning is not
  • Make meaningful distinctions,array1andarray2You tell me the difference with a name like that
  • Use pronounced names. It really works. Programming is a social activity.
  • Use names that are searchable. Names that are hard to find make it difficult to locate variables, method calls, etc
  • Meaningful numbers or strings in a program should be replaced with constants
  • Class and object names should be nouns or noun groups, and method names should be verbs or verb groups
  • There’s a word for each concept, and you can build a glossary of terms to refer to, so you can be consistent


  • Short: 20 top best
  • The function has to do one thing
  • Function parameters as few as possible
  • Use descriptive function names
  • Identification parameters are ugly and passing a Boolean value to a function is not recommended
  • Function names are verbs, arguments are nouns, and the order is guaranteed
  • No side effects, methods should not do anything outside the semantics of the method name

Books recommended

Good coding usually has certain characteristics, we want to code more elegant, the initial need for certain guidelines, and the guidelines can be obtained through professional books.

I once wrote an article about my coding experience and book recommendations: Clean Code and Refactoring is the first of several books:

  1. Clean code
  2. Refactoring: Improving the design of existing code
  3. Code 2

The order I’ve listed is the order in which the books are read. Because Codex 2 is really hard to read.

Tip: My article is really good quality, I recommend you to have a look, there are some interpretation and introduction of these books

A few words about clean coding

  1. When you’re responsible for a piece of code, make sure you leave cleaner than when you started:Law of the camp
  2. Even if no review is under your supervision, think about your code and you’ll grow faster, especially if you’re just starting out
  3. Having comments is no excuse to write junk code
  4. Before development, refactor the old code to better support your future code
  5. Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. The only good programmers are those who can write code that humans can easily understand.


Finally send everyone a word: people introspecting to understand, code introspecting to strong.

It’s one year. I have a date with the front end

Not much needs to be said about the future. About the present, full of energy

This is my memento ๐Ÿ’Ž, I usually look forward to this and that ๐ŸŒŸ here, but in fact about the future, I leave it to the future for the time being, I just know that now I will still be full of vitality ๐Ÿ”ฅ.

I may not be the foundation of the front end is solid, the computer foundation is still on the surface, but I will continue to share with you here, and you learn together, here to record my growth, my story.

Cold grass little brother, happy working anniversary duck ๐Ÿฆ†

Keep up the good work

Listen to the song, looking at the sky, riding to the red clouds

When I wrote this article, it was 2021-07-22. After a rain, the sunset in Beijing was particularly beautiful. I was riding my bike, looking at the sky and listening to the song.

Wish everyone’s future is red ~

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See you in the next article