At present, I am developing the background system of the company. There is a requirement that the background system configuration needs to be updated after modification. When I saw this requirement, I asked: what the hell??
The situation is like this: the system configuration of our project is in the database table, but the system configuration is used in so many places that it is impossible to check MySQL every time we need to configure, and the frequency of modification is not high, so it is completely unnecessary… So our configuration information will be read in the database when the service is started, loaded into memory, and then go directly to memory where the configuration is needed.
This is what we did before there was no backstage… Direct request service refresh memory interface, because it is a micro service will deploy multiple instances, your request will be distributed to one of the instances through load balancing, this time to which server I do not know, so directly take Postman repeatedly send multiple requests, no accident every service will go over.
The solution that I use below is not difficult, but still because step pit (be too dish) actually consumed me one afternoon of time, at that time cold sweat all come out , do of time already 11.10 afternoon, say to want double eleven before going on line…
Loading Configuration Information
Storage of system configuration (loading system configuration into instance memory when the service starts)
public class InitApplicationRunner {
private SystemConfigService systemConfigService;
public static Map<String, SystemConfig> SYSTEM_CONFIG = new HashMap<>();
public void init(a) {
// Save to memory
SYSTEM_CONFIG = systemConfigService.listSystemConfigs();
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Every time a request is made to read the system configuration, it goes to the InitApplicationRunner class to get SYSTEM_CONFIG and fetch the required configuration.
Implementation approach
I’m sending a message to my service that says: You’re going to refresh my configuration
The way RabbitMQ is usually used is that the service acts as a consumer and listens to a queue, which sends a message to the consumer: I’m asking you to do something
Boy! MQ is also the default polling mechanism for sending messages to a queue to one of the consumers, not to all the listening services. That is, the message queue is sent to service 1 this time, to service 2 the next time, to service 3 the next time, and then to service 4…
Breakthrough: each service binding a queue, there are several services that there are several queues, and then change the switch to broadcast FANout type, the message, the switch unified distribution of the message to all queues, so that all services will naturally receive the message.
All right, let’s do it, shall we?
The specific implementation
Guide rely on
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host: localhost
username: guest
password: guest
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The consumer declares that the queue is bound to the switch
Since each service needs a separate queue bound to it, the queue name cannot be written to death in the code. If the queue name changes, since it cannot be written to death in the code, it can be dynamically generated when the service is started.
When we bind the queue switch at service startup, we add a random number after the queue name so that each of our consumers has a queue to themselves.
However, thinking very simple, really write up, intelligent IDE with you say: even I this close all through!!
Boy! The value of queue name needs to be a fixed value.
String is a fixed value
What good would I want you for if I had to die?
Wait a minute… The queue name or “” for a generated queue name (default)
This value will be used as your queue name. If it is an empty string, a queue name will be generated, and its default value will be “”.
(To be honest, I only discovered this while writing this article… Crying)
All right, keep building!
Simply remove the name declaration
bindings = @QueueBinding(
exchange = @Exchange(name = "admin.ex", type = "fanout", autoDelete = "true"),
value = @Queue(durable = "true", autoDelete = "true")
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Switch: name admin.ex, type fanout, autoDelete = “true” means automatically deleted (once all queues are unbound from it, the switch will be deleted), and in our scenario, false is really not necessary.
Because the switch does not have the ability to store data, if the switch is not bound to any queues, the data sent to the switch will be lost; If the switch does not exist, the message will at least have an error log saying that the switch does not exist.
Queue: The name is not declared actively and is generated randomly. Durable = “true” Indicates persistent queues. In this scenario, it does not matter. It is added habitually.
AutoDelete = “true” denotes a queue that will be automatically deleted once all consumers have unlistened, which is also necessary for our current requirements.
Start multiple consumers
Service more open also do not copy the module, a little operation is good.
➤ Instead of restarting a class, open another service. We just need to change the port name before startup so that multiple instances will be running.
Our two queues are also created, with both names randomly generated by Spring.
Producer sends message
private RabbitTemplate rabbitTemplate;
public void refreshConfig(a) {
// fanout cannot be null if there is no routing key. If there is an empty string, the message will be passed with an empty string
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The consumer received the message successfully
Ok, the consumer has successfully received a message to refresh the configuration.
Harm, this writing method I also just discovered… So let me code it another way
Java native
Guide rely on
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The consumer declares that the queue is bound to the switch
public class MqListener {
private SystemConfigService systemConfigService;
/ * *
* Define the switch name
* /
private static final String EXCHANGE_NAME = "admin.ex";
public void msgHandler(a) throws IOException, TimeoutException {
// 1. Connect to RabbitMQ
ConnectionFactory factory = new ConnectionFactory();
Connection connection = factory.newConnection();
// 2. Get the channel object
Channel channel = connection.createChannel();
// 3. Declare the switch type (FANout) to be consistent with the producer
channel.exchangeDeclare(EXCHANGE_NAME, BuiltinExchangeType.FANOUT);
// 4.* Declare random queue
String queueName = channel.queueDeclare().getQueue();
// 5. Bind the queue switch
channel.queueBind(queueName, EXCHANGE_NAME, "");
// 6. Obtain information
channel.basicConsume(queueName, DefaultConsumer(channel) {
public void handleDelivery(String consumerTag, Envelope envelope, AMQP.BasicProperties properties, byte[] body) {"Queue [{}] refresh configuration", queueName);
InitApplicationRunner.SYSTEM_CONFIG = systemConfigService.listSystemConfigs();
// 7. Cannot close the connection (because you need to keep listening)
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The class is loaded when the consumer instance startsMqListener
, to be used withMQ
Connect (constantly open) and keep listening.
Start multiple consumers
The way is the same as above.
After startup, queues are created and their names are randomly generated.
Producer sends message
public void refreshConfig(a) throws IOException, TimeoutException {
// 1. Connect to RabbitMQ
ConnectionFactory factory = new ConnectionFactory();
Connection connection = factory.newConnection();
// 2. Get the channel object
Channel channel = connection.createChannel();
// 3. Declare the switch name and type (fanout)
String exchangeName = "admin.ex";
channel.exchangeDeclare(exchangeName, BuiltinExchangeType.FANOUT);
// The queue is not specified here. The queue is specified by the consumer
// 4. Publish the message with an empty string
channel.basicPublish(exchangeName, "".null."".getBytes("UTF-8"));
// 5. Close connections and channels
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The consumer received the message successfully
Anyway, Spring Boot is better. I’m going to change the code
The last
Is there a better way to communicate about the project’s system configuration loading in the comments section
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