This is a careful decision.

In fact, it’s a “decision,” not an “idea.” In some ways, I am a man of action, so I prepared the official account and then this article.

It’s called xy’s Technosphere, and now you can pick up your phone and give it a try. Yes, it seems sloppy, but it’s also straightforward, isn’t it? It is not an easy thing to think of a name for my slight difficulty in choosing!

This public number was the technical community formed by several of our friends before, and then the community did not continue to operate the plan, so now I changed my name and used it for myself. I went to see it yesterday, and there were about a hundred followers. Tried to post a tech blog, opened it today and found that it only got an awful low double digit number of views, haha ~

According to?

Why do you want to do the public number? Those of you who are frequent users of wechat moments may have noticed that I have been sharing a number of technical blogs that I have posted on my personal website in the last two months.

On the one hand, writing is one of my hobbies. Sharing knowledge can give me a sense of achievement. On the other hand, knowledge needs precipitation. After learning knowledge, I can produce technical blog, which can greatly deepen my impression and understanding of this thing.

After all, as the saying goes:

Only when you can speak to others to understand, you can say that you really understand.

Last year, I and several friends together to write a book on Java multi-thread open source GitBook – concurrent. Redspider. Group.

Later, I was doing my own personal website, from April 24 in the new version of the personal website published the first article, scattered some of their usual learning things. As of July 8, there have been 36 posts, mostly from tech blogs.

But creating a personal website is a very long process, you have to do your own SEO, and the retention rate of readers is actually very low. In today’s era of traffic is king, with the help of some larger platform is a good choice.

To be honest, wechat’s official account is a bit of a has-been. It’s closed, cumbersome in typography, and not as fast and cool as short videos like Douyin. But as a quiet platform to share knowledge, it’s appropriate. I also pay close attention to some technical public accounts, and I will take a look at them in my spare time.

In the past year or so, I have listened to a lot of sharing because I joined the company and the community. I have also made more than ten speeches and sharing. Understand the value of knowledge transfer, and slowly realize that I still have a lot to learn. Only when you learn more knowledge, can you share better and have more confidence in your speech.

The above is the main purpose I want to do the public account, of course, there are some other incidental value, such as can know more insiders, can enhance their personal influence and visibility, and can bring their own meager salary income and so on.


So what should the public account share? I actually looked at this stuff a few months ago, and even read books on basic operations. To sum up, content should be vertical. What I’m going to share is something in the technology area, mainly in the back-end development direction, which is a very vertical area.

To be specific, I will mainly share some original technical blogs in the direction of Java and DevOps. The materials are mainly from my daily learning and accumulation. Of course, occasionally will reprint their own feel better articles or write a bit of technology beyond the article.

Although do technology to share the public number may not be so much audience, but they do not like to write other types of articles. In the past, when I participated in Jane’s 21-day writing challenge, I wrote several chicken soup articles and opinion articles, but later I deleted them because I didn’t like them.

So stick to the technical stuff

I was reluctant to do the public account before, always worried that what I wrote was not good enough, afraid of being sprayed, and afraid of writing wrong. Later, I posted dozens of articles on my personal website. I felt ok. A friend called me on wechat and told me that he had been following my website and urging me to update it. I feel honored.

As one of the great books I read when I was learning to write, Live Again: Writing to Tune your Mind, beginner writers tend to think their writing is crap, so they don’t want to write, which is a big mistake. Must dare to write, write more, in order to improve their level. Of course, at the same time also want to read more and learn more, have enough knowledge input, in order to have a good article output.


To be honest, writing a tech blog is not an easy task. It is much more difficult than I wrote this “advertorial”, and it takes more time and energy.

After all, as knowledge transfer articles, you have to try to be accurate and comprehensive, but also have a certain depth, can not be copied from books or online on the search of things, need to have their own thinking and summary.

Sometimes you need to write some case code or draw some structure diagrams, which takes more time. So updates may not be as frequent.

According to these two months in the frequency of their own personal website published, a little effort, two a week should be able to do. So for this public account, my promise to myself and my readers is at least two original tech blogs a week. I don’t know how long I can do this, so I want to set a small goal: one year

Maybe I feel a little slack recently, so I want to use the public account as a driving force to drive myself to keep learning new knowledge. As it says in Deliberate Practice:

There is no such thing as “strong willpower.” It’s just that the rewards for achieving your goals are too small and the penalties for failing are too light.

For the public account, the reward is a spiritual sense of achievement plus a little material benefits; The punishment is public scrutiny and vanity.

The article will be written in the morning, when the mind is clear and there is more time. But will be sent in the evening, one can review their own, improve the quality of the article, the evening we also have a bit more time.

The launch will still be on the personal website, and then synchronized to the public wechat account. Of course, it will also sync to other platforms. Currently under consideration are nuggets, CSDN, simple books, MOOC, etc.


Em… Said so much nonsense, finally push a wave of public number: XY technology circle, form a complete set of technical communication group.

Welcome the attention of insiders.