You only see the second floor, and you think I’m the first floor, when I’m actually the fifth. – teacher ma

You only saw me looking at my computer, but you thought I was working overtime, when in fact I was playing a game. – I

Work overtime all day occasionally also busy inside steal idle! Is it sweet?? Leer. JPG

1. Snake Web page version

2, lianliankan web version

3. Maps of the Four Great Classics

4. Fake system upgrade

Is there something insidious in this picture??

Matched with the “F11” full screen, really can be fake ah!

5. Maze Generator

6. You can play games when you are off the Internet

Broken network? Then open Chrome to play the game, press the space bar small dinosaurs can run, or use the “up and down direction key” can also control small dinosaurs ~~~


Pay attention to the public account “touch fish little assistant”, reply to “touch fish”, the system will send you all the links above oh!