Recently, see such a message on the net, caused programmer this circle many sensation.

“I am a software developer, 45 years old, proficient in various technology systems… And I quit and went home and came back six months later, and it was hard to get an interview.”

The screenshots of specific questions are as follows:

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When a 45-year-old middle-aged man, need to be forced by life to what situation, can summon up the courage to publicly on the Internet for help to tell their helplessness.

This moment, the middle-aged programmer is not easy, reflect incisively and vividly

The 45-year-old man is a living example of the so-called “iron rice bowl”, which used to be used to describe jobs with stable jobs and secure income.

At the same time, it also reminds us that in this era, nothing is certain and nothing is easy. We have to work hard to get out of our comfort zone, and we can get an iron rice bowl in the real sense.

Why are older employees discriminated against?

In my opinion, there are many reasons:

35 years old programmers, in this industry at least more than 10 years, if a person in a field of 10 years + has not achieved good results, and engaged in the work is completely substitutable, what it means must be clear to everyone, the company does not support the dead body of the staff.

Programmers seem to be a highly skilled profession.

In fact, the technology is so perfect and mature that most of the time the programmer’s job is relatively unchallenging.

Q: Why do programmers get paid $10,000 a month when their job is to copy code from Stackoverflow? A: The skill value of copying code is 1 yuan. The skill value of knowing which piece of code to copy to what location is 9999 yuan.Copy the code

With Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V, a programmer can handle 80% of development scenarios, and this ability is highly replaceable.

In such a comfort zone, it is normal to be eliminated at a certain age if you are not motivated.

It’s not your age that counts, it’s the capacity that age carries.

“Interviewing for a 25-year-old job with a 35-year-old’s resume,”

Due to the monotonous skills of the programmer industry (only business logic needs to be filled in under the standardized technical framework), the programmer’s skills cannot be effectively improved, and it is easy to fall into the comfort zone in a relatively comfortable working environment.

If you are 35 years old and your skills are not much different from those of a 25-year-old, you can understand how companies will choose.

Some people can’t see the future; Some people see the future at a glance.

In a rapidly changing society, the era of “one trick, eat the sky” has passed. Only by continuing to learn effectively can we survive in such a changing environment!

The Portuguese poet Fernando Pessoa once said, “The biggest difference between people is whether you really live more than 10,000 days or live only one day and repeat it 10,000 times.”

For enterprises, the cost of older programmers is high, the family is much more short, difficult to manage.

It is known to all that the salary of programmers increases with the accumulation of working experience and skills, which is a big expense for domestic enterprises. Instead, young programmers can do more work for less.

With the increasing standardization of technology, enterprises gradually reduce the ability requirements of software talents, and personnel substitutability is also gradually increasing.

Take the development of IT infrastructure as an example. From traditional software IT architecture to PAAS, IT means that the maintenance cost of hardware facilities and software operating environment facilities has been greatly reduced.

With the continuous evolution of micro-service architecture, enterprises can hand over all kinds of problems in micro-service architecture to SideCar. Nowadays, cloud computing and containerization are becoming increasingly mature, and the architecture based on ServiceMesh service grid is also developing rapidly.

In the future? Enterprises only need to pay attention to their own business logic, the complexity of software and hardware, all leave to the cloud!

Internet companies are fast paced, and many require employees to be able to work overtime, where programmers over 30 have little advantage.

Energy, reflexes, and physical strength all decrease with age.

And the Internet is a fast-paced industry, product line iteration is all agile, so it is normal for programmers to work overtime.

Older programmers, on the other hand, are obviously unable to meet the demands of high-intensity overtime work.

Many company programmers, for many years has been in the grassroots development positions, knowing that eating is youth rice but no enthusiasm to learn new technology is not the pursuit of promotion, blindly immersed in the “code farmer is very bitter” mindset and anxiety about layoffs, unable to catch up with the pace of the development of the Internet, so it was laid off. After all, the society is cruel and relatively fair. According to statistics, there are more than 100,000 computer science and technology graduates in China every year, and even primary school students have begun to attend remedial programming classes.

The advantage of older programmers is experience, thinking, and a framework for solving problems. ** These have been tested in years of experience and practice, compared with young people at a loss, older programmers can find the most appropriate solution in the fastest time when they encounter problems.

As a senior programmer, we should realize our advantages, expand our influence as much as possible, keep working enthusiasm, win a sense of achievement by hard work, and form a positive cycle of “effort – harvest – more effort”.

I want to say, it is never too late to learn, those who study hard will have a better future.

Where do programmers go after 35?

Some people say that programmers after the age of 35, some turn to the traditional industry, some start a business or choose to freelance, some do wechat business, and some are in the full-time stock market.

The following picture is a joke circulating on the Internet. It is obvious that the age of 35 has become an obstacle for working people to overcome.

Anyway, in my opinion, 35 is definitely not the age to be a programmer.

Life is very long, walking on the road, we remember to use practical action to greet this era: I will try my best to walk in front of you!

Constantly improve their “rocket” ability is the key, do not be the volume of people, become volume of others is king.

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