Since I am not familiar with mobile terminal development, I choose React Native. After all, any application that can be implemented using JavaScript will eventually be implemented using JavaScript 😄. Since I do not have a Mac developer account, I only pack Android
Installation environment
The complexities of the React Native installation environment can make you give up before you even get started
Environment installation must follow the official document process step by step, remember! Remember that! Remember that!
The Windows platform
If we use Windows as the development environment, we can only develop Android apps. Necessary dependencies:
V12 or later is requiredJDK
The version must be 1.8 or 8Android Studio
The Android environment
- downloadAndroid StudioConfirm that the following items are selected:
- Android SDK
- Android SDK Platform
- Performance (Intel ® HAXM)
- Android Virtual Device
- Android SDK: SDK Manager can be found in the welcome screen, install Android 9 (PIE)
Before using the environment installation must be in accordance with the official document, otherwise there will be a variety of exceptions will make people directly want to give up using, installation environment mainly pay attention to Android Studio installation.
MacOS platform
If we develop on MAC, we can develop both IOS and Android apps.
IOS environment
Necessary dependencies:
V12 or later is requiredwatchman
Is a tool provided by Facebook to monitor file system changes. Installing this tool can improve development-time performance (Packager can quickly catch changes to files for real-time refreshes)Xcode
You can find direct download on the App StoreCocoaPods
Installation may require turning over the wall, if there is no wall to turn over, need to try more, or inTry again when the night is quietNot yet yesDirect to your own cellular networkTry again. If that doesn’t work, tryThe method of this article- Execution may be required when the project is first run
pod install
Go to the ios directory and run Pod Install to throw an exception
This is also because the dependent packet needs to climb over the wall, resulting in network exceptions. It may be thrown after trying to use the mobile network
After executing sudo xcode-select –switch /Applications/ xcode. app in the project, execute pod Install again
The above installation is recommended to use the mobile network, if the download is abnormal, try several times, try several times, try several times, until the installation is successful
Hello World
Once we have installed the above set of environments, if all goes well, we can prepare the initial project and run a Hello World. We need to open the Android emulator before running the project
Run the project
npx create-react-native-app rn-project
cd rn-project
yarn android
Copy the code
If everything goes well, a CMD box will pop up. This project cannot be closed when running. It is a Node listening service.An interface appears on the emulator
Congratulations, you’re halfway through your long march!
Exception handling
Abnormal JAVA_HOME
An exception was thrown when the command was compiledWe need to find the JRE directory under the Android Studio installation directory
Set the system variable JAVA_HOME
Two records must be added to the corresponding PATH
Copy the code
Reopen CMDThe successful running
Abnormal app: installDebug
An exception is thrown 在 androidView in directory
File, not own a new one, specifiedandroid sdk
The installation directory
Copy the code
Text strings must be rendered within a component
- Comments in lines of code are removed
- The Text component needs to determine the value, not an empty string
{province ? <Text className="province">{province}</Text> : null}
Copy the code
How to debug
The development platform used here is the Window environment
Third party simulator
React Native debugging is availableAndroid Studio
Built-in simulator
Third-party emulators can also be used; The lightning simulator is used here
- Open emulator debug mode: Apply Settings -> About Tablet -> Click version number 5 times in a row -> USB Debug
- Connection simulator
win + r
Then open thecmd
The adb connect
- Different emulators have different port numbers
- Run in the project root directory
yarn android
If adb is not a command, you need to add environment variables. Go to the Platform-tools directory in the Android Studio JDK installation directory
Click more -> Shake -> Debug
Chrome debugging
All mode can open the address http://localhost:8081/debugger-ui/ to look at it
Real machine commissioning
This refers to Android phones
- Need to open the mobile phone USB debugging mode, directly connect the data line to the computer
- Project root:
yarn android
After the project is successfully started, you will see the program started on your mobile phone. If you need to debug, you need to shake your mobile phone to see the pop-up box
Select Debug to Debug using Chrome
The Debugger plugin is very powerful. Use:
- Shut down all of the Chrome http://localhost:8081/debugger-ui/ page (RN) default debugger tool)
- Download the React-Native Debugger application
Android Studio
** ** in the simulatorNexus S
Because the model has a menu key, higher versions of the simulator usually don’t.- Use shortcut keys
You can also open the menu bar.
Cross domain processing
After looking up more than half of the data, it is recommended to use Nginx to do reverse proxy processing
The animation library
React Native doesn’t support CSS3 animations, so we used its built-in Animated library for animations
Type values
Provides two types of values that can be bound to styles and other properties
- Animated.Value() for a single Value
- Animated.ValueXY() for vector values
Configuration of the animation
Animated offers three animation types. Each animation type provides a specific function curve that controls how the animation value changes from the initial value to the final value:
- The initial speed specified by Animated. Decay () starts changing, and then slows down until it stops.
A basic spring physical model is provided.- Animated. Timing () moves the values over time using easing.
In most cases you should use Timing (). By default, it uses a symmetric easeInOut curve that gradually accelerates the object to full speed and then stops by gradually slowing down.
Use animation
Start animation by calling the start() function.
A function can pass in a callback function that notifies the caller when the animation is complete- Normal operation complete, callback value
{ finished: true }
- call
Function ends, callback value{ finished: false }
Custom animation components
You can animate any React component by encapsulating it with createAnimatedComponent
Loading animation
Implementation effect
Go straight to code
import React, {useRef, useEffect} from 'react';
import {View, StyleSheet, Animated, Easing} from 'react-native';
const Loading = () = > {
let spinAnim = useRef(new Animated.Value(0));
const loadingAnim = () = > {
Animated.timing(spinAnim.current, {
toValue: 1.duration: 1500.easing: Easing.linear,
useNativeDriver: true,
}).start(({finished}) = > {
if (finished) {
spinAnim.current.setValue(0); loadingAnim(); }}); }; useEffect(() = > {
// Map 0-1 values to 0-360 degrees
const spin = spinAnim.current.interpolate({
inputRange: [0.1]./ / input value
outputRange: ['0deg'.'360deg']./ / the output value
return (
<View style={Styles.loading}>
<View style={Styles.loader}>
transform: [{rotate: spin}],},]} >
<View style={Styles.loaderBallHook} />
const Styles = StyleSheet.create({
loading: {
width: '100%'.height: '70%'.display: 'flex'.justifyContent: 'center'.alignItems: 'center',},loader: {
display: 'flex'.justifyContent: 'center'.alignItems: 'center'.height: 35.width: 35.borderRadius: 35.backgroundColor: '#FE9727',},loaderBall: {
position: 'relative'.height: 30.width: 30.borderRadius: 30.// animation: spin 2s ease infinite,
loaderBallHook: {
position: 'absolute'.zIndex: 1.left: 5.height: 7.width: 7.backgroundColor: '#fff'.borderRadius: 7,}});export default Loading;
Copy the code
Packaging releases
Packaging APK
Android packaging refer to the official website process
Generating a Signing Certificate
Android Studio to generate
It can be generated according to Google Docs. Sync Project with Gradle Files: Generate signed APK
You can then see Generate signed APk in the Build TAB
Command to generate
In addition to automatically generating certificates using Android Studio, you can also execute commands to generate certificates
keytool -genkey -v -keystore myApp.keystore -alias myApp.keystore -keyalg RSA -validity 30000
Copy the code
Parameter meaning
parameter | meaning |
keytool | Tool name (fixed) |
)-genkey | Generating a digital certificate |
-v | Print the detailed information about the generated certificate |
-keystore myApp.keystore | The generated certificate file is called “myapp. keystore”(set your certificate title as required) |
alias myApp.keystore | The alias of the certificate is “myapp.keystore”. |
(Usually the same as the file name above, can be different, but remember, the signature will use **(A)**) | |
-keyalg RSA | RSA is used to generate key files. |
-validity 3000 | The validity period of the digital certificate is 30,000 days, after which the certificate becomes invalid |
Follow the instructions step by stepFinally, a key certificate is generated
Set the gradle variable
- Copy the generated certificate to the project
directory - Edit project
Copy the code
Adding signature Configuration
Modify android/app/build. Gradle
signingConfigs { ... release { storeFile file(MYAPP_RELEASE_STORE_FILE) storePassword MYAPP_RELEASE_STORE_PASSWORD keyAlias MYAPP_RELEASE_KEY_ALIAS keyPassword MYAPP_RELEASE_KEY_PASSWORD } } buildTypes { debug { signingConfig signingConfigs.debug } release { signingConfig signingConfigs.release ... }}Copy the code
Changing the Application Name
Modify/android/app/SRC/main/res/values/strings. The XML file
<string name="app_name">The application name</string>
Copy the code
Modify application Icon
Replace the ICONS in the following directories with required ICONS. It is recommendedAndroid Studio
The signature is packaged
Go to the/Android root directory and run./gradlew assembleRelease
After the success can be in/android/app/build/outputs/apk directory to find the apk after packaging
Can be manually installed to android real machine
Exception handling
- appear
Error: Cannot create directory .. \mergeDebugResources\merged.dir\values
Execute the command
cd android
./gradlew clean
cd ..
yarn android
Copy the code
Overall, the development is still very adapt, but the front of the environment installation is really a bit of dissuasion 😄, welcome to download the Android terminal to try