Related work

Font Tian translated this article on 23 December 2017

Hyperopt related software links, and commonly used Bayesian optimization tools.

Use the Hyperopt software

  • Hyperopt-sklearn – Optimizes using hyperopt cross-SkLearn estimator (Work In Progress).

  • Hyperopt – Convnet – Optimized Convolutional Architecture for Image classification (Work In Progress) \

    • Used in Bergstra, Yamins and Cox (ICML 2013).
  • Hyperopt-dbn-optimized Deep Belief Network (coming soon) \

    • For Bergstra, Bardenet, Bengio and Kegl (NIPS 2011) \

      • For Bergstra and Bengio (JMLR 2012)

Other software on Bayesian optimization

  • SMAC – Sequential model-based algorithm configuration (based on regression tree).
  • Gaussian process SMBO in Spearmint-Python.
  • BayesOpt – Bayesian Optimization Toolbox Should other software be listed here? File a github ISue to add it.