Installation environment

That leaves almost 80 percent of the people stuck, too many holes. First, look at the official website and follow the steps :(using Ubuntu16.04 as an example)

  1. First you have to update your Ubuntu:
# If there is a problem, it is basically your warehouse and network, use Aliyun or netease/Sohu, you can ping yourself which is the fastest. $ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get upgradeCopy the code

Once you’ve done that, start packing. First open the website preparation. Step by step through this page and look at my tips below.

  1. CURL sudo apt-get install cURL sudo apt-get install cURL

  2. Install the Docker. Here you can go directly to the docker official website to see the documentation: Ubuntu docker installation. This Docker installation is basically the most time-consuming pit. Write it later. It will be faster at night when the Internet speed is good. Version requirements: 17.062-CE or above

  3. Install the Docker Compose, this also has a website: Ubuntu install Docker – Compose. The version must be 1.14.0 or later.

  4. Install the Go language. This is also available on the website: Install Go in Ubuntu. This sometimes access also has a problem, the wall is too thick 0.0. Remember to add a path after installation. Go has two paths: GOPATH (development environment, which is the common one, where you need to locate bin) and GOROOT (project path). Version 1.10 x

  5. Installation Node. Js. Just go to the official website and download the stable version. Version 8.9.x and above. LST (long-term support, stable version). This comes with NPM.

  6. To install Python. Ubuntu usually comes with it, just notice the difference between python2.7 and python3. Version requirements python3.5.1 or higher (python3 is used for ubuntu)

There will be a lot of problems, mostly because of the Internet. I have a free tutorial on how to build a ladder, and I will write it for you. Git Clone next to fabric

  1. Access Install Samples, Binaries, and Docker Images. (2).
  2. Visit Building Your First Network (Most of the problems encountered in the process are related to Docker and the Network, you can go to Docker Chinese website to learn about the general operation)

(To be continued)