

Here is an excerpt from the official introduction of Hupu:

Hupu is a professional website for young men, covering the original news column video reports of basketball, football, F1, NFL and other events. It has a large life/film/esports/auto/digital online communication community, where you can talk about sports and interests.

2. Data description

Data sources used:

From January 1, 2018 to January 19, 2018, the total number of all posts in each sub-section of Hupu Forum pedestrian Street, excluding those with very little attention, is 3.3W+;

In the main road section of the above 3.3 million + posts, the total number of users is 2.3 million + after deduplication.

3. Analysis of Hupu Forum

1. Analysis of the activity of each section

Hupu community consists of 10 sub-forums, 380 sub-sections, daily Posting volume reached 70W+, which one is the most active? By comparing the amount of posts in each section, it can be found that in the large sub-forums [equipment forum] has the highest amount of posts, followed by [Pedestrian Street] and [NBA]. Of the 380 sub-sections, Sports equipment and Trading zone are the most popular, followed by Pedestrian street and Wet Topics. Among them, the posts of [equipment forum] account for nearly 70%, much higher than other posts, and [Pedestrian Street] is twice higher than [NBA].

It can be seen that the transaction attribute and social attribute are the key for Hupu to maintain the community heat and user activity.

Each major sub-forum posts accounted for ratio

Each sub-section post amount accounts for ratio

2. Analysis of pedestrian street Posting content

In addition to the trading section, [Pedestrian Street] and [NBA] are the most active sections of Hupu. The topics of [NBA Forum] generally focus on sports events, while [pedestrian Street] has strong social attributes. Through the analysis of [pedestrian Street], we can see what members of Hupu are paying attention to after sports events.


Iv. Hupu user analysis

1. User gender


2. Location of the user


3. Users’ sports hobbies


4. Daily stay duration


V. Analysis and summary

Generally speaking, hupu members are mainly young men and college students. They like basketball and other sports, and pay attention to NBA, Premier League and other ball games. But in the pedestrian community, their topics are not limited to sports, gossip, relationship counseling, etc.; And they stay in Hupu for a long time every day, so it can be said that the content of Hupu has well captured the current user group.

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