Huawei kunpeng server installed K3S + Rancher

Huawei Server Kunpeng

Huawei Kunpeng server adopts ARMv8 CPU architecture developed by Huawei and provides Windows and multiple Linux systems. As a server, I have always used Centos system (can anyone really use Ubuntu for production environment? Won’t you? Really?) . CentOS 7.6 64bit with ARM Read my previous post

Install the docker

Use ali Cloud warehouse installation or directly use script installation

Repos. D/centos-base. Repo /etc/yom.repos. D/centos-base - O/etc/yum. Repos. D/CentOS - Base. '# installation docker curl - fsSL | bash -s docker --mirror Aliyun sudo systemctl start docker sudo systemctl enable dockerCopy the code

Notice the Centos – altarch ali cloud warehouse address – this is the storehouse of arm64 script may not be able to download Can be replaced by

Configuration mirror accelerator

You can use Aliyun. Huawei Cloud and DaoCloud use the same method to change registry-mirrors to the corresponding acceleration address

sudo mkdir -p /etc/docker

sudo tee /etc/docker/daemon.json <<-'EOF'
  "registry-mirrors": [""]

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl restart docker
Copy the code

Change a configuration

K3s check-config displays that user_namespace is disabled

grubby --args="user_namespace.enable=1" --update-kernel="$(grubby --default-kernel)"
Copy the code

Takes effect after restart

Install the K3S script

export K3S_NODE_NAME=iot001
export INSTALL_K3S_EXEC="--docker --write-kubeconfig ~/.kube/config --write-kubeconfig-mode 666"
curl -sfL | INSTALL_K3S_MIRROR=cn sh -
Copy the code

K3S_NODE_NAME specifies the system name itself, causing incompatibilities such as hyphens

Install an NFS client

Yum -y install nfs-utils systemctl start NFS && systemctl enable NFSCopy the code

Install the rancher

#rancher docker run -d -v /data/docker/rancher-server/var/lib/rancher/:/var/lib/rancher/ --restart=unless-stopped --name Rancher-server -p 9443:443 Rancher/Rancher :v2.4.2-linux-arm64 echo https://$(curl the code

Rancher import k3s

See my previous article

Problems arising

  • Docker, K3S, and Rancher all support ARM64, but rancher’s monitoring and app Store images are largely arm64-free
  • Applications compressed with UPX will not run on arm64, nor will they run in Docker. It can be compressed with upX 3.96 (2020-01-23).
  • Incompatibility: Redis,redis image supports ARM64, but CentOS page size 64KB, mainstream Linux page size 4KB, and then crashed during startup (CentOS down whoop). Solution: Pull Redis warehouse from kunpeng CentOS system to reconstruct the image (select Hong Kong machine to construct the specific reason we understand, if you need the compiled image, please send me a private message)


  • Kunpeng servers use a homegrown ARM64 CPU, but few applications have arm64 versions now that the x86 market is dominant. If you want to migrate to Kunpeng server for production tasks, you must make sure that the software you rely on has arm64 version
  • At this stage, it is not recommended to use k3S + Rancher for business deployment in Kunpeng server, but k3S + customized configuration file can be used for business deployment alone. We recommend rancher to further optimize the ARM architecture and use it when the number of ARM architecture mirrors reaches a certain level in the application market
  • Good golang solution