This is the 29th day of my participation in the August Wenwen Challenge.More challenges in August

Why environment variables

In automated testing, environment variables are sometimes needed to achieve certain goals. Common scenarios include:

  • Switching test environment
  • Switching test Configuration
  • Storing sensitive data (from an information security perspective)

Setting environment Variables

In Linux

Using the export command

$ export UserName=admin
$ echo $UserName
$ export Password=123456
$ echo $Password
Copy the code

Or write variables in a file and source loads

In the Windows

Using the set command

> set a=666
> echo %a%
> 666
Copy the code

Use environment variables in HttpRunner

Using the env.


    name: "demo testcase"
        device_sn: "ABC"
        username: ${ENV(USERNAME)}
        password: ${ENV(PASSWORD)}
    base_url: ""
    output: [
Copy the code


name: demo api
    var1: value1
    var2: value2
    url: /phyger
    method: GET
        User-Agent: $user_agent
        Content-Type: "application/json"
        key: $var2
        username: $username
        pwd: password
Copy the code

Test Report:

Use system environment variables

For demonstration purposes, we delete variables in.env and use variables that already exist in the system


name: demo api
    var1: value1
    var2: value2
    url: /phyger
    method: GET
        User-Agent: $user_agent
        Content-Type: "application/json"
        key: $var2
        username: ${ENV(PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE)}
        pwd: ${ENV(OS)}
Copy the code

The test report

As shown in the figure, the system environment variables have been obtained.

Env and system variables exist at the same time


Test Report:

Conclusion: When. Env and system environment variables exist together,. Env takes precedence over system environment variables.


Environment variables usually exist as specific immutable contents within each environment, and from this point on, we can set variables of this property that we need to use in our projects to environment variables and call them directly in our actual tests.

Function variables & procedure variables refer to input parameters that may change in a method and intermediate variables generated during the execution of the method. These types of variables are usually stored in memory or configuration files. After the project runs, these variables are meaningless.

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