The Geolocation API allows users to provide their location to Web applications. For privacy reasons, users are asked for permission before reporting their location.
Geolocation object
Navigator. Geolocation is available:
if ("geolocation" in navigator) {
/* Location services available */
} else {
/* Location-based services are not available */
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Get current location
GetCurrentPosition () is used to get the user’s current location.
navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(success, error, options);
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Success: The callback function to successfully get the Position information, using the Position object as the only argument.
function success(pos) { // Geographical status var crd = pos.coords; console.log("Your current position is:"); / / latitude console.log("Latitude : " + crd.latitude); / / longitude console.log("Longitude: " + crd.longitude); / / the accuracy console.log("More or less " + crd.accuracy + " meters."); } Copy the code
By default, a low-precision result is returned as soon as possible
Error: Optional callback function for failure to get location information, using PositionError object as the only argument.
function error(err) { console.warn("ERROR(" + err.code + ")." + err.message); switch (error.code) { case error.PERMISSION_DENIED: x.innerHTML = "User rejects geolocation request."; break; case error.POSITION_UNAVAILABLE: x.innerHTML = "Location information is not available."; break; case error.TIMEOUT: x.innerHTML = "Request user geolocation timed out."; break; case error.UNKNOWN_ERROR: x.innerHTML = "Unknown error."; break; }}Copy the code
Options: Optional, a PositionOptions object.
: Whether to use its highest precisionfalse
By default, the device saves as much resources as possible by responding faster, using less power, and so ontrue
, which can lead to slower response times or increased power consumption (such as for GPS-enabled mobile devices).
: Limits the return timeInfinity
, the default, waiting until the location is obtained.
: Can return the cache location in milliseconds for how long.
Monitor positioning
WatchPosition () listens for changes in location data (a device has moved, or a more precise location has been retrieved), which takes the same arguments as getCurrentPosition().
id = navigator.geolocation.watchPosition(success[, error[, options]])
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This method returns an ID that can be passed in clearWatch() to cancel listening.
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var id, target, options;
function success(pos) {
var crd = pos.coords;
// Get to the destination
if (target.latitude === crd.latitude && target.longitude === crd.longitude) {
console.log("Congratulations, you reached the target"); navigator.geolocation.clearWatch(id); }}function error(err) {
console.warn("ERROR(" + err.code + ")." + err.message);
/ / destination
target = {
latitude: 0.longitude: 0}; options = {enableHighAccuracy: false.timeout: 5000.maximumAge: 0}; id = navigator.geolocation.watchPosition(success, error, options);Copy the code
The Position object
attribute | describe |
coords.latitude | The latitude of a decimal number |
coords.longitude | Longitude of a decimal number |
coords.accuracy | Location accuracy |
coords.altitude | Elevation in meters above sea level |
coords.altitudeAccuracy | Elevation accuracy of position |
coords.heading | Direction, starting due north in degrees |
coords.speed | Velocity in meters per second |
timestamp | Date/time of the response |
HTML 5 series
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- Enhanced forms
- Audio and Video
- Canvas nanny tutorial (part 1) : Drawing
- Canvas Nanny tutorial (part 2) : Animation
- Finally drawing in SVG
- Geolocation
- A drag-and-drop operation
- Understand the Web Worker
- Understand the Web Storage
- Understand the WebSocket