English class

A label

A Functions of labels:

Jump to External page Jump to internal anchor point Jump to mailbox or phone

A Attributes of the tag (interview)

Href (hyperlink)

Do not double click to open a web page, use http-server. -c-1 short: hS-C-1

A Link address value:

1. The web site:

A. www.baidu.com b. www.baidu.com c. //www.baidu.com This format is recommended. Put it in the browser and it will complete automatically

2. The path:

A. Absolute paths: /a/b/c; b. Relative paths: index.html and./index.html

3. Pseudo-agreement:

A. javascript: code; c. Tel: mobile phone number

  1. Id: href=#id name, you can jump to the tag with id name id

A. such as < p id = “XXXX” > < / p >, < a href = “# XXX” > < / a > to locate this p tag


A. Function: Decide whether to open the link on this page or a new page b. Value:

The built-in name

(1) a_blank opens a new page; (2) a_self opens on the current page; (3) a_top opens on the top page; (4) a_parent opens on the parent page. 3 and 4 are applicable to Iframe Windows

Programmer naming

Iframe tag: embedded window, rarely used anymore

Table TAB (display table)

Related tags:

Table, thead, tbody, tfoot, TR, TD, th

The full table tag contains elements:

Thead • TR (Table Row) Row • TH (Table head) table header TBody • TR (Table row) • TD (Table data) Data tfoot • TR (Table row) • td/th

Here’s an example:

                <td>The target</td>
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The effect is as follows:

Extended examples:

As shown in the figure, there are two table headers, namely, Xiao Hong, Xiao Ming, Xiao Ying and math, Chinese, English

                <th>The little red</th>
                <th>Xiao Ming</th>
                <th>Jack Bauer</th>
                <th>Chinese language and literature</th>
                <th>Total score</th>
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The effect is as follows:

Related styles:

Table-layout, border-collapse and border-spacing

Table – layout: • table – layout: auto; Auto Indicates that the width is calculated according to the content. • Table-layout: Fixed; Fixed means a fixed width. Try to make the width even

Border-collapse and border-spacing: • Used to adjust the spacing of table borders

It is usually set to:

table {
            table-layout: auto;
            border-collapse: collapse;
            border-spacing: 0;
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Set before:After the Settings:

Img tags

Purpose: Issue a GET request to display an image


  1. SRC (source): address of the image
  2. Alt: If the graph is cracked and cannot be loaded, the text of the Alt attribute is displayed as a backup
  3. Width If you just write the width, the height will be adaptive
  4. Height if you just write height, the width will be self-adaptive

A good front end can’t deform the graph! So just write width or height!


Onload loading succeeded onError loading failed

    <img id="xxx" width="400" height="400" src="Dog. PNG" alt="A dog.">
        xxx.onload = function() {
            console.log("Image loaded successfully");
        xxx.onerror = function() {
            console.log("Image load failed");
            xxx.src = "/404.png"
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Max-width: 100%; , so that the phone can also be 100% display, drag freely

  * {
      margin: 0;
      padding: 0;
      box-sizing: border-box;

  img {
      max-width: 100%;
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The form tag


Send a GET or POST request to refresh the page


Action: Where to send the request Method: • OFF: In each input field used, the user must either explicitly enter a value, or document provides auto-completion in its own way; The browser does not automatically complete input. • ON: The browser can automatically complete the form based on the value entered by the user. It will give you a prompt to complete the form. Target: Submit on the current page or open a new page

What is the difference between Input Submit and Button Submit

    <form action="/yyy" method="POST"
    autocomplete="on" target="_blank">
      <input name="username" type="text">
      <input type="submit" value="The input start">
      <button type="submit">
          <strong>The button start</strong>
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The effect is as follows:

The input tag

What it does: Let the user enter content


Onchange (input changes), onblur (mouse focus on it), onfocus (mouse coming out of here)


Type: • color Input color • text Input text • password Input password • Radio Radio

 <input type="radio" name="gender"Male > < input type ="radio" name="gender"> femaleCopy the code

• Checkbox multiple selections (also, you need to write the same Name for the same type of multiple selections)

<input type="checkbox" name="hobby" id=""Sing > < input type ="checkbox" name="hobby" id=""Jump > < input type ="checkbox" name="hobby" id="">rap
<input type="checkbox" name="hobby" id=""> basketballCopy the code

The effect is as follows:

• Upload a file: • Upload multiple files:

• Textarea text box how to make text box can not drag freely, fixed size

<textarea style="resize:none; width:50%; height:300px;"></textarea>
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• select choice

<select name="week" id="">
    <option value="">- Please select -</option>
    <option value="1">Monday</option>
    <option value="2">Tuesday</option>
    <option value="3">Wednesday</option>
Copy the code

Summing effect:

Matters needing attention

  1. Input click is not normally listened for
  2. The Input in the form must have a Name
  3. The form must have an input or button of type=submit to start the Submit event