The first day of HTML begins with introducing web pages

What is a web page:

A website is a collection of web pages that are made by using HTML to display specific content on the Internet according to certain rules. A web page is a “page” in a web site, usually an HTML file, which is read by a browser.

Web page composition:

Web page is the basic element of the website, it is usually composed of pictures, links, text, sound, video and other elements. Usually we see web pages, common.htm or.html suffix ending files, so it is commonly known as HTML files;

What is HTML:

HTML refers to hypertext Markup Language, which is used to describe web pages. HTML is not a programming language, but a markup language, and markup language is a set of markup tags.

Web page generation and production:

The front end person writes the HTML file, and then the browser opens and you see the web page; Because the web page file needs to be rendered by the browser to open, so common browsers also need to understand; Common browsers include Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google (Chrome), Safari and Opera. Usually called the big five browser; In the future, we will use Google Chrome to open our web pages;

Browser kernel (rendering engine)

Responsible for reading web content, sorting information, calculating the display mode of web pages and display pages; At present, most domestic browsers use Webkit/Blink kernel, such as 360, UC, QQ, Sogou, etc.

Web standards

Web standards are a collection of standards developed by the W3C and other standardization organizations; W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) is the world’s most famous standardization organization; Different browsers display pages or layout them slightly differently. Following Web standards has the following advantages in addition to making pages written by different developers more standard and uniform:

  • 1. Make the Future of the Web wider.

  • 2. Content can be accessed by a wider range of devices.

  • 3. More likely to be searched by search engines.

  • 4. Reduce traffic costs.

  • 5. Make your site easier to maintain.

  • 6. Speed up your page browsing

What constitutes a Web standard

Mainly including “Structure”, “Presentation” and “Behavior” three aspects, Web standards put forward the best experience scheme: separation of Structure, style and Behavior; Simple to understand: structure in HTML files, performance in CSS files, behavior in JavaScript files; The structure is similar to the body skeleton, the performance is similar to the appearance decoration, the behavior is similar to the behavior action, comparatively speaking, the structure is the most important of the three;

You don’t have to memorize anything today, just know it, and tomorrow we’ll start talking about the skeleton HTML of the page