HTML Common Tags
A Label (11.1)
- The url
- // /
- The path
- / a/b/c: the difference between a and a/b/c/a is the root directory of the current HTTP service, if not open but double-click to open with the server. The HTML file will find files; A is to find the file in the current directory
- Index.html is no different from./index.html
- Pseudo agreement
- javascript: ;
- Id # (id)
- Mailto: Indicates the email address
- Tel: mobile phone number
- target
- _blank New empty website
- _top Top site
- _self Current site
- _praent Parent site
Table Label (11.2)
Thead header
The tbody table body
The bottom of the tfoot table
Tr form a newline
Th table title
Td table data
Img Tag (11.3)
- Properties:
- The event
- responsive
Width :100% max-width:100%
Small note:
- table{
I can merge the tables and make them look nice
- Input and button
You can add other labels and styles to a button, not input