1. Hyperlink label [a]

<a href = "#" target = "" >Copy the code

Purpose: Click to jump to a specified page or content area. The href attribute is used to store the forward address, and the target attribute is used to set the opening mode. By default, the target attribute is used to open the page.

Two kinds of use<a>Way to label:

Create a link to another document by using the href attribute

<a href="#"></a>

Create a bookmark within a document (also a page jump) by using the name attribute

<a name="label"> anchor (text displayed on the page) </a>

Parameter value of [target]

1._blank opens in a new window

Open the linked document in a new window.

2._self opens in the current window

The default. Open the linked document in the same framework.

3._parent opens in the current window

Opens the linked document in the parent frame set.

4. _TOP opens in the current window

Open the linked document throughout the window.

5. Framename opens the linked document in the specified frame.

2. [img] Image label

<img src="" alt="">
Copy the code

Effect: Inserts an image into a web page.

[SRC] Path (position) of the picture

The value of the source property is the URL address of the image.

[Alt] Replace text attributes (image description)

Used to define a prepared string of replaceable text for the image. The value of the replacement text attribute is user-defined. When the browser cannot load images, the replacement text attribute tells the reader what information they have lost.

【 MAP 】 a picture map.

    <map name="">
    <area shape="" coords="" href="" alt="">
Copy the code

Name: Defines the name of the map

Area: Defines the clickable area

Shape Defines the shape of the region

Parameter values:

[default] defines all areas [rect] defines rectangular areas [circ] defines circles [poly] defines polygon areasCopy the code

[COORds] Defines the coordinates of clickable areas (mouse-sensitive areas).

Parameter values:

【x coordinates 】 【 Y coordinates 】Copy the code
Parameter values of each shape are written as follows:
Circle: Shape =”circle”, coords=”x,y,radius”

The x and y here define the center of the circle **** (“0,0” is the coordinates of the upper left corner of the image), and r is the radius of the circle in pixels.

Shape =”polygon”, coords=”x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3… xn,yn”

Each pair of “x,y” coordinates defines a vertex of the polygon (“0,0” is the coordinates of the upper left corner of the image).

Defining a triangle requires at least three sets of coordinates; High-latitude polygons require a larger number of vertices.

Polygons are closed automatically, so there is no need to repeat the first coordinate at the end of the list to close the entire region.

Rectangle: Shape =”rectangle”, coords=”x1,y1,x2,y2″

The first coordinate is the vertex coordinates of an Angle of the rectangle, the other pair of coordinates are the vertex coordinates of the diagonal, “0,0” is the coordinates of the upper left corner of the image.

Note that defining a rectangle is actually a simplified way of defining a polygon with four vertices.