
JavaScript is object-oriented at its core, but it also provides powerful and flexible OOP language capabilities. This article will teach you how to write a class library like jQuery using native JS in an object-oriented way. We will learn the following:

  • Closures: Reduce variable contamination and shorten the scope of variable lookup
  • Use of self-executing functions in objects
  • Extend implementation principle
  • How to implement event listening across browsers
  • Prototype chains and inheritance

Next, I will explain and show the core API of the class library. At the end of the article, the complete source code of the class library is attached. In my previous article “3 minutes to teach you to implement the file upload Preview component with progress listening with native JS”, I also used a similar way.

For a more complete library address, see Github Xuery — A Lightweight extensible Native JS Framework mimicking jquery API Style.

Class library design ideas

API introduction and effect display

  1. Event binding xuery. on(eventName, fn) example:
    alert('hello world! ')})Copy the code
  1. Access and set the CSS Xuery. CSS (string | object,? [string]) Example:
/ / access to CSS
/ / set the CSS
/ / set the CSS
    width: '1024px'.height: '1024px'
Copy the code
  1. Access and set properties Xuery. Attr (string | object,? [string]) Example:
/ attr/visit
/ / set the attr
/ / set the attrs
    title: '1024px'.name: '1024px'
Copy the code
  1. To access and set HTML examples:
/ / access
/ / set
Xuery('#demo').html('Front-end Learning native Framework')
Copy the code

There are a few other commonly used apis that I will not cover here, but you can check them out on my Github or extend your own JS framework based on this basic framework.

The core source

The following source code related functions I made comments, I suggest you read carefully, involving the prototype chain and the constructor pointing to the problem, is the core of the way to achieve the above call, and do not understand can be communicated in the comment area.

/** * implement your own js library */ (function(win, doc){
    var Xuery = function(selector, context) {
        return new Xuery.fn.init(selector, context)

    Xuery.fn = Xuery.prototype = {
    constructor: Xuery,
    init: function(selector, context) {// set element length this.length = 0; / / the default access element's context document context = context | | document; // The id selector is used to convert -1 to 0if(~selector.indexOf(The '#')) {
        this[0] = document.getElementById(selector.slice(1));
        this.length = 1;
        }else{/ / in the context of choice var doms = context. The getElementsByTagName (selector), I = 0, len = doms. Length;for(; i<len; i++){
            this[i] = doms[i];
        this.context = context;
        this.selector = selector;
        returnPush: []. Push, sort: []. Sort, splice: [].splice}; // Extend the method xuery. extend = xuery.fn. Extend =functionVar I = 1, len = arguments.length, target = arguments[0], j;if(i === len){ target = this; i--; } // Merge the parameter object into the targetfor(; i<len; i++){
        for(j inarguments[i]){ target[j] = arguments[i][j]; }}returnTarget} // extend the event method xuery.fn. Extend ({on: (function() {if(document.addEventListener){
        return function(type, fn){
            var i = this.length -1;
            for(; i>=0; i--){ this[i].addEventListener(type, fn, false)}returnThis} // Internet Explorer dom2 level event}else if(document.attachEvent){
        return function(type, fn){
            var i = this.length -1;
            for(; i>=0; i--){ this[i].addEvent('on'+type, fn)
            returnThis} // Browsers that do not support dom2}else{
        return function(type, fn){
            var i = this.length -1;
            for(; i>=0; i--){ this[i]['on'+type] = fn;
            returnThis}}})()}) // Convert '-' to xuery.extend ({camelCase:function(str){
        return str.replace(/\-(\w)/g, function(all, letter){
        returnletter.toUpperCase(); // set CSS xuery.fn. Extend ({CSS:function(){
        var arg = arguments,
        len = arg.length;
        if(this.length < 1){
        return this
        if(len === 1) {
        if(typeof arg[0] === 'string') {
            return this[0].currentStyle[arg[0]];
            return getComputedStyle(this[0], false)[arg[0]]
        }else if(typeof arg[0] === 'object') {for(var i in arg[0]){
            for(var j=this.length -1; j>=0; j--){ this[j].style[Xuery.camelCase(i)] = arg[0][i]; }}}}else if(len === 2){
        for(var j=this.length -1; j>=0; j--){ this[j].style[Xuery.camelCase(arg[0])] = arg[1]; }}returnThis}}) // set the property xuery.fn. Extend ({attr:function(){
        var arg = arguments,
        len = arg.length;
        if(len <1){
        return this
        if(len === 1){
        if(typeof arg[0] === 'string') {return this[0].getAttribute(arg[0])
        }else if(typeof arg[0] === 'object') {for(var i in arg[0]){
            for(var j=this.length -1; j>= 0; j--){
                this[j].setAttribute(i, arg[0][i])
        else if(len === 2){
        for(var j=this.length -1; j>=0; j--){ this[j].setAttribute(arg[0], arg[1]); }}returnXuery.fn. Extend ({HTML:function(){
        var arg = arguments,
        len = arg.length;
        if(len === 0){
        return this[0] && this[0].innerHTML
        for(var i=this.length -1; i>=0; i--){ this[i].innerHTML = arg[0]; }}return this

    Xuery.fn.init.prototype = Xuery.fn;
    window.Xuery = Xuery;
})(window, document);
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The last

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