In this paper, I mainly read Eric Evans’s book “Domain-Driven Design”, and read a set of business framework encapsulated by our company’s god for business code, and some superficial understanding and thinking on how to write complex business code.
Ps, if there are mistakes and omissions, welcome to discuss, know you are wrong to grow, I think so, ha ha ~
I forgot where I saw the sentence, there are “flowers are flowers, flowers are not flowers, flowers or flowers” three realms. These three sentences just represent my three-fold process of thinking about the company code from the beginning to the present.
Learning motivation
“Flowers are flowers”
Thanks to our company more than ten years ago a gang of gods database table model design excellent, at the beginning of the company, very surprised. A query page and a property control page for the resource entity are generated by client-side attribute allocation.
The framework itself is responsible for the management of page attributes and query page display content, as well as the right menu and JS function binding relationship, at the same time when other pages need to call query and attribute pages, the page implementation and the caller page is isolated, only through the reserved simple call mode and parameters to call. The realization of such complex functions is not restricted and affected by the framework, and business developers are left to realize them, which objectively meets the daily development needs.
Our company simplifies the complex and homogeneous query and attribute page development, which objectively reduces the work pressure of business developers and leaves more energy for business code research and development.
The discovery of this development mechanism is a huge harvest for me. The specific implementation ideas have nothing to do with this article, so I will not give too much details here. This kind of novel feeling and exclaim feeling, be just beginning to say “see a flower is a flower” realm.
“Flowers are not flowers”
So where does the phrase “look at flowers is not flowers” begin? As mentioned earlier, the framework perfectly simplifies the development of a lot of repetitive basic pages, but at the same time, the framework itself is very restrained and does not interfere with the development of business code.
But objectively speaking, the business code itself contains the knowledge of the business domain, so complexity can be said to be an innate attribute. As I get deeper into the business I’m in charge of, it’s no longer just resource query and property editing pages that the framework can cover.
At the same time, considering the business writing itself relative to the frame personnel technical weakness, and the complexity of the business itself has improved, I faced at the beginning, is the hundreds of lines of various functions, can be seen everywhere in the statement, the jagged error process, database access statement in the chaos. At this stage, you start to get frustrated with the business code, and this is where you get to the point where you don’t want to be disappointed
“Flowers or flowers”
One day, I suddenly found that in the face of numerous and complicated and messy business code, there is always a module “zhuo QingLian without demon”, which standardizes the commonly used constants object, encapsulates the interactive mechanism before and after the end, agreed the exception handling process, unifies the database access, and, more importantly, think and implements a set of code level business model, And finally realized the business code is basically dozens of lines to solve the battle, perennial no bug, even if there is, is changed within three or two lines on the basic solution of the god general effect (exaggerated, appropriate understanding: P).
It’s a treasure trove. It turns out that business code can be just as simple and elegant.
The only trouble is that the business of this module is complex, and the class hierarchy of the corresponding business model at the code level is also complex, which was difficult to understand at first until I read Eric Evans’ Domain-Driven Design book.
Because this internal business framework does so much, space is limited, and only the most instructive domain modeling thinking is presented here.
The business scenario
I am mainly responsible for transmission module management in transmission network resource management. This part involves relatively complex association relations, so if the code organization is not rigorous enough, it is easy to get confused and make mistakes. Below, a simple concept diagram is used to describe the association relations between some entity objects.
As shown in the figure, simply speaking, time slots and channels have a one-to-many parent-child relationship. At the same time, there is a more complex one-to-many bearing relationship between the subordinate time slots of the service circuit and multi-channel.
So what’s the complication in this relationship? There is often confusion in understanding, the circuit is created to select multiple channel timeslots, the channel itself to manage multiple timeslots. In this way, there are one-to-many connections between time slots, channels and circuits at the same time. It requires certain skills to accurately understand and distinguish such connections and effectively comb them out at the code level.
This relationship also holds if you extend it a little bit and change the resource type by changing the business circuit to a transmission channel and the transmission channel to a transmission segment.
In addition, in real service scenarios, the low-level routing of service circuits supports not only higher-order channels, but also resources such as segment timeslots and ports.
The overall design
As we can see from the business scenario, there are many similarities between the model relationships between resource entities. For example, it is generally divided into routing relations and hierarchical relations. How can we efficiently model these two relations at the code level for efficient reuse, while retaining enough space for expansion of each resource?
The traditional way of thinking
So let’s think about how the traditional anemic model of dealing with the transport channel resource, how does it deal with the needs of the transport channel?
The crudest conventional model is to simply split requirements according to different types of resources, and then divide them into Controller, Service, and Dao layers based on management. The layers interact with each other, at best through a thin abstract domain Object, at worst through a crude combination of List,Map, and Object objects.
Code sample
/** * Delete channel does not call ejb * business logic: * Determine whether the channel is used and cannot be deleted. * Determine whether the channel is advanced and has been split. Removed Cannot be deleted * Logical channel routing table is deleted * Clear the channel_id field of the associated timeslot and channel * Set the state of the port to idle * Logical channel list is deleted * @param paramLists Deleted channels, Required properties: ChannelID * @return Check whether the channel is successfully deleted. * @throws BOException Service logic checks whether the deletion fails because the deletion condition is not met.
* The channel is not idle. * Deleting the channel database failed
* Deleting the HDSL system failed
* @return Successful or not */
public String deleteChannel(String channelId){
String returnResult = "True: Deletion succeeded";
Map<String.String> condition = new HashMap<String.String> (); condition.put("channelID",channelId);
boolean flag=true;
List<Map<String.Object>> channel = this.channelJdbcDao.queryChannel(condition);
if(channel==null||channel.size() = =0) {return "False: Channel information is not queried";
// Check whether it is used or not
String oprStateId = channel.get(0).get("OPR_STATE_ID").toString();
return "False: Channel state is not idle and cannot be deleted";
// Check if it is a high level channel and has been split
if(! flag){return "False: The higher order channel has been split and cannot be deleted";
// Logically delete the channel routing table and clear the channel_id field of the associated timeslot and channel
// Set the port status of the channel port to idle
// Drop the channel table logically
// Delete the HDSL system and its subordinate resources if the channel goes through the HDSL timeslot. Here the deleted EJB of the transport system is re-invoked.
List<Map<String.Object>> syss=this.channelJdbcDao.findSysByChannel(channelId);
for(int i=0; i<syss.size(a); i++){if("56".equals(syss.get(i).get("SYS_TYPE").toString())){
List<Map<String.String>> paramLists = new ArrayList<Map<String.String> > (); List paramList =new ArrayList();
Map map = new HashMap(a);map.put("res_type_id"."1001");
map = new HashMap(a);map.put("sys_id", syss.get(i).get("SYS_ID"));
// The system ID to be deleted is read from the second data in the EJB, so the next layer is added.
map = new HashMap(a);map.put("res_type_id"."1001");
map = new HashMap(a);map.put("sys_id", syss.get(i).get("SYS_ID"));
String inputXml = this.createInputXML("1001"."deleteTrsSys"."TrsSysService", paramLists);
String result = this.getEJBResult(inputXml);
if(result==null||"".equals(result)){// If the EJB processing failure is in the form of an exception thrown, it is caught by the underlying layer but not thrown, resulting in a null return result
return "False: Failed to delete HDSL system";
Document document = XMLUtils.createDocumentFromXmlString(result);
Element rootElement = XMLUtils.getRootElement(document);
if(! TransferUtil.getResultSign(rootElement).equals("success")){
result =rootElement.attribute("description").getValue();
return "False: Failed to delete HDSL system"+result; }}}return returnResult;
Copy the code
These codes above, is our company n years ago a section of abandoned code. In fact, it is a very typical way of writing business code.
As you can see, the key processes are:
Idle Cannot be deleted (status verification) -> Route deletion -> Port idle (route resource idle) -> Resource entity deletedCopy the code
The concrete realization of each step is basically achieved by calling the methods of the DAO layer with several lines of service layer code. This leads to the first drawback, which is that the method implementation is too tightly tied to the DAO layer implementation, which in turn is tightly coupled to the table to which each resource belongs. Therefore, even if the deletion logic of the circuit and the deletion logic of the channel are very similar, it is necessarily impossible to reuse the code.
If we had to unify the different methods of resource deletion, we would have had a lot of if/else statements, and the total amount of code would have increased rather than decreased.
Expand the thinking
The author has seen a section of the transmission of resources to save the method of the code.
The purpose of the method is to support the transmission channel/segment/circuit three resources to save, method parameters are some complex List,Map structure combination. Due to a support to the three kinds of resources, each resource has its own unique business judgment rule, the combined conditions complexity explosion directly, after again outside the original method of writers do not have the habit of regular refactoring, so the author took over, is a 500 – line method, which is filled with all kinds of the if jump, circulation processing, And business logic validation.
The solution
Faced with such a tricky situation, I first took apart and refactored some of the code by referring to some of the simple tricks in refactoring, Improving Existing Code Design. The original 500 lines into dozens of dozens of small methods, recombined.
Solutions limited
Refactoring is difficult and time consuming.
There are a large number of if/else jumps that cannot be reduced because code calls dao layer methods directly, and there must be some if/else methods that validate resource types and then call different DAO methods
Also because of the above point, reconstruction is only minor repairs, simplifying the invocation of some auxiliary code (parameter extraction, error handling, etc.), but cannot simplify the core code of business logic invocation. The service layer code volume is still exploding
In terms of layering, the above process divides the requirements processing logic into three levels based on the technical characteristics, but why does the complexity explosion occur only in the Service layer?
See such code, not let me think of primary school when the teacher taught to write articles, articles to crested, pig belly, leopard tail. That’s right 🙂
As a student, I might have accepted it, but after seeing the best code, I realized that writing code should not be a simple stack of lines.
Business scenario reanalysis
What data is internally managed for A specific transport channel A object?
Resource Object Level
Self attribute information
Routing level
List of lower-level routing objects
Level of relationship
Superior Resource Object
List of subordinate resource objects
As you can see, all these data are actually divided into three levels:
As a common resource, a transport channel needs to manage its own attribute information, such as rate, nes at both ends, ports at both ends, and channel types.
As a resource with routing, a transport channel needs to manage associated routing information, such as carrying its own lower transport segment and lower transport channel.
As a hierarchical resource, the transport channel needs to manage the associated upstream and downstream resource information, such as its own split timeslot list.
Further, the scope relationships for these responsibilities of the transport channel are summarized at the business object level as follows:
The scope of business objects corresponding to the various responsibilities is as follows:
Entities with both routing and hierarchy:
Transmission slot, transmission channel, transmission segment, transmission circuit
Entities with routing relationships:
Text routing
Objects with hierarchical relationships:
Equipment, equipment room, port
Entities that are only resources:
Transmission network management system, transmission subnet, and transmission system
Expand the thinking
The micro level
As a specific business object, the traditional anaemic model does not take into account these three levels of responsibility of the transport channel itself. But the object’s responsibilities do not disappear because the designer is unaware of them. As mentioned above, the preservation method is easy to lead to soaring complexity and serious coupling due to the preservation of object attributes, object routing data and object hierarchy data, multiplied by channels, segments and circuits.
Therefore, the emergence of the 500-line function is somewhat inevitable. Because the domain knowledge of the original business is so complex, simply mapping this complexity into the Service layer inevitably leads to logic complexity and increased code maintenance costs.
A macro level
According to the responsibility classification of each resource, there are not a few resources with routing or hierarchical relationship. In other words, in the anaemic model, the code that performs similar routing management duties is evenly distributed among the relevant Service layers of channels, segments, and circuits.
Each resource is implemented to a different degree and is not effectively abstracted. This is a failure from the point of view of the code model for business objects.
In this case, even if the small techniques of reconstruction are used, all we can do is extract part of the repeated code of each resource, and it is difficult to abstract the concept naturally at the business level of routing.
Since traditional anemic models can’t handle complex business logic, what can we do?
The new architecture
Code sample
public int deleteResRoute(ResIdentify operationRes) {
int result = ResCommConst.ZERO;
//1: get the Entity to save the object
OperationRouteResEntity resEntity = context.getResEntity(operationRes,OperationRouteResEntity.class);
//2: get the route object
List<OperationResEntity> entityRoutes = resEntity.loadRouteData();
//3: Deletes a route
result = resEntity.delRoute();
//4: Releases the deleted route resource into idle state
this.updateEntitysOprState(entityRoutes, ResDictValueConst.OPR_STATE_FREE);
// Log
String resName = resEntity.getResName();
String resNo = resEntity.getResCode();
String eport = Delete "[" + ResSpecConst.getResSpecName(operationRes.getResSpcId()) + ":" + resNo + "] Routing succeeded!";
ResEntityUtil.recordOprateLog(operationRes, resName, resNo, ResEntityUtil.LOGTYPE_DELETE, eport);
return result;
}Copy the code
The above code is a snippet of the service layer code that transmits the deletion function of the business module. Compared with the previous code examples, the biggest difference is that there is an extra Entity object. Routing resources are obtained and deleted through this object. All require one line of code. This is as true for circuits as it is for channels.
Of course, other service layer code can easily obtain the Entity object, call the relevant method combination to achieve their own business logic for reuse.
So how does this effect work?
Concept reveal
The first thing we have to think about is, what is the most important nature of a class?
The answer is data and behavior.
In this vein, for a business object, such as a transport channel, analyze:
At the data level, each channel records its own attribute information and its associated transmission time slot, transmission segment, transmission circuit and other information data.
At the behavioral level, each channel should add, delete, modify and check its own attributes, route, subordinate resources, and bind/unbind superior resources.
How do you understand these two points when modeling your business?
The answer is this picture:
You can see that there are basically three types of elements,
When the program starts, it starts holding the individual DataOperation objects
When the program runs, it is responsible for creating the Entity object and assembling the corresponding DataOperation object into the Entity object instance
Entity: Each used resource object generates an Entity instance to hold instance data specific to that object.
DataOperation: different from Entity, each resource object used by the class corresponds to a corresponding DataOperation subtype, which encapsulates the specific DataOperation behavior of the object
Ps, although the Entity&DataOperation object I drew here is just a box, Entity&DataOperation actually has their own N interfaces and template classes for different scenarios
Data management
I am an indoorsman, because there is no girlfriend, and do not like shopping, so buy things online. This has an interesting effect — you have to pick up your delivery every other day.
But the express point aunt does not know me, I do not go out every day with id card. This was awkward, because I always had to explain “Thehope is me” to the old woman.
So every time I explain, I think about how convenient it would have been if I had brought an ID or something like that.
What is the Entity
We generally think of a person as having an identity that stays with them for the rest of their life (even after death). The person’s physical attributes will change and eventually disappear. His name may change, his financial relationship may change, and no attribute is constant throughout life. However, the logo is permanent. Am I the same person I was when I was five? Such purely philosophical sounding questions are important in exploring valid domain models.
Turn the question around a little bit: Do the app’s users care if I am the same person as I was when I was five? — Eric Evans, Domain-Driven Design
The simple task of picking up a package might make the concept of an object with a logo seem trivial. But let’s expand the scene. You don’t just have to pick up the delivery. What if you need to buy a train ticket? What if you have to take a test? As business scenarios get more complex, you’ll find it more convenient to have a unified and clear concept of objects.
Consider Eric Evans’s introduction to Entity in Domain-Driven Design:
Some objects are not defined primarily by their attributes. They actually represent A “Thread of Identity” that traverses A span of time, and an object typically undergoes many different representations along that line.
Such objects, defined primarily by an identity, are called entities. Their class definitions, responsibilities, attributes, and associations must vary around the identity, not with particular attributes. Even entities that do not change radically or whose lifecycle is not too complex should be treated semantically as entities for a clearer model and more robust implementation.
Determine the identity
Thanks to the meticulous database model management of our company, we can obtain a unique identification feature for each resource data through its specification type ID and database primary key ID.
As shown in figure:
The Entity properties and methods presented here are just the simplest examples, and Entity in real business code also includes many subinterfaces with various capabilities.
The introduction of the Entity
As shown in figure:
You can see that entity objects are actually divided into two main interfaces, RouteEntity and HierarchyEntity. HierarchyEntity’s main methods are addLowerRes() and setUpperRes(), That is, add child resource object and set the parent resource two methods.
So how are these two interfaces abstractly modeled?
Define functional boundaries
From the microscopic level of instance objects, because each instance may have completely different routing and hierarchy relations, we used the abstract Entity concept to represent each object instance that needs to maintain its own attribute/routing/hierarchy associated data during modeling.
From a higher level of class level to analyze, we can find that the management of routing, the management of hierarchy, through the transmission circuit, transmission channel, transmission segment, transmission slot and many other business types. Therefore, at this time, we need to abstract out Entity types managing different types of data at the interface level according to business characteristics, so as to realize the reuse of internal association relations.
So we have refined the Entity interface to create two sub-interfaces, RouteEntity and HierarchyEntity, for example
Entity Needs to maintain its own ID and attribute information.
A RouteEntity needs to maintain an internal routing data list.
HierarchyEntity needs to maintain a list of parent objects and child resources.
In this way, by further clarifying the responsibilities and types of data managed by different entities, we can ensure that different entities can meet corresponding requirements in different scenarios. Data premise: P
Expand the thinking
Since Entity concept is introduced to solve the storage problem of instance data of specific instances of each resource object. What about the behavior specific to each resource object? For example, the transmission channel and transmission circuit have their own table, at least in the DAO layer operation is certainly different, plus each resource’s own unique add, delete, change, check and verify logic, if these actions are placed in Entity… No problem type explosion ah ~
In addition, coupling data with behavioral responsibilities is a confusing and unwise decision from the perspective of domain modeling. From a micro perspective, the instance data managed by each Entity instance is different, while the behavior operations (its methods) of the same class of resource are stateless. From a macroscopic point of view, a cluster of entities with routing characteristics or hierarchical characteristics has abstract common values (such as the need to manage routing lists or parent and child object information), but involves specific behavior realization, and each specific resource is naturally different.
When we don’t have an Entity object, much of the data that should be stored and managed by Entity has to be implemented through map/list, as in the first code above. This leads to the first disadvantage: until run time, you have no idea what business specification resources are in the container.
The second drawback is that when you use a map/list instead of an Entity object that should exist, you also deny the possibility of integrating the behavior of the object with the data (i.e., it is impossible to write clean code like resEntity.loadRouteData(), Implementation of similar logic can only be implemented in the Service layer, but in the Service layer increases the coupling to the specific resource logic.
Therefore, from the perspective of data and behavior separation, it is very valuable to decouple business objects from the policy mode and separate them into Entity objects for full-time data management and DataOperation cluster objects for full-time behavior realization.
Behavior management
The introduction of DataOperation
Now let’s introduce our DataOperation element
Take the transport channel as an example. For the route to which the transport channel belongs, the common functions are nothing more than adding, deleting, modifying, and querying these actions.
Define the boundaries of change
Or does the business behavior logic differ depending on whether the entity data being operated on is transport channel A or transport channel B? The answer is no. Just as changes in database row records do not cause changes in table structure, the relationship between the behavior of a resource class and object instances should be one-to-many in nature. Therefore, the behavior logic of adding, deleting, modifying and checking routes is consistent as long as they are all transmission channels.
Incorporating a well-known design principle:
Identify changes that may need to be made in your application and isolate them from code that doesn’t need to be changed
So we should take away the resource immutable behavior logic so that Entity can focus on its management obligations for data and achieve a higher level of reuse.
This is one reason why the concept of DataOperation needs to be abstracted.
Further from the class level to analyze different types of resources, their specific data operation behavior is bound to be different (for example, when interacting with the database, different resources correspond to different tables). Therefore, different kinds of business objects are bound to have their own DataOperation subclasses, such as TrsChannelDataOperation, TrsSegDataOperation, etc., to ensure the flexibility of the unique DataOperation logic of each business object.
Further analysis at a higher level, we already have flexibility because of the refinement of the implementation class, so how to meet the needs of reuse? As with Entity objects, we can build on concrete Entity classes like TrsChannelDataOperation, TrsSegDataOperation, Abstract the RouteResDataOperation, HierarchyResDataOperation interface, should have good method.
Entity objects refer to these interfaces for scenarios that need to invoke DataOperation, freeing business code for routing or hierarchical processing from detailed implementation.
Expand the thinking
Here you can think carefully, when should Entity and DataOperation establish a good connection between them?
Now that we’ve analyzed how to model the data and behavior of an object, how do we reconcile the two?
Let’s introduce our third element, Context
The assembly
Let’s start with an example:
A car engine is a complex mechanism consisting of dozens of components that work together to perform the engine’s duty of making the shaft turn. We can try to design an engine block that grabs a set of pistons and inserts them into cylinders, or a spark plug that finds its own jack and screws itself in. But complex machines assembled this way may not be as reliable or efficient as our common engines. Instead, we assemble the engine with something else. Maybe a mechanic, maybe an industrial robot. Both machines and people are actually more complex than the engines they are built with. The work of assembling the parts is completely unrelated to the work of making the shaft turn. The function of the assembler is only needed to build the car, we don’t need robots or mechanics to drive it. Since the assembly and driving of the car will never happen. It therefore makes no sense to combine these two functions into the same mechanism. Similarly, assembling complex composite objects is best done separately from the work the object is intended to perform.
— Eric Evans, Domain-Driven Design
Similar to engine chestnuts, we can of course use constructors to assemble which objects. But compare these two pieces of code:
Code without the Context element:
public int deleteResRoute(ResIdentify operationRes, boolean protectFlag) {...//1. Obtain the Entity of the object to be saved
OperationRouteResEntity resEntity = new TrsChannelResEntity();
ComponentsDefined component = newTrsChannelDataOperation(); resEntity.initResEntityComponent(conponent); }... }Copy the code
So we have the Context element
public int deleteResRoute(ResIdentify operationRes, boolean protectFlag) {...//1. Obtain the Entity of the object to be savedOperationRouteResEntity resEntity = context.getResEntity(operationRes,OperationRouteResEntity.class); . }Copy the code
Is the immediate effect!
Why do WE need Context
In fact, the Entity and DataOperation mentioned above are only the first step of domain modeling, just a prototype. And the context object here, that’s the finishing touch.
Why do you say that? There are countless other modules that make similarly complex abstractions of business logic, but all of them are extremely tedious because the caller always calls the constructor to generate the instance, making it difficult for the business developer to stick to the business model object continuously, and ultimately causing the code model to become meaningless.
The function of an object is mainly reflected in its complex internal configuration and association. An object should be refined until all that is irrelevant to its meaning or role in the interaction has been removed, and an object has a lot of responsibilities in its life cycle. If complex objects are left responsible for their own creation, then responsibility overload can lead to problems. — Eric Evans, Domain-Driven Design
To avoid such problems, it is necessary to decouple the assembly and execution of Entity objects such as Entity, which is one of the main responsibilities of our Context element. For example, the introduction of the Context element for a clear sense of responsibility, without changing other elements, is a qualitative improvement to business code writing.
But in fact, as Hiroko said at the beginning, “both the assembler and the assembler are more complex than the engine to be assembled.” The logic executed by our context is also quite complex, but as long as it is more helpful to the customer (the customer refers to the business code using the context), No amount of complexity is a reason not to do it, so let’s talk about how this essentially complex factory works.
To introduce the Context
The following code is called context.getentity (…) Code logic of
public OperationResEntity getResEntity(String resSpcId) {
ResEntity entity = factory.getResEntity(resSpcId);
if(entity instanceof OperationResEntity){
ResComponentHolder holder = componentSource.getComponent(resSpcId);
if(entity instanceofContextComponentInit){ ((ContextComponentInit)entity).initResEntityComponent(holder); }}else{
throw new ResEntityContextException("Resource Specification:"+resSpcId+", entity class :"+entity.getClass().getName()+"OperationResEntity interface not implemented");
return (OperationResEntity)entity;
}Copy the code
When a VIRTUAL machine loads a class, the entire life cycle consists of seven stages: load, verify, prepare, parse, initialize, use, and uninstall. Our Entity Entity is not that complex and only needs to be loaded, validated, and initialized before it can be used.
Let’s take a closer look at these three parts:
Load the Entity
ResEntity entity = factory.getResEntity(resSpcId);Copy the code
In Context, the load operation has only one line…
To be continued (this part is complicated, involving abstract factory mode, Spring event mechanism, observer mode, etc., some complicated, I haven’t decided how to express its logic for the moment, I will add it later.)
To be continued…
The resources
Domain-driven Design by Eric Evans
Contact the author