How to write blog Typora + picGo gracefully

Knowledge is a process of sorting

I can’t remember the first time I wrote notes or blogs, scattered all over the disk over time.

Over the years? They are scattered among apps as platforms migrate.

Behind I will sort out step by step, review the old and learn new and progress together with you.

You can write a special topic about which note-taking software you have used after [Manual dog head]

Let’s take a look at some screenshots

Look how long I have not used the center suggested that we do not easily switch notes platform blood lessons ah

Impression of notes

OneNote is also the laptop I use most from start to finish

Youdao cloud notes switch devices scattered records of some

Recently has been dissatisfied with their own knowledge records to sort out a review of the new
I have some big factory bosses look at their notes and share their own documents immediately let themselves ashamed, pick up full of scratches XXpro began to organize learning records of their trip to the pit, to the children behind some guidance and share it!

To do a good job, he must sharpen his tools. Now that we’ve decided to do this job we have to do it beautifully, at least in a way that matches the craftsman spirit of the people who wrote the code. [Manual antics]

I used to build static web pages on Github before, but too much local environment and some personalized configuration make it impossible to use everywhere like a real Web application. At most, I just use the Web to view, which costs a little too much from the point of view of sorting and summarizing.

I have also built my own blog website, but I failed to stick to it because I was dealing with busy business every day. The data left over after the server expired was not backed up. 【 To tell the truth or a word lazy, who said, I can not brush douyin to see the girl, ha ha 】

Find a new land

After making full use of the search engine, I found a very convenient way to write, markdown + Typora + picGo (free map bed) can be happy to write and send the document to anyone can be in the format of the text without chaos. So here’s the tool, which is the way I’m going to write for the rest of my life.


Typora. IO /, which supports various platforms. Of course, you may have your own tools such as vscode mweb, but I think this is the easiest way, only the tools that are really suitable for you are the best. If you start by asking for big and complete features, you might be putting the cart before the horse.


An open source chart bed management tool official website Win and MAC Linux client this as long as the basic understanding of the previous only used chart bed, do not understand it does not matter, is the same picture uploaded to the network integration tool.

Map bed literacy?【 Big guy across 】

Q: What is a map bed?

A: To give pictures a home on the Internet, so to speak.

Ask: why want to settle down, I send an article on zhihu can upload picture directly?

Answer: The Internet actually most data does not interconnect, because we all circle the land to make a wall, ensure their resources do not flow out, do not waste, such as anti-theft chain and so on, and you have a document released to multiple platforms or offline dissemination, can be illustrated [network]. Instead of writing it all over again on another platform.

Writing is great

Why is it so good? Pasting images directly into the editor will automatically upload and generate links.

The following is an example of my configuration
  1. Install Typora
  2. Install giee-Uploader 1.1.2 in PicGo plug-in
  3. After creating a public project on Gitee, configure it with the following screenshot
  4. Why do we use the code cloud as a map bed and we can talk about that when we have time
  5. Set the association in Typora
  6. The last step is to start the picGo service

Now you can have fun with Typora

What do you want to leave behind when you are tortured by business

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