
Introduction to the

Flask_test_platform Builds on flask’s ability to quickly build Web services to build a test-friendly platform. To improve the overall efficiency of the project team.

Platform ideas

Integrate various resources needed in the project process, such as configuration items, common system links, file management, etc., so that project resources are shared uniformly and data is of the same origin.

Servitization of common scripts in the project, through web interface operations to complete the previously locally executed scripts, such as verification code query, encryption and decryption, test data construction, etc. (expand according to actual project requirements)

Service simulation: manually simulate background services to assist in development when the development progress of the project is not synchronized. Other uses depend on personal needs

Integrated interface for automated testing and visual management.

Integrated UI automated reporting, scheduled tasks, etc. (under development…)

Demo of existing functions

The online demo is at

Test account: Admin

Password: 123456

The project address


The login


The test case

The test report

Admin management

The environment


See requirements.txt for other dependency packages

Virtual Environment (optional)

PIP install virtualenv

# Switch to the path where you want to create the virtual environment

mkdir myproject

cd myproject

Select the Python version and create a virtual environment named Flaskenv

Virtualenv -p python3.6 flaskenv

# activate flaskenv

source flaskenv/bin/activate

When activated, type Python to see the latest version

The deactivate command deactivates the activated virtual environment

You can delete unnecessary virtual environments

rm -r /path/to/ENV

Other operation please refer to the official tutorials about virtualenv: virtualenv. Pypa. IO/en/latest/u…

Installing dependency packages

Enter the project root directory to run when the virtual environment is activated

pip -r install requirements.txt

In particular, the program referenced crypto for AES encryption, dependency package installation is completed, you need to manually change the virtual environment inside the crypto package name to crypto, folder path in the virtual environment lib, as follows:

Flaskenv/lib/python3.6 / site – packages

After installation, you can run the main program directly

python ypsh_test_platform.py

Local access after running: localhost: 5001 If the running package is missing, manually install the missing package

Functions have been developed


If you have any suggestions or questions, please contact: qianmengtmc@163.com, ypsh@live.com