Pay attention to the public account: a small tree, get my contact information, master the school recruitment process and matters needing attention and other first-hand information

As many Internet companies are recruiting interns, it has become a practical problem for them to get a coveted offer. In the recruitment process, whether it is the screening of candidates or the interview, the resume is the most basic link, just like your personal card, a good resume can make the interviewer’s eyes shine, increase the probability of passing the screening and the interview success. But judging from some of the resumes recently received, many students don’t pay special attention to the resume, or don’t know how to write a good resume, so they are drowning in a sea of resumes and don’t know when to fish out.

Two years ago, when I participated in the school enrollment, I wrote an article about my resume, hoping to supplement my original thinking by combining my own experience for reference. In the following sections, I’ll explain why a good resume should be prepared, how to prepare such a resume, and what to do about it.

A good resume = a good first impression

Consider this question first: Why are you sending out this resume? There is no doubt that after sending out the resume, they all hope to pass the screening, get the interview opportunity, and finally get the desired offer. For most people, a resume is the starting point of the process and helps HR and interviewers form a first impression of you. If your resume contains inaccurate information, you may be seen as a sloppy kid, and if your project experience is disorganized and unfocused, you may not be able to abstract and summarize. Therefore, a good resume can help you make a good first impression. Based on the information you provide, the interviewer will be able to arrange the content of the interview more rationally, and the chances of passing the screening and interview will naturally increase. Remember, the interview isn’t about learning what you don’t know, it’s about finding out what you’re good at while meeting the basic requirements of the position.

A great RESUME = accurate information + skill matching + personal characteristics

An excellent resume for school recruitment usually has the following characteristics:

  • Provide accurate personal information, easy to communicate with you in time

  • Have the right skills for the job and demonstrate that you have the basic qualities to do the job

  • Show your personality and cut down on empty jargon and jargon

Personal information needs to be accurate to ensure smooth communication

In order to make it easy for the reader to get a quick overview of your basic information, we usually spend a small amount of space at the front of the resume to introduce yourself, including your name, age, gender, education background and contact information, such as telephone number and email. Personal information is the most taboo omissions and errors, so be sure to double check, confirm correct before Posting. Contact information is the most important, most Internet companies will adopt the way of remote interview, if you can not successfully contact you or receive a notice, it is a waste of this opportunity. Telephone is a direct means of communication, during the recruitment season, do not hang up cold calls, ensure that the phone is available during working hours, pay attention to your school work hours, charge in advance. Email is often used to send notifications, such as invitations to interviews, etc. To check their own emails in time, as for Gmail or QQ email is not important, careful use of the hope to reflect the technology to force the use of their own mailbox services, to maintain the smooth information is the first priority. Academic degree is the hard currency in school enrollment, excellent school endorsement can greatly increase the pass rate of resume screening. For instance screen the resume of a technical post, 985/211 or the computer in characteristic school of science and technology kind is relevant major can occupy advantageous position. You can usually find your seniors to communicate with you and reduce tension. However, this does not mean that students with average educational background do not have opportunities. For these students, they need to pay more attention to their skills and personal characteristics.

Skills and job matching

For technical positions, for example, in a good resume, your skills or project experience should be computer related. Reinforce your skills so that the interviewer will be interested in you after reading the resume. But everyone’s resume is not static, need to fully understand the information of the sender, highlight the ability of higher match. With the segmentation, positions and functions of business is different, and the company/department expectations of staff capacity is also different, but the school recruit standard in JD tend to be relatively fuzzy, then need us to deliver the company/department have a full understanding, such as the department of business towards wireless scenario, that you can bring across or small program focuses on the development experience, Match expectations as accurately as possible. Next, I will elaborate on the front-end positions in detail.

Basic knowledge of

For the front end, the basics are still the three musketeers: HTML, CSS and Javascript. But with the development of the front end and the emergence of more niche fields such as data visualization, Typescript, Vue, React and Node.js, we also want candidates who can think and practice technology trends. In describing the specific grasp of the situation, avoid by all means without emphasis, piling up nouns. Avoid technical errors, such as unclear classification of individual skill descriptions and confusion between frameworks and libraries and tools. Resumes frequently use the words “skilled, proficient” without strong evidence of project/internship experience. Such as:

  • Proficient in HTML/CSS/JavaScript

  • Master Git, Webpack and Node.js

In this way, there is no way to provide intuitive and clear information to the reader. Everyone can write in this way, which lacks recognition. You can provide more detailed descriptions according to the requirements of your field and position, and the interviewer will be more inclined to examine what you are good at, helping you gain initiative in the interview content. Such as:

  • Ability to write HTML documents semantically

  • Familiar with CSS2.1 specification, understand margin folding and other features

  • Familiar with ES5/ES6, have own understanding of prototype, closure, inheritance, etc

Project experience/internship experience

This part aims to show that your practical practice of technology is the part that can best reflect the breadth and depth of personal ability, and needs to be carefully considered. Recommend a more general expression of STAR:

  • S stands for Situation, in what business context

  • T stands for task, what kind of task was undertaken

  • A is for action. What action was taken

  • R stands for result, that is, the feedback of things, what results were achieved, what problems were solved

To put it in a colloquial way:

  • Give a brief introduction to the background of the project

  • Describe any difficulties or problems encountered during this process

  • Through what kind of thinking to solve this problem, the final effect

Here are two examples.

  • ** Error Example: ** In a project, the cookie required for account login was not obtained when the back-end interface was requested. After Google query, it was found that the problem was caused by a cross-domain problem, and special configuration needs to be added.

  • ** Optimized example: ** In a certain project, it was necessary to obtain user cookies for login status, but the back-end interface could not be obtained normally. By learning cross-domain and related knowledge and using CORS to cross-domain, this problem was successfully solved.

By describing yourself in this way, the interviewer can easily assess your technical and abstract summarizing abilities, and can also be targeted during the interview. This way you can amplify one of your strengths and take the lead in the interview. Narration is usually done in reverse chronological order, narrating one’s experiences from the present to the present. Use as much data as you can to increase credibility and avoid using too many ambiguous descriptions.

Personality is what makes you stand out

In addition to the basic information and matching skills that everyone needs to have mentioned above, the most important things to stand out from the crowd are the areas where you stand out or excel. As you think about it, ask yourself, What is it about me that makes this company hire me? Take technical positions for some common resume plus, for everyone’s reference.


You can include your own spare time work, not limited to gadgets, learning records, etc., have a relatively complete open source projects or ongoing maintenance of the side project is better. The interviewer wants to see technical passion and coding skills, with a real Code, not a Github account. It is not recommended to include only a few demos that practice Git or do not give a positive impression of your abilities. Github content reflects understanding and engagement with technology, which is an important plus for a tech resume.

Personal blog/community sharing

Blogs reflect a person’s passion for technology and ability to accumulate and summarize knowledge. Students who have some understanding or practice of cutting-edge knowledge and a habit of continuous learning and paying attention to technological developments will also be more attractive. A blog that keeps up to date with original content will likely shine a light on the interviewer and bring him or her back to the game when it comes to learning about your blog.

The winning experience

If you have participated in ACM or won a good place in a major competition, it is definitely a plus. In addition, there will be some competitions for college students, which may give preference to students with good rankings for interview and selection.


The internship experience will show you in the real world and your ability to solve problems. It will also give the interviewer a better sense of whether you have the ability to learn quickly and get on with the job. Pay attention to the internship experience to spend more space to describe the skills mastered and solved problems in the internship process, do not pile on the specific functions of the project and other content, the interviewer wants to know you, not the project.

Academic record/scholarship

This content is the icing on the cake. If it is a computer major with good professional performance, there will be extra points, but do not be too long, choose the most representative performance to explain, can be put in the personal information.

Self assessment

This item is optional. It is recommended to supplement your ability with highlights and make your language as concise as possible. For example: adhere to the translation of foreign technical articles, 20,000 + words. Love to share, nuggets published 6 original articles, received 1000+ collection and 30000+ reading. These will give you a more three-dimensional picture of your overall image. The goal of your self-evaluation is to show that you are different from the other person, so don’t write a description that is too subjective to fit the space. It can backfire.

Resume layout

Here are a few common tips for resume design. The devil is in the details. Pay attention to the spelling of professional noun words such as javascript => javascript

  • Pay attention to typesetting, important information should be prominent, categories should have a sense of hierarchy, long words who can not go down

  • Don’t make mistakes, for example, write “front” as “front”

  • Keep it to a single page and pick the core and most representative content


Resume is the company to understand your first process, the first impression is very important, must pay attention to it, seriously prepare. A final summary:

  • Resume is only an external form of their own ability, forging iron also need their own hard, enhance their ability is the most important

  • A resume gives the interviewer an introduction to you, uses your areas of expertise, and takes the initiative in the interview

  • Tell the truth on your resume. Avoid exaggerations and lies

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