1. Basic introduction
1.1 Official Address
Without further ado, go directly to the official website link www.swiper.com.cn/.
What exactly does the rotation look like? Here is the picture of the homepage of the official website (figure 1 below), which is actually the simplest implementation of round seeding.
Of course, there’s also an autoplay feature that doesn’t show up in the screenshots. Autoplay is controlled using autoplay, such as autoplay: true/autoplay: false.
1.2 Installation Procedure
Whether you are used to using NPM or YARN, it is extremely easy to set up. Here is an example of version 4.0.7:
NPM i-d swiper@4.0.7, or YARN add -d swiper@4.0.7
After the installation is complete, you should see the corresponding version of Swiper in your package.json file.
1.3 scenario
Here are a few common scenarios.
(1) In taobao or Tmall’s mall (PC/APP), you can see the commodities or preferential information as long as you click on the home page;
(2) Meituan (PC/APP) also broadcasts preferential product information on the home page;
(3) In fact most, can say almost. Similar to Meituan, Ele. me, Qunar and other marketing websites will have the function of rotation.
2. Get started
2.1 How to Encapsulate Components
If the designer’s page is not the same as swiper, then you need to wrap swiper into a component to reuse it.
My personal habit is to use swiper as a base to fix things that don’t meet my requirements, such as style (color, font, shape, size of pager, etc.) and how to present the back and forth page turning function.
2.2 Starting Encapsulation
Call it slider.vue (any name, personal preference) and it will look like this:
<swiper class="swiper" :options="swiperOption">
<swiper-slide v-for="(item, idx) in sliderLists" :key="idx + '_slider'">
<div class="title">{{ item.name }}</div>
<div class="desc">{{ item.description }}</div>
<n-btn icon="lineIcon-download" class="download-wrapper">{{ item.buttonName }}</n-btn>
<div class="swiper-pagination" slot="pagination"></div>
<div class="swiper-button-prev" slot="button-prev" v-if="isPrev"></div>
<div class="swiper-button-next" slot="button-next" v-if="isNext"></div>
import {
} from 'vue-awesome-swiper';
import 'swiper/dist/css/swiper.css';
export default {
name: 'swiper-multiple-slides',
props: {
options: {
required: true,
type: Object,
sliders: {
required: true,
type: Array,
isPrev: {
required: false,
type: Boolean,
default: false,
isNext: {
required: false,
type: Boolean,
default: false,
components: {
data() {
return {};
computed: {
swiperOption() {
return this.$props.options;
sliderLists() {
return this.$props.sliders;
methods: {},
<style lang="less" scoped>
@import '~@/less/baseSlider';
Copy the code
BaseSlider stores some styles like this:
@import "~@/less/ncp"; .swiper { width: @slider-width; .swiper-slide { .title { font-size: 15px; The line - height: 1.5; font-weight: bold; } .desc { font-size: 15px; The line - height: 1.5; margin: 5px 0 20px; } .download-wrapper { padding: 0; display: block; width: 107px; height: 32px; border-radius: 4px; border: solid 1px #aaaaaa; background-color: @c-bg; } } } .brochure-bg { width: 255px; height: 130px; display: block; margin-bottom: 20px; } .video-bg { width: 255px; height: 143px; display: block; margin-bottom: 20px; }Copy the code
If you look at the slider.vue file, you will need to pass in the following parameters to use the slider component: options, sliders, isPrev, isNext. These parameters are controlled separately:
Options: The most important, it contains a lot of display features, such as autoplay, whether paging, whether navigation, rotation speed, how much content per page, how much content per group and so on. Specific configuration reference website: www.swiper.com.cn/api/paginat… ;
Sliders: This parameter is used to pass specific content to our component, typically an Array;
IsPrev: whether to turn the page forward.
IsNext: whether to scroll backwards.
2.3 Talk about several important configurations in Options
Speed: The value is a specific value, such as 6000. It’s the speed of the slide;
SlidesPerView: In rotation mode, set the number of slides that slider’s container can display at the same time. It also supports an ‘auto’ value, which adjusts the number of slides based on the width of the container. ‘Auto’ is not compatible with loop mode;
SlidesPerGroup: defines the number of slides in a group that is valid in rotation mode.
The complete options configuration is as follows:
{ speed: 6000, slidesPerView: 2 , slidesPerGroup: 2, pagination: { el: '.swiper-pagination', clickable: true, type: "custom", renderCustom: function(swiper, current, total) { const activeColor = 'red'; const normalColor = 'gray'; let color = ''; let paginationStyle = ''; let pageHtml = ''; for (let i = 1; i <= total; i++) { if (i === current) { color = activeColor } else { color = normalColor } paginationStyle = `background:${color}; width:40px; height:3px; cursor:pointer; border-radius:0%; margin-right:5px; opacity:1; `; pageHtml += `<span class="swiper-pagination-bullet" style=${paginationStyle}></span>`; } return pageHtml; } }, navigation: { nextEl: '.swiper-button-next', prevEl: '.swiper-button-prev' }, }Copy the code
3. Why is Renderxxx a magic object in Pagination
Note: Different versions of Swiper have different options, which is why I install swiper with the version information.
The default swiper pager is usually in the form of a dot, as shown below:
But what if we’re presented with a design that requires the pager to be displayed as a bar? RenderCustom can do this for you:
type: "custom", renderCustom: function(swiper, current, total) { const activeColor = 'red'; const normalColor = 'gray'; let color = ''; let paginationStyle = ''; let pageHtml = ''; for (let i = 1; i <= total; i++) { if (i === current) { color = activeColor } else { color = normalColor } paginationStyle = `background:${color}; width:40px; height:3px; cursor:pointer; border-radius:0%; margin-right:5px; opacity:1; `; pageHtml += `<span class="swiper-pagination-bullet" style=${paginationStyle}></span>`; } return pageHtml; }},Copy the code
As you can see here, I used red for active pages and gray for inactive pages, and I set a wide height style in paginationStyle. The finished effect is shown as follows:
We can also set other styles and colors to complete a basic rotation component.