What is Sqoop

Sqoop: SQL-to-Hadoop Bridge between traditional relational databases and Hadoop Import data from relational databases to Hadoop systems such as HDFS, HBase, and Hive. Data is extracted from Hadoop systems and exported to relational databases. Using MapReduce to speed up data transmission: Data synchronization is transformed into MR job batch processing for data transmission: real-time performance is not good enough

Advantages of Sqoop

Efficient and controllable use of resources, task parallelism, timeout time and other data types can be automatically mapped and converted, users can also customize support for a variety of databases MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL

Sqoop import

Step 1: Sqoop communicates with the database Server to obtain the metadata information of the database table. Step 2: Sqoop starts a Map-only MR job and writes data to Hadoop in parallel using metadata information. Features: you can specify the HDFS path, specify the table of the relational database, field, connection number (not crushing the database), can import multiple tables, support incremental import (manually specify the start ID, event, or automatically record the last end position, automatically complete the incremental import)

Sqoop Export

Step 1: Sqoop communicates with database Server to obtain metadata information of database tables. Step 2: Parallel data import: Divide files on Hadoop into several splits; Each split is imported by a Map Task.

Sqoop is integrated with other systems

Sqoop can be combined with Oozie, Hive, and Hbase. PS:

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