The design of animation in the game is very important. In QML, it provides a rich animation, but sometimes we need to change the image, just like a movie. In today’s article, we will design an animation that can change the image. This can be done with Sprite features provided by Qt. \


For the convenience of design, we first design a bear animation of our own. The image size of this animation is 2048×256. It happens to be 8 copies 256×256




In our Sprite design, we wanted to display each image in the same order as the above, so that we could create a continuously changing animation.


Post our animation design file BearSprite directly:



Import QtQuick 2.0 Item {width: 256 height: 256 SpriteSequence {id: fishSprite anchors. Fill: parent interpolate: false goalSprite: "" Sprite { name: "first" source: "./gfx/Bear2.png" frameWidth: 256 frameHeight: 256 frameCount: 1 frameDuration: 800 frameDurationVariation: 400 to: { "second" : 1 } } Sprite { name: "second" source: "./gfx/Bear2.png" frameCount: 1 frameX: 256 frameWidth: 256 frameHeight: 256 frameDuration: 800 frameDurationVariation: 400 to: { "third" : 1 } } Sprite { name: "third" source: "./gfx/Bear2.png" frameCount: 1 frameX: 256*2 frameWidth: 256 frameHeight: 256 frameDuration: 800 frameDurationVariation: 400 to: { "fourth" : 1 } } Sprite { name: "fourth" source: "./gfx/Bear2.png" frameCount: 1 frameX: 256*3 frameWidth: 256 frameHeight: 256 frameDuration: 800 frameDurationVariation: 400 to: { "fifth" : 1 } } Sprite { name: "fifth" source: "./gfx/Bear2.png" frameCount: 1 frameX: 256*4 frameWidth: 256 frameHeight: 256 frameDuration: 800 frameDurationVariation: 400 to: { "sixth" : 1 } } Sprite { name: "sixth" source: "./gfx/Bear2.png" frameCount: 1 frameX: 256*5 frameWidth: 256 frameHeight: 256 frameDuration: 800 frameDurationVariation: 400 to: { "seventh" : 1 } } Sprite { name: "seventh" source: "./gfx/Bear2.png" frameCount: 1 frameX: 256*6 frameWidth: 256 frameHeight: 256 frameDuration: 800 frameDurationVariation: 400 to: { "eighth" : 1 } } Sprite { name: "eighth" source: "./gfx/Bear2.png" frameCount: 1 frameX: 256*7 frameWidth: 256 frameHeight: 256 frameDuration: 800 frameDurationVariation: 400 to: { "first" : 1 } } Sprite { //WORKAROUND: This prevents the triggering of a rendering error which is currently under investigation. name: "dummy" source: "./gfx/Bear2.png" frameCount: 8 frameWidth: 256 frameHeight: 256 frameX: 0 frameDuration: 200 } } }Copy the code



In the above design, we used a SpriteSequence with a few sprites in it.


        Sprite {
            name: "sixth"
            source: "./gfx/Bear2.png"
            frameCount: 1
            frameX: 256*5
            frameWidth: 256
            frameHeight: 256
            frameDuration: 800
            frameDurationVariation: 400
            to: { "seventh" : 1 }
Copy the code

Every Sprite here is pretty much the same design. Each Sprite has its own name. Note the frameX here. It’s actually the x-coordinate position that we showed above. So 256×5, for example, is drip-5. In addition, our frameHeight and frameWidth are the same size as the original image, although in the actual display this size can be set in main.qml.


Using the same method, we can make a FishSprite.






Import QtQuick 2.0 import QtMultimedia 5.0 Item {width: 64 height: 64 property real HP: 3 SoundEffect {id: spawnSound source: "./audio/catch.wav" loops:SoundEffect.Infinite } SoundEffect { id: killedSound source: "./audio/catch-action.wav" } SpriteSequence { id: fishSprite anchors.fill: parent interpolate: false goalSprite: "" Sprite { name: "left" source: "./gfx/mob-idle.png" frameWidth: 64 frameHeight: 64 frameCount: 1 frameDuration: 800 frameDurationVariation: 400 to: { "front" : 1 } } Sprite { name: "front" source: "./gfx/mob-idle.png" frameCount: 1 frameX: 64 frameWidth: 64 frameHeight: 64 frameDuration: 800 frameDurationVariation: 400 to: { "left" : 1, "right" : 1 } } Sprite { name: "right" source: "./gfx/mob-idle.png" frameCount: 1 frameX: 128 frameWidth: 64 frameHeight: 64 frameDuration: 800 frameDurationVariation: 400 to: { "front" : 1 } } Sprite { //WORKAROUND: This prevents the triggering of a rendering error which is currently under investigation. name: "dummy" source: "./gfx/melee-idle.png" frameCount: 8 frameWidth: 64 frameHeight: 64 frameX: 0 frameDuration: 200 } NumberAnimation on x { id: fishSwim running: false property bool goingLeft: fishSprite.currentSprite == "right" to: goingLeft ? -360 : 360 duration: 300 } Component.onCompleted: { } } SpriteSequence { id: bubble width: 64 height: 64 Scale: 0.4 + (0.2 * HP) interpolate: false goalSprite: "" Behavior on scale {NumberAnimation {duration: 150; easing.type: Easing.OutBack } } Sprite { name: "big" source: "./gfx/catch.png" frameCount: 1 to: { "burst" : 0 } } Sprite { name: "burst" source: "./gfx/catch-action.png" frameCount: 3 frameX: 64 frameDuration: 200 } Sprite { //WORKAROUND: This prevents the triggering of a rendering error which is currently under investigation. name: "dummy" source: "./gfx/melee-idle.png" frameCount: 8 frameWidth: 64 frameHeight: 64 frameX: 0 frameDuration: 200 } SequentialAnimation on width { loops: Animation.Infinite NumberAnimation { from: width * 1; To: width * 1.1; duration: 800; Type: easing. InOutQuad} NumberAnimation {from: width * 1.1; to: width * 1; duration: 1000; easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad } } SequentialAnimation on height { loops: Animation.Infinite NumberAnimation { from: height * 1; To: height * 1.15; duration: 1200; Type: easing. InOutQuad} NumberAnimation {from: height * 1.15; to: height * 1; duration: 1000; easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad } } } }Copy the code





Import QtQuick 2.0 import Ubuntu.Components 1.1 /*! \brief MainView with a Label and Button elements. */ MainView { // objectName for functional testing purposes (autopilot-qt5) objectName: "mainView" // Note! applicationName needs to match the "name" field of the click manifest applicationName: "sprite.liu-xiao-guo" /* This property enables the application to change orientation when the device is rotated. The default is false. */ //automaticOrientation: true // Removes the old toolbar and enables new features of the new header. useDeprecatedToolbar: false width: height: Page { id: page title:"sprite") Column { anchors.fill: parent FishSprite { height: width: } BearSprite { id: bear height: width: NumberAnimation on x { to: page.width duration: 8*800 onRunningChanged: { if ( running == false) { bear.x = 0 start() } } } } } } }Copy the code


To run our QML application:





Project source at:…

