High server cost? Frequent outages? Website traffic is a big bug? .

In the face of the business requirements of large flow, any large factory and rapidly expanding enterprises are in great need of talents who can master the “three high” system architecture design capabilities of high availability, high performance and high concurrency.

It can be said that only by mastering the experience of the “three high” structure can we have more opportunities for growth and promotion, as well as more competitive advantages.

How to comprehensively and quickly improve relevant abilities? The business logic of seckill system is very simple, the process is clear, and it is very typical in the “three high” scenario of the Internet, so it is suitable to learn “three high”.

Here I recommend to you pull hook education on the column “to create tens of millions of traffic seconds kill system”. In this column, we will present to you a complete seconds kill the project process, from requirements analysis, architecture design, code implementation and performance testing of the four most, gradually take you designed to meet the requirements of “three highs” seconds kill system, truly understand the “three highs” architecture and its implementation, and extrapolate, easy to build other meet the business requirements of “three highs” architecture.

Course is an introduction to

Part ONE: Demand analysis

Starting from the development history of e-commerce and the business background of seckilling system, this paper introduces the functional requirements and non-functional requirements of the front and back end of seckilling system, especially how to analyze the “three high” in the non-functional requirements and calculate their indicators through thought experiment.

By studying this section, we hope that you will be able to grasp the requirements analysis of the “three High” architecture so that you will not lose your head at the beginning.

The second part, architecture design:

In this section, we will share with you the overall architecture design of the seckill system and its specific principles and methods of high availability, high performance and high concurrency.

You will learn how to design seckill systems through Domain-driven Design (DDD), how to design highly available architectures with cloud computing infrastructure, and how to improve concurrency and stability with pooling, funnel models, fuses, and flow limiting technologies.

The third part, code implementation:

Introduce the code implementation details of seckill system, hope you can learn how to use hot update, pooling technology, caching technology, funnel model and other advanced programming skills, improve the concurrency performance and stability of the service.

Part IV, Performance Test:

Introduce the final stage of the project landing – how to do a good acceptance job, hopefully you can learn how to use stress testing for performance tuning, and understand what to look out for once the project is online.

Course outline

Course entrance

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