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This column records how I learned about Flutter from the ground up, stepped into the pits during the learning process, and finally exported a template of my own project. The purpose of this column is to help those who are new to Flutter learn about Flutter and its ecology as quickly as possible.

This is where the order of the articles in this column is stored, and it will be updated each time a new article is published:

Why Flutter? How to Use Flutter? Understanding the Ecology of Flutter chapter 4 The Simple Engineering of Flutter Chapter N…

Start Game


Run the Dart code online:, and run the code directly on it during the learning phase., but I don’t read them

I first read the introduction to Dart language in Flutter Practical, an open source book published by Flutter Chinese. There are few chapters (only 5 sections, including variables, Functions, async, Stream and comparison with other languages), which enables me, who can learn JS, to directly use Dart.

After reading this, I actually went to learn Flutter directly. In the middle of learning, I found that I could not understand part of Dart grammar, and then went back to systematic learning. So I recommend taking things one step at a time and going straight to the Dart language.

I like this tutorial: Dart2 Chinese document

If you ask me why I like it, I don’t really know… Find yourself a satisfactory tutorial, look over, anyway, there is an official website in the bottom of it, right


Install the Development environment for Flutter

The first step is to install the Flutter development environment. This is a free video on how to build a Flutter development environment

Why did you see two tutorials for setting up a development environment? I remember there seems to be some deficiency in each article, I combined the two articles, I forgot what the deficiency is, it is a long time ago…

After reading these two tutorials, I have compiled my own tutorial on building Flutter on Android under Windows. If you are in Windows, you can read my tutorial directly.

Start learning Flutter

The second step is to actually start learning the Flutter tutorial

The official website of flutter. Dev /, flutter Chinese provides the documents flutterChina. Club /docs/, flutter Chinese resources website provides the documents, but I still don’t read them

I read the open source book “Practical Flutter” from Flutter Chinese mentioned above.

This book is actually the famous HTTP request library Dio author open source, so the quality is absolutely guaranteed! Also, this library will be used in the next article.

I read it: Chapter 1 getting started, Chapter 2 the first Flutter application, the first two sections of Chapter 3 Basic Components, and then jumped to chapter 11 file manipulation and network requests.

Why don’t I read things like the second half of Chapter 3 and chapter 4? Since it’s a bit boring, this section is mostly about the use of widgets (a bit like teaching you how to use ElementUI framework in Vue), but I think it saves time to look at them when you use them and make an early impression. It’s good to get a general idea of what common widgets Flutter provides.

Of course, you can insist on the whole document down, that…… That’s awesome!

Began to practice

In the free video on Flutter, see season 2 to 4 + 20 small examples. This will familiarize you with common widgets, common layouts, and routing.

The friend that does not like graphic course can go bilibilii looks for technical fat video course, it is form a complete set with graphic course.

But if you have experience in other areas of Flutter development, you may immediately think: “What I have learned so far is mostly about Flutter itself, providing basic knowledge. Writing small demos is ok, but it will not be enough for big projects.”


Because you don’t have the usual “engineering” solutions right now, like HTTP modules: we don’t use the official HTTP API directly, we use third-party Dio plugins, and we have to re-package it based on Dio plugins to make it better.

We’ll talk about these things in more detail in the next article.

So, see you in the next article.