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Little drops of water wear through a stone
What is enumeration
Enumerations, a new feature introduced in JDK 1.5, consist of a fixed set of constants that make up the types of legal values, such as the season of the year, the number of weeks of the week. Enumeration is a special class that inherits the Java.lang. Enum class and implements the interfaces of java.lang.Seriablizable and java.lang.Comparable. Domain members are constant, and constructors are private by default.
How to Define an enumeration
Let’s see how enumerations are defined first! We define four values, spring, summer, fall, and winter.
public enum SeasonEnum {
/ / in the spring
/ / in the summer
/ / fall
/ / in the winter
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This is how enumerated classes are defined. Very simple! Let’s look at the functions provided by the enumeration class.
Enumerated function
public static void main(String[] args) {
//1. Get the specified enumeration based on the name passed in, which may throw an exception
SeasonEnum autumn = SeasonEnum.valueOf("AUTUMN");
System.out.println("autumn1 = " + autumn);
// Agree with 1
SeasonEnum anEnum = SeasonEnum.valueOf(SeasonEnum.class, "AUTUMN");
System.out.println("autumn2 = " +anEnum);
//2, return all elements in the current enumeration class
SeasonEnum[] values = SeasonEnum.values();
System.out.println("values = " +Arrays.toString(values));
//3, get the enumeration element
SeasonEnum name1 = SeasonEnum.AUTUMN;
System.out.println("name1 = " + name1);
// Get the name of the enumeration element
String name2 = SeasonEnum.AUTUMN.name();
System.out.println("name2 = " + name2);
//4, return index of this enumeration element, starting from 0
int ordinal = SeasonEnum.AUTUMN.ordinal();
System.out.println("ordinal = " + ordinal);
Return a negative, zero, or positive integer for comparison with the specified object.
// Less than the specified object returns a negative integer
// returns zero for the specified object
// Greater than the specified object returns a positive integer
int i = SeasonEnum.AUTUMN.compareTo(SeasonEnum.AUTUMN);
System.out.println("compareTo = " + i);
// Return the type of the enumerated class
System.out.println("getDeclaringClass = " + SeasonEnum.AUTUMN.getDeclaringClass());
// Return true if the specified object is equal to this enumeration element.
System.out.println("equals = " + SeasonEnum.AUTUMN.equals("AUTUMN")); } the result: autumn1 = AUTUMN autumn2 = AUTUMN values = [SPRING, SUMMER, AUTUMN, WINTER] name1 = AUTUMN name2 = AUTUMN ordinal =2
compareTo = 0
getDeclaringClass = class com.gongj.jsondate.controller.SeasonEnum
equals = false
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Use of enumerations
The above has simply introduced the definition of enumeration and enumeration function! This section will show you how and where to use enumerations at work!
1. Define constants
We use the SeasonEnum above to enumerate the class.
public static void main(String[] args) {
SeasonEnum type = SeasonEnum.AUTUMN;
System.out.println("Spring: Spring blossoms.");
System.out.println("Summer: the heat of the summer sun.");
System.out.println("Autumn: The autumn wind blows.");
System.out.println("Winter: Warm winter sun"); }} Result: Autumn: The wind blows gently in autumnCopy the code
If and switch values can be replaced with enumerations to improve code readability.
2. Parameter receiving
Interface request parameter values can be received with enumerations! For example, the type of the orderType field of the OrderDTO class can be received using an enumeration! What good is that?
- 1. Code readability allows other developers to know at a glance what the order type has (values).
- 2. Specify the scope of the order type. It prevents users from passing arbitrary values.
public class OrderDTO {
private Long id;
private String orderName;
private SeasonEnum orderType;
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The SeasonEnum enum class is used here again.
Provide external interfaces
public void save(@RequestBody OrderDTO req){
System.out.println( JSON.toJSONString(req));
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Then the calling: http://localhost:8080/save, prompt response value is not a statement of Enum one instance name.
That is, the value of orderType can only enumerate the declared instances of the SeasonEnum class.
3, code value conversion
Using an enumeration class implementation eliminates many of the if/else’s. Most are used to connect to different systems, such as: to connect to a bank docking function, the process is as follows: front end – “this system back end -” call the bank interface. There is a code value for the payment status. 1- pending payment in your system, and 0- pending payment in the bank. The code values between the two systems are inconsistent. Therefore, the system needs to configure conversion rules. This is where you can use enumerated classes.
3.1. Write an enumeration base class
Write an enumeration base class, all enumeration classes need to implement this interface, if the base class does not meet the requirements, subclasses can extend at will.
public interface BaseEnum {
String getKey(a);
void setKey(String key);
String getValue(a);
void setValue(String value);
String getDesc(a);
void setDesc(String desc);
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3.2. Write payment enumeration class
Implement the BaseEnum interface, extend the channel and channelDesc fields, and add the match method.
public enum PayEnum implements BaseEnum{
WAITING_PAY("1"."0"."Pending payment"."unionpay"."Unionpay"),
SUCCESS_PAY("2"."1"."Successful payment"."unionpay"."Unionpay"),
FAIL_PAY("3"."2"."Payment failure"."unionpay"."Unionpay"),
ALIPAY_WAITING_PAY("1"."3"."Pending payment"."alipay"."Alipay");
private String key;
private String value;
private String desc;
// This extended field is used to connect the payment status of different systems
private String channel;
private String channelDesc;
private PayEnum(String key,String value,String desc,String channel,String channelDesc){
this.key = key;
this.value = value;
this.desc = desc;
this.channel = channel;
this.channelDesc = channelDesc;
public String getKey(a) {
return this.key;
public void setKey(String key) {
this.key = key;
public String getValue(a) {
return this.value;
public void setValue(String value) {
this.value = value;
public String getDesc(a) {
return this.desc;
public void setDesc(String desc) {
this.desc = desc;
public String getChannel(a) {
return channel;
public void setChannel(String channel) {
this.channel = channel;
public String getChannelDesc(a) {
return channelDesc;
public void setChannelDesc(String channelDesc) {
this.channelDesc = channelDesc;
/** * Get enumeration instances based on key and channel *@param key
* @param channel
* @return* /
public static PayEnum match(String key, String channel) {
PayEnum[] enums = PayEnum.values();
for (PayEnum payEnum : enums) {
if (key.equals(payEnum.getKey()) && channel.equals(payEnum.getChannel()))
return payEnum;
return null; }}Copy the code
3.3, tests,
public static void main(String[] args) {
String key = "1";
String channel = "unionpay";
PayEnum match = match(key, channel);
System.out.println(match.getKey() + "= =" + match.getValue()
+ "= = =" + match.getDesc() + "= = =" +
"= ="+ match.getChannel()); } the result:1= =0=== to be paid =====unionpayCopy the code
With enumerations in some cases, you can leave out a lot of if/else.
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