The installation

npm npm install echarts-vue-component

yarn yarn add echarts-vue-component

Introduce Echarts in main.js

// Create the Echarts component
import ChartBlock from 'echarts-vue-component'
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Introduce it in the page

import ChartBlock from 'echarts-vue-component'  / / introduction
export default {
  components: {ChartBlock},      /// Instance component},data() {
   return {
      option: {          // Render value
        tooltip: {
          trigger: "axis",},legend: {
          data: ["actualData"."expectedData"],},grid: {
          left: "3%".right: "4%".bottom: "3%".containLabel: true,},toolbox: {
          feature: {
            saveAsImage: {},}},xAxis: {
          type: "category".boundaryGap: ["Mon"."Tue"."Wed"."Thu"."Fri"."Sat"."Sun"],},yAxis: {
          type: "value",},series: [{name: "actualData".type: "line".stack: "Total".data: [],}, {name: "expectedData".type: "line".stack: "Total".data: [],}],},}; },mounted() {
    this.$refs.chart.setOption(this.option);  // For example
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// Page content
    <chart-block style="width: 600px; height: 200px" ref="chart"></chart-block>
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When we want to change the value in Echarts

// Define the method
   echartsFn() {
       this.option.series[0].data = [];  / / value
       this.$refs.chart.setOption(this.option);  // re-instantiate
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Data in option.series must be arrays

[120, 82, 91, 154, 162, 140, 130, __ob__: Observer]

Parse (json.stringify (the array)) can be used to make an array