
Installing a wordpress site on any cloud server is the same, with Windows and Linux operating systems. Here, I choose Linux operating system to build wordpress website.

For a basic website building process, see article: How to Build your own Website inexpensively. Yq.aliyun.com/articles/68…


Setting up a personal blog on Aliyun is divided into the following steps:

1. Purchase Aliyun ECS host

2. Buy a domain name

3. Application for filing

4. Environment configuration

5. Install wordpress

Domain name resolution

Declaration, I am not very familiar with the knowledge of the server side, but I want to do their own personal website installed beep, hereby record the complete configuration process, also be a dose of welfare to other small white people.

The development environment

Physical Edition: Windows 7 Flagship (64-bit)

Xshell version: Xshell 5 Build 0806

XFTP version: XFTP 5 Build 0780

WordPress version: WordPress-4.3.1-zh_cn

PhpMyAdmin version: phpmyadmin-4.5.1 -all-languages

Note: all of the above installation package tools are attached to download at the end of the article, are downloaded from the official, please absolutely rest assured to use, take away no thanks ~

1. Purchase Aliyun ECS server:

Log in to the official website of Aliyun. For new users, they should first register as Aliyun users and complete the real-name authentication of Alipay. Select cloud server ECS from “Products and Services” and choose purchase now. If you are lucky, you can catch up with some of ali’s preferential activities. For example, I pay the student price:

Above offer links: promotion.aliyun.com/ntms/act/xs…

About configuration: first make do with bai. anyway, there is no high concurrent access, so there is no need to make hot yao high configuration, after all, the price is expensive, I can not afford the silk students ah, first a whole year of cloud server play try.

Configuration options:

Choose the appropriate configuration according to your own needs. If you are just doing personal wordpress blogs, you can refer to the following configuration:

Ii. Purchase of domain name:

This step is relatively simple, go directly to Ali cloud million online purchase you need the domain name can. Wanwang.aliyun.com/ Click “Wanwang” in the upper right corner of the official website of Aliyun, and then you can purchase the domain name. It should be noted that the first purchase of the domain name is preferential, so please choose a proper purchase period, otherwise continuous renewal may cause economic losses, it is recommended to go to real-name authentication after the purchase of the domain name.

Three, domain name record:

Need to remind you that if you bought ali cloud server, and want to access through the domain name, the domain name is must be put on record, summary sentence: must first put the domain name on record, in order to access ali cloud server through the domain name.

Mention put on record, the likelihood you can feel put on record this thing is very troublesome, all sorts of flow, formalities. In fact not so trouble, because ali cloud already provides one-stop service (ha ha, I so make MLM, also won’t give me what discount what ali cloud), through ali cloud system of generation for the record, some will be much easier, whether it’s a personal website for the record, or corporate web site for the record, is just a matter of time before, generally for the record review need about 20 days. (1) application for record service number :(very important) since we plan to use ali cloud on behalf of the record system, this matter is essential.

Enter the management background of Aliyun and select “Record Service Number Application” :

Follow the instructions in the picture above to get a service number for your domain name and write it down for later use. If you do not buy Ali Cloud ECS, naturally can not apply for service number.

In the above picture, enter the official website of Ali Cloud and click the “Record” channel at the top to enter the record system of Ali Cloud. Link: beian. Gein. Cn/account/log… The old address

Beian.aliyun.com new record address

In this link to re-register a record account (this account is not ali Cloud account). Once you’ve registered, log in and apply for the record.

I forgot the screenshot of this place at that time, so I can’t see the specific steps, but it is very simple, just fill in as required, it requires you to fill in a record service number, this service number is obtained in step (1).

After filling in the information, Aliyun would conduct a preliminary review, and I received the approved email within a few hours. The email said:

The above picture shows that our domain name information in Ali Cloud has been initially reviewed, and now we need to take photos: either to the designated place to take photos, or to apply for a screen to take photos and upload them. I choose to take photos at the designated place. Oh, just a reminder, the photo is free, heh heh

By the way, the statement: if it is a personal website for the record, is to handle the photo; If it is a company website, you do not need to take photos, but you need to provide business license and tax registration and other materials.

I went to take photos on October 28th, and the bucket passed the examination of provincial Communication Administration Bureau on November 12th, with good efficiency.

In general, filing is not a hassle, it is just a matter of waiting, in the meantime, we can just configure our environment

Iv. Environment Configuration:

The ECS we purchased for Aliyun is a pure Linux system, in other words, there is nothing installed in it, so we need to configure the Web environment before installing the blog system, don’t be afraid, this step is also very simple.

1. Download the installation package:

After logging in ali Cloud, we click the cloud market and find the installation package of “Linux One-click Installation web Environment” :

A key to ali cloud Linux install web environment (including video tutorials) market.aliyun.com/products/56…

As the picture above shows, there is a charge for this product: 2 quick money. All right, I’ll take it.

Warm tip: after buying, get is actually a compression package, the landlord is a good person, has attached the compression package resources at the end of this article, take away don’t thank ~

After purchase, the download address is as follows:

After decompression, the obtained file is as follows:

2. Install xshell and XFTP:

Download link: www.netsarang.com/download/ma… Because it is collect fees software, the proposal looks for crack version to download on the net. Here I share my free download address: link: pan.baidu.com/s/16nv8Bi_g… Extraction code: QeYI

3. Xshell configuration :(setting the login information of the cloud server)

(1) Remote login: open Xshell and choose “File –> New”. The following dialog box will pop up for setting:

4. Copy files:

After opening Xshell and connecting to the host successfully, drag and drop the file as shown below:

After dragging, open the terminal and enter the following command to view:

Copy the code

5. Web server selection:

Then type the following command:

Chmod -r 777 sh - 1.4.4cdSh - 1.4.4 /. / install. ShCopy the code

After input, a selection prompt appears and enter the selection interface of the web server :(here the cliff is a big pit, please install according to the following configuration)

6. Check after installation:

Enter the following command to view the running services and ports:

netstat -tunpl
Copy the code

The effect is as follows:

In the figure above, we can see the running services and ports.

  • 9000 port: PHP process service (here we choose to install Apache, so there is no 9000 port, this is because nginx+ PHP integration is different from apache+ PHP integration)
  • Port 3306: mysql service
  • Port 80: HTTPD or Nginx service
  • 21 Port: FTP service

Mysql > set FTP/mysql password

From the command line, enter the following command :(you can see my FTP and mysql username and password)

cat account.log
Copy the code

passwd www
Copy the code

The effect is as follows:

Mysqladmin -uroot -p old password password New passwordCopy the code

Note: there is no space between -p and the old password, and there is a space between password and the new password

/alidata/website-info.log: /alidata/website-info.log

The above steps are described in this document, and detailed tutorial documentation links (operation does not understand, can view the tutorial document) : docs. Cloudcare. Cn/pages/viewp…

Five, install wordpress:

Install phpMyAdmin

(1) first of all, we need a database management software, to download a “phpMyAdmin database management software, go to the website to download, download link: www.phpmyadmin.net/downloads/

Do not download the version with the word “Betal” on it, that is the beta version.

(2) After downloading, we unzip and open Xshell -> click the small button of folder style at the top to open XFTP -> enter alidata/ WWW /phpwind directory and delete all files in this directory.

(3) Drag the folder extracted in step (2) to the folder we cleared, and the result is as follows:

The effect is as follows:

Create database:

Next we create a database for blogs:

The installation of wordpress

Download wordpress from the official website and unzip it. Download: cn.wordpress.org/

WordPress is an open source PHP framework that is one of the most useful options for creating personal blogs. You don’t even need to know PHP to create your own website. Provide powerful background article management and plug-in and theme management, almost can meet all the needs of personal websites. Even better, find a good website template and you’ll be more than halfway there.

If you use a browser to access the public IP of Aliyun, you will enter the installation page of wordpress, as shown below:

The illustration above can be explained as follows:

  • Database: Fill in the name of the database we just created
  • User name: root if you haven’t changed it
  • Password: Your password
  • Host: localhost does not need to change
  • Table prefix: this is the prefix name of the table created in the database. The default prefix is Wp_, which means that all tables created in the database start with wp_. For security reasons, the default prefix is not recommended
  • Click Submit, then set up some basic information about your site, and finally click Install. Specific screenshots are as follows:

Of course, you can also change the various wordpress themes, this is to study yourself.

Six, domain name resolution

After parsing, we can access personal websites directly through the domain name.

My domain name is bought in ten thousand net. The parsing steps are as follows:

Log in to Aliyun account and parse:

At the end

“Ali cloud Linux one-click install web environment” installer: download.csdn.net/detail/smyh…

【 xshell version, XFTP version, wordpress version, phpMyAdmin] etc. The installation package: download.csdn.net/detail/smyh…

If you need to download the latest version of the web environment, please be sure to go to aliyun official website to download!! .

The latest official address: ali cloud Linux one-click install web environment (including video tutorials) market.aliyun.com/products/56…