How to upload files to Gitee in WebStorm

1. Create the repository in Gitee first

2. Clone remote repository to local repository in webstorm

Note: you can find ways to install Git in Webstorm yourself. (Download the Git software and install it on Windows, then install the Git plug-in in Webstorm)

This may vary from version to version. Just go to VCS — > Git — > Clone from the menu bar

3. Select a local path to clone the remote repository.

The URL bar is filled in with the unique URL * of the remote warehouse built on gitee website. The first picture above shows the button to copy the URL **

In the new gitee folder, after cloning, there will be a hidden.git subfolder (usually hidden)

You can select Yes to enter the newly created folder “eg:giteeWarehouse” or do not enter it. You are advised to select “No” or close the window. In order to follow the steps of xiaobian

4. When creating a local repository for initial use (that is, you have not entered the account and password on gitee website in Webstorm before), you must fill in the account and password

Note: after changing the repository, if you select the current project (eg:giteeWarehouse), there is no “GIt” after right-clicking, you need to restart WebStorm. The refresh webstorm

1. Then connect to the remote repository VCS –> Git –> Remotes

Select a remote repository and click “OK” to confirm the connection.

If you are not connected to the remote repository, click Add in the upper right corner. You can add “Origin “or another name. In the URL bar, fill in the remote URL address

(2. The remote creation library of Gitee has been successfully cloned, and the operation can be performed. You can then add, delete, and modify files in the Gitee folder.* *

5. After modifying the Git folder, start transferring local data to the remote repository

(Above is the initialization, below is the formal submission)

Note: After changing the repository, if you select the current project (eg:gitee), you will need to restart WebStorm if there is no “GIt” after right-clicking. The refresh webstorm

Method 1: Upload under the project (stable, efficient, but slow)

GiteeWarehouse /.git * * right-click giteeWarehouse/.git * * right-click giteeWarehouse/.git * * Select Git — > Add (this is equivalent to going to the giteeWarehouse folder and operating in the ~/giteeWarehouse file path)

(2) Name the commit (preferably a different name each time)Right-click the Gitee folder again and selectGIt > Commit Directory, select the file and folder to submit,Enter the name of this submission, the choice ofThe drop-down box at the bottom rightButton,Note: Instead of clicking Commit, click the small triangle to the right of Commit.* Then click “in the drop-down box.Commit and Push“Button

(3) Finally, push the local Git external storage space file to the remote repository to complete the submission.And then it’s gonna pop up, click push,

(1)If the submission is successful or fails, a dialog box will pop up in the lower right corner (or not). To view the current submission status, click Event Log in the lower right corner. If no error or warning is displayed, the upload is successful.

(2)Data from the local repository has been successfully committed to the remote repository

The “Git icon” is displayed on the top right and the “V” is displayed on the right.

When you need to submit, click one by one to complete the submission quickly. Different versions may vary. >>> Git commit -m “XXXX” >>> Git push

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * When adding a file, be sure to copy the file instead of moving it to the local repository in the compiler, otherwise the original file will only exist in the local repository

Then directly enter the submission page, the operation procedure is the same as above

Method 3: Use the command line to submit data to the remote repository (CMD)

1. Go to the file path of the current project

Right click “eg: Gitee” project, select “Open in Terminal”, then click “Terminal” (you can also click “Terminal” at the bottom of Pychar to enter command line mode, Then use CD XXX/ XXXX /giteeWarehouse to go to the file path of the current project.

(2.. Add files in the current directory to your local Git external storage

On the command line, type “git add.” (Normal if there is no error or warning after input)

2. Name the submission (The gitee website itself provides version control, and the name of the submission can be used as an element of version control)

3. Finally, push the data from the local Git external storage space to the remote repository

To complete the push, enter git push on the cli

Therefore, each of the three methods has its strengths. I hope you can experience it more
