Zhihu netizens ask:

Let me first talk about my own situation: I can still solve the bugs encountered in the Java project in front of the video, but EVERY time I finish a project, I feel very empty. I feel that I understand the knowledge points in the project, but I don’t seem to understand them. How can I master the knowledge points used in a project? At least not after half a month without being able to remember what the project was.

Write a blog? Mind mapping? Or what? Do you have any experience that you can give us?

My answer:

First of all, it is far from enough to just do the project in front of the video, because you are following the author’s normal thinking, and the author usually does not tell you about the process of stepping on the pit, and what is often presented to you is a very complete project with few bugs. So you lack a process of active groping, which is the process of real growth!

Then, you lack the necessary notes. As you said, after learning, I don’t know what I learned, it seems that I can and it seems that I can’t. I think it is necessary to take notes or map. Map can comb knowledge points, but map can not record a lot of text, can not post code, so, in fact, I suggest to write a blog record.

There are two kinds of project notes, one is called project interpretation notes, the other is project development notes.

So next, I’ll show you how to write these two notes blog

1. Project development notes

This kind of notes is generally referred to as the notes of the development process of a project from 0 to 1. These types of blogs are usually popular with readers and the most detailed.

I usually do this, like I’m going to do a blog project. I would create a SpringBoot project directly with IDEA and write a readme.md file to simply define the functionality, technology stack, and database tables I wanted. With these things in mind, I had a pretty good idea of what the project would look like. Then I would develop the whole project in terms of function points. There would be a lot of bumps in the process, and I would simply record the problem description and repair process in the readme.md file. Or the design process of developing a feature can be briefly written first. In short, the readme.md is a simple note-taking process. You don’t have to worry about reading the notes yet, because this is not the final project development process note.

For example, a simple note from a programmer’s note daily project I recently planned to develop:

After the whole project is developed, after the project has had a final demo, I start to think about writing notes on the project.

Then I would create a new project, and then I would define the directory frame of the entire note.

Backend development directory:

Front-end development directory:

In fact, do a Springboot project development architecture is somewhat similar, can be roughly divided into: architecture code, business code.

The architecture code is roughly divided into:

  • Framework for integrating
  • Global exception handling
  • Unified result encapsulation
  • Physical check
  • Security attack Defense
  • Common Tool Classes
  • Permission and session control
  • System security monitoring
  • , etc.

Business code is basically to add specific business functions on the basis of the basic architecture of the system, such as blog project blog add, delete, change and check, column display, search functions.

So think about it, want to write a project development process is simple, first write the process of building the system architecture, before writing business code. No confusion at all. Step by step to apply their own knowledge on the line. Write along the way.

I have written the development process of three projects, vueblog, a blog project with separate front and back ends, vueadmin, a background management system with front and back ends, and eblog, a traditional blog project.

All three projects have video and documentation. If you are interested, you can learn:

1, super detailed! 4 hours to develop a SpringBoot+ Vue front and back separated blog project!!

Article: www.zhuawaba.com/post/17

Video: www.bilibili.com/video/BV1PQ…

Vueadmin back-end management system

Front-end notes: www.zhuawaba.com/post/18

Backend notes: www.zhuawaba.com/post/19

Video: www.bilibili.com/video/BV1af…

From 0 to 1, build a complete Springboot open source blog project eblog! – the nuggets juejin. Cn/post / 684490…

2. Notes on project interpretation

Project notes This is relatively simple, is the interpretation of open source projects, such as the Renren-fast project. And notes of the project development, I tend to be watching system basic architecture, and business code, and I don’t like, or the design of the let me shine at the moment, I will record down, I usually is the post code, then add your own specifications, clarify the function point, in the same way, after reading through the whole project, I will begin to write notes directory, Depending on what needs to be written, I usually start with a description of the project’s role, function, technology stack, interface, etc., followed by the breakdown of function points.

For example, the Renren project:

If you want to see specific articles, you can go to this link, they are all my original articles, you can follow my official account: Java Q&A Society. Thank you

1. Must-read classic project, Web development framework Renren-fast project interpretation: www.zhuawaba.com/post/86

2, Spring Cloud open source project Pig: www.zhuawaba.com/post/87

3. A complete interpretation of Guns, another classic open source project, small Hub is great! :www.zhuawaba.com/post/88

The above is all the content, I hope to thank you, thank you for inviting me to answer!