As shown in the picture below, one of my esteemed predecessors was falsely accused by the owner’s wife of deleting millions of codes. I am truly sorry for my injustice, and I will soon enter a startup company. What should I do if this happens to me?

Yesterday, I saw That Brother Bin posted moments, and I felt very angry at that time.

A few days ago, On the D-day on May 7, Brother Bin was still doing publicity for the good Home in A strange land as a guest, and the final round table was still recruiting for the good home in a strange Land. Did not expect to be less than a week the company rogue, simply shameless.

Hope Brother Bin also collect evidence, Sue the owner’s wife extortion.

~ ~ ~ 10:50 update ~~~~

I just contacted Brother Bin. He was not allowed to enter the office.

Now Bingo is at the police station.

The same office came to answer, and disappeared ignominiously:

Day 1: Delete the employee’s fingerprint, git account and email of the employee’s company;

day 2:

– The work station was cleared in the morning, and the things on the staff’s work station, including computers and many personal belongings, disappeared;

– Went to the front desk to ask for it back, opened the computer, but there were no documents on the desktop. Then the administration took the computer away by force and had physical contact (the reason was that the employee wanted to delete personal information including QQ, wechat and browser information);

-✨✨ owner ✨✨ appeared, accusing an employee of “falsely accusing administrative deletion of computer things”, “malicious deletion of company code”, and the first to report to the police! And call the police! Call the police!

– The police came at noon, took them away, and came back in the afternoon. In the middle, other people came to the employee’s workstation and tried to take away the company’s computer without the employee’s knowledge. The employee continued to ask for it when he came back, and the employee handed it in, then turned around and said he didn’t sign the handover form and would continue to ask for it. ;

Day 3: It’s today, it’s 9:32, two kids from another department have already taken up the station, more exciting, please subscribe…

Day3: – The two protagonists, currently two, have been blocked at the door not to let in when they clock in to work; – Unable to get into the door, ask a third colleague to help take pictures of the current situation and save evidence; – The third colleague, completed the hidden task, promoted to become the third employee protagonist (known to the boss opened);

——— I am the split line ———- popcorn is ready, coke, 3D eyes are also brought this is a personal fart, I turn my head and deny the follow-up will be in the follow-up broadcast thank you

I’m the girl who was falsely accused of costing the company millions, and here are the facts

In 2012, I left Ali to join a Company in Shanghai, where I verbally promised to do all kinds of things
originalAfter that, he recruited someone to fight gou, went home late at night after working overtime for three months, fired me on the last day of my probation and initiated a super-pr ban, using their extensive PR resources on various social media outlets to quickly spread false statements. After that, I spent a year in the Internet and tech world, not working. I joined my current company later. (Zhihu still has residues from the accident site, but the key sites were damaged by the other side)

I can only say that choice is very important. The vision and mind of a founder determine the future of an enterprise. As a programmer, what we can do is to see the facts clearly and not be tempted by immediate interests and verbal promises or false emotions.

There is a point ah, especially to emphasize, data fraud companies do not follow! At the beginning of that broken company, the first day on the line did not have a few people to visit, the boss declared that the external trading volume hundreds of thousands. And then there was no stopping it, and all the numbers that came out were basically false. I’ve never seen that in my current company.

I hope Li Bin is ok. After all, knowing the code is not always better than knowing the law. Suggest to supplement the information of this company legal person, later everybody remembers to walk around.

I hope Li Bin is ok. After all, knowing the code is not always better than knowing the law. Suggest to supplement the information of this company legal person, later everybody remembers to walk around.

Git is distributed, which means that every computer that pulls or clones that vault has a full version on it. Remote repository code cannot be affected until changes are committed. Committed changes are logged, both locally and remotely. Ps: Although I have been using the local bin.. Do not spray if there is any mistake

Talk about computer forensics. This is a bullshit thing. For example, kuaibo personal advice to find a lawyer, find the public security or court evidence personnel, in front of both sides to make a full backup, the backup to the hands of both sides trust, here are two people, the defendant and the plaintiff trusted people. Just a personal suggestion.

In terms of the development process, code auditing is… If startups are short of programmers, they don’t want to start a startup. Don’t make us sick!!

Personal opinion: work and life must not mix. Out of the company that is personal life, do not want to do and work related.

Good people live a safe life

From now on, foreign land will be smelly in this circle…

From now on, foreign land will be smelly in this circle…

I find it chilling that the whole development team leaves with the leader

I find it chilling that the whole development team leaves with the leader

Songge said in the above d-day Tianjin station when Bin Brother for foreign good home to do publicity and recruit the front end of the thing is really true, to tell the truth, to see Bin brother sent this thing is really unexpected. Logically speaking, the startup company to do this kind of behavior can be said to be a slander to others, if the person caused a certain amount of harm is to bear legal responsibility, so this matter Bin Brother must keep good evidence. Sum up a word: clear from clear always have to understand the truth of the matter one day, for this kind of company or ha ha.