This is the 13th day of my participation in the First Challenge 2022

The last article covered git installation, commit, and synchronization. For more details, see the previous article, “How to Use GIT with Your Hands”.

Today we’ll take a look at other ways to use Git, such as viewing commit history, rolling back versions, comparing three regions, and using git branches that are common at work

View git commit records

Git log or git log –oneline

The difference between the two lines above:

  1. git logIs to display detailed Git records
  2. git log --onelineIs to display each record in a single line

For example, I committed to the repository twice, so let’s see what the two statements look like. Git log

git log --oneline

Note: The long string of garbled characters we see is the ID of every commit record git generates

Compare the differences between regions

Git is divided into three areas: workspace, cache, and repository. The workflow is described in detail above

Compare the difference between workspace and cache

Example: There is no code for 02.html in the project. Now I write code to 02.html.


rungit diffCommand to view the difference between workspace and cache

Run Git diff –chached to see the difference between caches and repositories

After committing the records from the above workspace to the cache, execute the Git diff –cached command

Rollback an earlier version

Go back to workspace content Git Checkout

Git checkout is equivalent to CTRL + Z, but a little more advanced than CTRL + Z.

HTML modified

rungit checkoutafter

Git reset rollback cache contents directive

Rollback the warehouse to the specified history

Git reset --hard History ID

The history record ID, git log, is shown in the following figure

Git branch

View branches (Before creating branches, let’s view all branches of the current repository)

git branch

There is only one branch, and the branch name is master

Create a branch

Creating a branch is like making a copy of the project folder

The command

Git branch Specifies the branch name

A branch named A is created (this is equivalent to renaming the copied project file to A)

Switch branches (after creating divide-and-conquer we need to switch to the created branch)

Git Checkout branch name

This is like opening the copied project folder with a new vscode window, and everything that follows is done in this new vscode, so that everything I change in this new vscode doesn’t affect my original project folder, which is the main reason why we use branches, Avoid handling files on the main branch of the repository as much as possible.

Merging branches

Git merge branch name Example:

  1. Switch to the branch to be merged (the target branch of the merge) the main branch
  2. runGit merge subbranch name

This step is equivalent to merging the copied project folder with the source folder

Delete the branch

Git branch -d git branch -d git branch -d

  1. Git branch Branch name -dWe can only delete branches that have already been merged, which is equivalent to deleting files and we don’t have administrator rights
  2. Git branch Branch name -dCan branches be deleted under any circumstances (forced deletion) equivalent to deleting files with administrator privileges

Example: Delete the newly created branch A step:

  1. Switch to another branch in the main branch
  2. runGit branch Branch name -d

Reason for removing branches: This step is usually performed because the code in this version is not OK


Modify the synchronization remote warehouse address and application scenario

1. Change the name of the online warehouse. 2

Git remote set-url origin git remote set-url origin

Download online warehouse

Git clone the address of the remote repository

Synchronize offline warehouse with online warehouse

Run Git pull locally

After the

That’s all I have to share with you about Git