In daily development, we often need to switch back and forth between different Git branches, especially for developers with more business needs. In the case of a large number of branches, the auto-completion of the branch name when switching branches is bad, we inevitably need to copy or manually type the branch name, so is there a more elegant way?

In order to improve the efficiency of switching Git branches, I used Golang to write a small tool called git-checkout-branch. It can switch branches interactively and has a search function to help you switch branches more gracefully.

An overview of

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  • Use arrow keysleft write - pleaseFor mobile
  • usejkIt can also move up and down
  • use/Switch the search
  • According to thectrl + cexit

The installation

You can download and install it directly:

curl -sSL ` uname-s`-`uname -m` -o /usr/local/bin/git-checkout-branch && chmod +x /usr/local/bin/git-checkout-branch
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You can also install using go Get, making sure the $GOPATH/bin PATH is in PATH.

go get -u
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It is recommended to give checkout-branch an alias, such as cb, so that you can use Git cb directly for branch switching.

git config --global alias.cb checkout-branch
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Use git checkout-branch help to get help information.

Checkout git branches more efficiently.

  git checkout-branch [flags]

  -a, --all          List both remote-tracking branches and local branches
  -r, --remotes      List the remote-tracking branches
  -n, --number       Set the number of branches displayed in the list (default 10)
      --hide-help    Hide the help information
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