Fiori Elements is the first SAP Fiori Elements application created without any front-end development experience:
Create a new MockData folder under the localService folder, which holds the local data that will be displayed in the Fiori Elements application after we start the Mock Server.
The actual contents of the MockData folder are available from this link:…
Right click on the project and select Preview Application:
Select start – the mock:
Here is the console output at startup:
C:\Code\git\capSample\FEDemo> CD “C:\Code\git\capSample\FEDemo \jerryfioriapp C:\Code\git\capSample\FEDemo\jerryfioriapp> npm run start-mock
jerryfioriapp@0.0.1 start-mock C:\Code\git\capSample\FEDemo\ Jerryfioriapp fiori run –open ‘the test/flpSandboxMockServer html# masterDetail – display’
Fiori tools CLI. info server:ux-proxy Starting fiori-tools-proxy using following configuration: Info server: Ux-proxy proxy: ‘ ‘Info server: Ux-proxy ignoreCertError:’ false ‘Info server: Ux-proxy backend: [{” path “:”/SAP “, “url” : “”}] info server: ux – proxy ui5: {” url “:” “, “version”, null, “path” : [“/resources “, “/ test – resources”]} info server: ux – proxy debug: ‘false’ info server: Ux-proxy Backend proxy started for info server: Ux-proxy UI5 proxy started for info server:liveload Livereload middleware started for port 35730 and path C:\Code\git\capSample\FEDemo\jerryfioriapp\webapp Server started URL: http://localhost:8082
More of Jerry’s original articles can be found in “Wang Zixi” :