It seems so hard to say no.

But if we can’t say no all the time, we will be faced with more and more things.
Therefore, this requirement can not be realized!

Some people have seen the sun at 5 or 6 o ‘clock, some people have seen the stars at 2 or 3 o ‘clock…

Those who have seen the stars say: midnight instant noodles are cold, early morning coffee is bitter.

5. Who would choose to work overtime if it weren’t for their desire? !

When you say, “Is your code buggy?”
What I hear: “Are you good enough? Do you know how to write code? You’re not writing code, are you writing bugs? ! If you can’t, go home! …”
So a lot of times, I’d rather you question my gender than my code hasbug.

When the system loses its temper, the best thing to do is reboot.

Do you really think I have a better idea?

CTRL + c CTRL + v… B: well… A lot of people are command+ C command+ V now…

But the difference is not big, the result is the same!

For the record, not all programmers wear plaid shirts, but we all have plaid shirts to some extent. After all, when the company has an event, they require us to wear a suit!

Why don’t we get two suits? !

There are 10 kinds of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who don’t.

This one’s really hard to explain, because I’m not even sure it’s a joke.

Do you remember what kind of weather it was, what kind of classroom you were in, the first time you saw and wrote this code?

system.out.println(“hello world”)

We probably didn’t know what that meant when we wrote this code, and we still do.


Transfer statement

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Create meaning | small small

Compilation | small small

Illustration design | Jia Qi