I think you will certainly, so detailed, so can’t hit me, ha ha if there is a big guy passing also hope to give me here is a common server, but does not meet the environment, so hand configuration

If the students learn to use, there is a white whou Ali cloud server method

ECS Web page configuration server part Server database part Web project part

The server system is a Window server. If not, stop running the server first and then click more — “Disks and Mirrors –” in the instance to change the operating systemMirror Select mirror market, then click Select from Mirror marketSearch for ASP.NET, select Windows, and click use (the first SQL Server and a series of installed software)Then set the password, and so on fool operation, the next step until the payment (as long as you did not move anything else is 0 yuan) open the instance, click on the instance security group

Click “Add Manually”, enter and select according to the following picture, and click “Save”

Then open the remote desktop link on your computer

Find IPEnter the IP, then enter the password, connect

The next step is to change the database configuration on the server sideRight-click to enable the following

Then restart this oneThen right-click the administrator to run the SQL Server databaseRemember, we can’t use it as the default user for stand-alone browsing moreLog in as the user under the database engineAfter login, you need to change the password of SA, because the initial password of SA is not clear about the right click properties

Do not enforce password policiesThen you can try to see if the SA can log in

Next, replicate the server to the databaseAnd then attach the databaseClick Add, select catalog, then select database file, click OK, and click OK againThe database is added successfully.

The next step is to put the Web project in VS

Click Tools and select Connect database

The server name is the IP, then enter the SA password, select the database, then click test connection to see if the connection is successful, then click AdvancedCopy the following connection stringClick on web.config and find this line

It’s easier to find the connection string, and then circle the connection string that you just copiedAdd a password after thatA semicolon)Right-click the project and click PublishSelect the folder output, and then select the path, I’ve chosen here don’t send screenshots directly click publishThis is where the file is (hold down CTRL and click on the left mouse button to open that path)Then copy all the files and put them on the server

Then we open IIS on the server, which is on the desktop

When opened, right-click to add the website

The main thing is that you have to make sure you get the physical path right and the port, port 80 is already occupied, the port 8080 is the port that was originally applied for when the ECS configured the serverOpen the default documentAdd a default documentThen come back and hit Restart first and then browserenderingIn this case, we have direct access from the local computer via IP :8080