Author:  Cong Wang

Editor: Xiaoli Tan


After the plug-in is built and developed, we need to publish the plug-in to the Chrome Store. This article describes the process of publishing a plug-in in detail.

Super detailed steps for publishing a plug-in


To register a Developer account, see: How to register a Google Play Developer account (including payment Settings)


To compress the plug-in code, the last thing we need to upload is a ZIP file


Click to jump to the App Store (if not, you will be asked to log into your Google account first). Then click “Add New Item” or “Upload New Content” button, the Add new content pop-up box will appear, we just need to drag the compressed ZIP file to the center of the pop-up box


Fill in the merchandise details section before release, which shows what other people will see when Chrome downloads your plugin, so make it as comprehensive as possible and more people will install your plugin

About Permission Settings

(Take our company — Bytedance for example)

If you need a plug-in for internal use only, select Private -> all users in Bytedance under Pricing and Distribution

If you can’t request approval, you can click on “Why CAN’t I publish content?” and we must correct all the errors that need to be corrected before we can publish

If the problem shown above occurs, you need to add a mailbox in the Developer panel

Finally click “Request for Review”

You can jump to the Chrome Web Store by clicking on the icon in the top left corner of the release page

If this is the first release, the chrome Web Store page for this plugin is 404 before it is approved, and the following page will appear when it is released

If it is not the first release, we can wait for Chrome approval directly from this page. If the version is updated, the release is successful. At this point, we can click “Add to Chrome” to install the plugin and see the plugin in “Extensions” or directly visit Chrome :// Extensions.

About the update

When a new version needs to be released, go to the Chrome development panel, go to the file package panel of the first release, and upload and publish the content according to the following process:

About the payment

There is also a $5 registration fee to use the company’s email address, and every user who publishes a plugin needs to pay. For example, if you are a group and there are more than 10 students in the group, if you want more than 10 students to be able to publish the plugin, then each student should pay $5.