C++ vector insert dynamic memory (new, malloc requested memory) and destroy dynamic memory (delete, free)demo

When we use a vector, we sometimes insert dynamic memory data (such as a pointer from new into the vector). At this time we must pay attention to C++ memory management, because C++ memory management principle, who apply, who destroy. If we clear() without destroying the dynamic memory of the pointer in the vector, we will cause a memory leak. Therefore, we need to first traverse the vector, destroy the dynamic memory corresponding to the elements stored in the vector, and then clear() the vector.

The demo sample:

#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;
int main(a)
    vector<char *> obj;
    // Insert dynamic memory into vector
    for(int i=0; i<10; i++) {char * ptr = new char[100];
        memset(ptr, 0 , 100);

    // The requested dynamic memory must be cleaned before the vector can be emptied; otherwise, memory leaks will occur
    for(vector<char *>::iterator it = obj.begin(a); it ! = obj.end(a); it++) {if(*it ! =NULL)
            delete *it;
            *it = NULL;
    obj.clear(a);return 0;
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New char[100] = new char(100) = new char(100

New char(100) new char(100) It’s wrong… Ah… So I added a sidebar, for the record. New char[100] = new char(100) = new char(100) = new char(100) = new char(100) Details are as follows:

char *p = new char[200]; // new a char array of size 200
char *p = new char(200); //new a char with an initial value of 200
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The end of the message

That concludes the small details of vector. I’ll see you in the next post

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