Study harmoniously! Don’t be impatient!! I’m your old friend, Xiao Qinglong

  • HTTP and DIO libraries are the most commonly used web libraries for Flutter. HTTP is used as an example in this paper.

  • There are two ways to convert json to a model:

    • json_annotation

    • Online tool QuickType

1. How to collect third-party librarieshttp?

  • Open theThird Party Open Source librarySearch,http

Clicking it copies the library name + version number

Go to our project directory, find and open pubspec.yaml

2. How to use third-party librarieshttp?

Import where you need to use the network

import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
Copy the code

And then in initState

class HomePage extends StatefulWidget {
    _HomePageState createState() => _HomePageState();

class _HomePageState extends State<HomePage> {

    Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    // Omit irrelevant code here. } @overridevoid initState() {
      // Send a get request

    void sendHttp() async {
      var url = Uri.parse('');
      var response = await http.get(url);
      print(ReasonPhrase ->${response.reasonPhrase}');
      print(Request -> ${response.request}');
      print(StatusCode -> ${response.statuscode}');
      print(Headers -> ${response.headers}');
      print(IsRedirect -> ${response.isRedirect}');
      print('print see persistentConnection - > ${response. PersistentConnection}');
      print(${response.body}'); }}Copy the code

Print result:

Json string to data model (json_annotation)

Previously, we have successfully obtained the Json string data returned by the network request, so how to convert it into our defined model class?

3.1, configuration,pubspec.yaml

We’re going to use a couple of libraries here

  • json_annotation

  • build_runner

  • json_serializable

Open pubspec.yaml and start configuring and loading third-party libraries

    sdk: flutter

  cupertino_icons: ^1.02.
  http: ^0.134.
  json_annotation: ^4.3. 0

    sdk: flutter

  flutter_lints: ^1.0. 0
  json_serializable: ^6.01.
  build_runner: ^1.8. 0
Copy the code

3.2. Configure the data model

Create a Student. dart file and fill it out using the template below. You can write other model data the same way later

import 'package:json_annotation/json_annotation.dart';

part 'student.g.dart';

class StudentRoot {
  String code;
  List<Student> list;
  StudentRoot({required this.code, required this.list});

  factory StudentRoot.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) =>

  Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => _$StudentRootToJson(this);

class Student {
  String studentName;
  int studentAge;
  int studentId;
      {required this.studentName,
      required this.studentAge,
      required this.studentId});

  factory Student.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) =>

  // Map<String, dynamic> toJson(Student instance) => _$StudentToJson(instance);
  Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => _$StudentToJson(this);
Copy the code

We find part ‘ ‘; This line is an error, so don’t worry about that.

3.3. Prepare the test interface
Copy the code

3.4. Window execution commands

Open the Terminal window in the lower left corner of Android Studio

Enter the following command and press Enter

flutter pub run build_runner build
Copy the code

This is what happens when it’s done

Of course, some partners may find the execution finished:

  • part ‘student.g.dart’; This line still reports an error

  • The file was not generated either

Xiaobian has also encountered this problem, might as well try the following methods:

  • Close those file creations and rerun the project

  • Restart the Android studio

3.5, use,

The first few steps are foreshadowing, the next is our main play.

Method of use

void sendHttp() async {
  var url = Uri.parse(
  var response = await http.get(url);
  print('JsonPage print look body->${response.body}');

  / / turn StudentRoot Json
  Map mapJson = jsonDecode(response.body);
  String data = utf8.decode(response.bodyBytes);
  StudentRoot studentRoot = StudentRoot.fromJson(json.decode(data));

  / / StudentRoot Json
  String jsonAfter = jsonEncode(studentRoot);

  // Here is the test code ~ ~
  print(${studentroot. code}');
  print(${studentroot. list}');
  for (var listChild in studentRoot.list) {
    print(${listChild.studentName} -${listChild.studentName});

  print('StudentRoot to Json print $jsonAfter');
Copy the code

Running results:

How to useOnline tool QuickType

The above screenshot forgot to mark, the class name can be in the upper left cornerStuRoot placechanges

Copy the code, create a new model file, stu.dart, and paste it

Go to our jSON_page.dart test file and import the header file

import 'package:ssj_wechat_demo/models/stu.dart';
Copy the code

It is also very simple to use

// StudentRoot studentRoot = StudentRoot.fromJson(json.decode(data)); StuRoot studentRoot = stuRootFromJson(Response.body); stuRootFromJson(response.body);Copy the code