In a separate development mode, the front and back ends often need interface documents to interact with each other. As I wrote in my last essay, when writing interfaces using traditional documentation, the interface documentation changes as requirements change frequently. To begin with, an interface information has been written documentation, but later because of changes in demand, found that the interface is redundant, then delete them save, I work often encountered this kind of situation, product manager behind The Times demand, think this requirement is necessary, also called us to entry, it will reduce a lot of work efficiency. Later, as I shared in the last essay, I used eoLinker to manage the interface, and the whole work efficiency was raised. Here I share how to use the interface management function of eoLinker more incisively and vividly. In my humble post, I will write down the techniques of using eoLinker for API interface management.

1. The interface status can be set and adjusted first, and the optional states are enabled, maintained and abandoned. By setting the interface status, you can browse the interface list at a glance. Green indicates enabled, orange indicates maintained, and gray indicates disabled. This function can be easily viewed.

2. The deleted interface is entered into the interface recycle bin to avoid accidental deletion and facilitate interface recovery in the later stage; I concluded that this function is just like the “recycle bin” function of the computer, which can be retrieved to prevent accidental deletion.

3. When an interface document is exported, it will not be exported by the interface recycle bin. This is one of my favorite functions. Unused interfaces are put into the recycle bin, and the exported interface document does not contain these interfaces. If the interface document needs to be transferred, there is no need to worry about redundant and useless information. API interface documentation is automatically generated, which eliminates the need for manual review.

4. When the interface contents are similar, the interface can be copied to improve the interface reuse rate; On the interface details page, click Save as (Copy) to modify some interface information, and click Save. I also like this feature for batch operations on similar interfaces.

5. The last function that I agree with is to sort the interface list, which can be sorted according to the creation time, update time, interface name and star, making browsing more intuitive and clear.

In conclusion, as I have been using Eolinker in my work, it is convenient and quick to use. So I want to share a good tool, but WHAT I share is my own summary of often used functions, you can go to the official website to see if you want to know more. Product address: