Recently, I have noticed that some students tend to share more and more “read from the manuscript” style. I looked at the sharing of the students in the above read, on the other side of the dozens of people below looking at the computer to look at the phone, MY heart is particularly worried. I wish I could go up there and take away everyone’s computers and phones. But this kind of crude method is certainly not to solve the problem, the core problem is that we are not good at sharing. I think my past sharing is above average, so to sum up, I will talk about how to do high-quality sharing, I hope to provide some help to students who want to do sharing in the future.

Why share

One question everyone should ask themselves before sharing is, why am I sharing? I think the purest reason for sharing is “I have some knowledge that others don’t know, but it will be helpful to others, so I want to share it with everyone”. In other words, the intention of sharing is to summarize and spread knowledge, and the core of sharing is altruism. The reality?

  • Made some technical products, want to promote everyone, so want to share.
  • Share in order to show that you are a team player and want to perform well.
  • I just wanted to show off and make people think I was awesome, so I wanted to share.

Is there something stale? In fact, I do not deny these reasons, if we can share well, these are also natural results. This is just like when we join ants, we still want to grow fast, and good performance is the result of rapid growth. But who the hell doesn’t want good performance? But we should not ignore the original intention for the sake of these results. The original intention of sharing is to share knowledge and grow up with each other. I think only sharing that is really helpful to others can be called “high-quality sharing”. So if you’re about to share, ask yourself again, why are you sharing at all? Only when the original intention is right, when preparing to share, can we really think about how to share well, how to make the share lively and interesting, how to make the share full of dry goods, how to better convey their knowledge. Otherwise, you think you’re getting results by sharing, but in fact you’re getting nothing and wasting someone else’s time.

What is good content

All right, I’m sure all of you are willing to be altruistic. So the question is, what do I need to share? What kind of content can support the so-called high-quality sharing, I understand the following three types.

Highly summarized knowledge

Some knowledge is not difficult to master, but the process of mastering may require a lot of time to collect information everywhere. In the process, there may be many problems that need to be solved by ourselves. Like one I wrote a long time agoYour Tree-shaking is Not Good for eggs. In order to understand why tree-shaking is limited in real life, I studied Babel, Uglyfy, Webpack, rollup, and even went through a bunch of issues. It took me a few days to see why.

It would take days for anyone else to figure out what was going on. Therefore, I summarized the research process into an article and published it, and shared it with the team. On the one hand, it spreads knowledge, and on the other hand, if others really want to study it more carefully, it can at least save some time.

Similarly, when some new technologies are launched, there are few documents in the industry, so it is expensive for everyone to learn. After systematic learning, I will make some summaries and share them systematically within the team. For example, when React16 was just launched, my senior brother Peng cheng shared the new features of React16 in the team:

Lessons to be learned

There are also some more empirical things. It may be a non-technical experience, such as a growing experience, a life lesson, or a personal thought. The most typical examples are promotion summary, management experience sharing and so on. For example, we have invited some sharing: Jixu’s “Talk about how to Grow platform technology front end” and Yilu’s “Business Middle Taiwan – Partner Improvement”. I think their sharing is very good. For example, Ji Continued to mention “micro habits”, Yilu mentioned “tactical diligence does not cover up strategic laziness” and so on, which left a deep impression on me. It may also be technical experience, such as the construction experience of a certain type of technical product, the derivation process, etc. For example, the core of Jiangmu’s “Derivation and Implementation of Cloud Butterfly Visual Construction”, Xingyan’s “Exploration and Practice of Insurance Front-end Marketing System Construction” and Zhenshan’s “Sherry and Technical Product Operation” are as follows: Make a systematic summary of your long-term experience, take your own story or technical project as a case to support, put facts to reason, and give other people with similar appeals some “elder” experience.

Arcane technology

There is also the knowledge that is very difficult to understand, which is often outside of their field of expertise, or the cost of starting a technical point, or some advanced source code parsing and so on. If we can share these difficult technologies in a way that is easy to understand and absorb, then we have done a great job of sharing. For example, Challenges for On-Device System Design and Innovative Algorithms by Bon Zhu. I remember when Bonzhu talked about convolutional neural networks, he did a very good job on the board, and it was easy for you to understand. But I don’t see much of this kind of sharing in ants, and I rarely see it done very well. However, there are some online, such as: many science, mathematics related popular science videos of Teacher Li Yongle. Does sharing highly summarized knowledge, learnable experience, or arcane technology make it a good thing to share? Definitely not. Useful as it is, the audience needs to hear it. The content that can be listened to by the audience is called good content. So how to share our content well is the most critical. In my opinion, if you want to share good content, first of all, you need to organize the content well, then you need to find a good way to present it, and finally you need to have certain skills to express it.

How to organize content


Many of you have heard of the Principles of the Pyramid, which explains the logic of writing and the logic of thinking. Actually, I haven’t seen it either, but I know its central idea, which is “total – points – total”. The total score always believes that as you know, a subjective point, N sub-points, and each sub-point may have sub-points. Each point of view is the conclusion first, then the argument, then the summary. It’s easier for technical people to understand, sort it into a tree, and then do a depth-first traversal. Of course, “pyramid principle” in there are very much useful knowledge, or recommend everyone to read, there will be more goods. Let’s take the first step today, which is the total score. In other words, the organization of content needs to be structured. If the entire content, no headings, no paragraphs, no central idea. Is the article looking tired, is the speech listening to tired. There are two benefits to structured expression:

  • For myself: I organized the knowledge I planned to share in a more systematic way, which is a better summary and arrangement of my own knowledge.
  • For others: Humans have a better memory for ordered things than for disordered things. Structured presentation helps the audience to receive and recall information.


In addition to structural expression, I also like narrative expression. Is to find ways to make their content seem more choppy or consistent. Ups and downs are about constantly throwing up problems and solving them. For example, in my book the Road to front End Construction of Intelligent Insurance Operation System 2.0. I will first talk about the current situation and problems of 1.0, and then talk about my own strategies and solutions. After completion, through some data analysis and found new problems, and then some solutions. Such continuous discovery of problems -> solving problems, so that the content has a certain ups and downs of the story sense, can let readers continue to retain a sense of freshness and reading desire. Continuity refers to the continuous derivation of new content from one content, which ultimately answers the original question. For example, in my article “Why does the State always regulate Us” (an introduction to basic knowledge of finance), I introduced from finance to currency, from currency to bank, then to shadow banking, then to Internet products with characteristics of shadow banking, and finally answered why does the state always regulate us. It’s like driving along a beautiful highway, where the landscape changes from woods to grassland to lake on both sides, and the process is smooth and beautiful. It turned out to be a scenic road. Continuous content can always pull the audience’s thoughts, keep the audience’s attention.

In fact, my article tries to follow the structure and story. The topic is “How to write a high quality sharing article”, which is subdivided into several points of view and then sub-molecular points of view. There is some continuity to these views. First, define what is good content, and then explain how to organize, display and express good content. And finally, one last conclusion.

How to present content

If it is shared off-site in the form of an article, the content can be well organized and the content is of high quality. I believe that the article must be of high quality. However, this article still wants to discuss how to better display the content we want to share when weekly meeting, monthly meeting and other on-site sharing.

And in this case,I have only one core point: fewer words, more pictures.

Now I find that many people like to share articles directly, but I have never seen this kind of sharing work particularly well. Because it’s mostly just reading from a script. This is the extreme opposite of my view, which is almost all words. If a live post is full of words. Are people listening to you? Or to see your words? Or do I listen to you? I might as well hand out the document to everyone.

I always encourage you to use powerpointBecause PPT is not easy to put too many words, only put the core information. soPowerpoint forces you to extract key information. With fewer words, less information,They force themselves to communicate their ideas more vividly.

I’ll take my book why the State Is So obsessed with Us as an example. After I finished writing the article, I was ready to share it with my team. But the article is more than 30,000 words, if I read as a manuscript, I think everyone will dream twice. So I abstracted the text message with appropriate graphics, treated the text like a speech, and improvised a little more. For example, the section “What is Asset securitization?” has 867 words in pure text. I turned it into PPT as follows:

Show the evolution process of asset securitization with several pictures and abstract text. Then draw a special chart to introduce the operation mechanism of asset securitization itself. Finally, use bold letters to express the core idea.

For some chapters that don’t have many points of view, my PPT is simpler. For example, the section “Have you ever heard of shadow banking” mainly tells two short stories without many points of view. That’s why I put two pictures on my powerpoint, and the rest is just by talking about it. Because of this kind of content without key information, the audience doesn’t have to listen to a long story while reading a bunch of words on a POWERPOINT.

Of course, a lot of technology sharing, may want to demonstrate some code, or show some flow charts, architecture diagram, language sparrow such a document tool may be more convenient to write and display. This is fine as long as you control your typography, don’t stack your speech, and make your key messages bigger and bolder. The Whisperer also provides a demo mode, but I hope you can make better use of it.

In conclusion, the form of sharing itself is not important, the important thing is not to read the manuscript.Sharing documents must be a highly abstract presentation of information, other processes

As far as possible to rely on their own mouth with pictures to convey.Remember the core message: fewer words, more pictures.

PS: There is a form of PPT sharing calledTakahashi flow. Every PPT has a few big words, the rest is all by mouth. Luo Yonghao, as well as he Shijun, who is well known to us, have used this form to share. I’ve tried:Node HTTP/2 Server Push from Understanding to Giving up

How to express content

Is there a high quality content, high quality PPT, can tell the sharing, not necessarily. The final test of high-quality sharing is the speaker’s own speech level. Since I consider myself a good speaker, I have summarized what I consider to be some skills of public speaking. I think if we can do these points well, it will certainly be very helpful to express our content.

A riveting opening

Well begun is half done, many things are like this, a share is also the same. On many occasions, including our monthly meeting, Sujin Hui and so on, people’s initial thoughts are not always on your sharing. It’s not an Apple event. Does it really matter what you share? If you don’t grab everyone’s attention at first, you won’t know what you’re going to say. So my sharing, my opening will definitely try to grab everyone’s attention. Take “Why does the State always manage us” for example. First of all, I designed this title to attract attention, but I still don’t think it’s enough. So I added a question to the first page of my powerpoint presentation: Are we a financial company or a technology company? In addition, I introduced my point of view through the event of company name change. In this way, by introducing the things closest to us, we can attract our attention first, and then we can talk very smoothly. Some may not be very attractive. I’ll try to get attention by saying something off topic first. Take the aforementioned takahashi hit: Node HTPP2 Server Push. I will first introduce to you what is takahashi flow, and tell you about Luo Yonghao, He Shijun and other celebrities, so as to attract people’s curiosity about this PPT. All in all, any sharing must have an engaging beginning. It may not even be the content itself, but it must be engaging. If you have to, go up and sing a song and dance.

Interact with the audience

You get people at first, you lose their attention at the end. My own technique is to keep the audience as engaged as possible. Some of them are carefully choreographed, such as when I share the origins of money in Why the State Is Always In Charge of Us. I pick a person to play a role and interact with me to illustrate the relationship between money and debt. I even prepared a 100 yuan cash note to simulate iOU to increase the sense of interaction. In addition to some carefully designed links, I will try to pay attention to the atmosphere of the scene and the attention of the students below when sharing. When everyone does not listen, it may be that the content of this section is really boring, and the attention of the students has left. So I might as well skip over something that’s not important, move on quickly, and think of some way to get people’s attention again. Even before the live interaction, I often imagined an audience when I was writing an article or a powerpoint presentation. I would think that if I were him, he would have what thoughts and questions in his heart when I read my article or heard my sharing. Then I will write a section on this possible problem. Or ask yourself and answer any possible questions on the spot. So WHEN I share, I always say, “Then people will ask,” and then I start answering myself. Of course, it works even better if someone does ask.

There’s a pause and a rhythm

As mentioned above, I’d like to think of some ways to call your attention again. The easiest way to get people’s attention is to have a pause and a rhythm. Imagine being in a conference room with one person sharing and everyone below looking down at their phones. What happens to everyone if the person sharing suddenly stops talking? A lot of people would look up to see what was going on. That’s when attention is drawn back. But this is a “Wolf cried” technique, so it can’t be abused. It has to happen right before you get to the point where you pause.

In addition to pauses, your speech should be cadenced, which is to say rhythmically. There is no way to ensure that all of the content is key information, and therefore, there is no way to ensure that everyone can continue to pay attention. Therefore, at key information points, we should turn up the volume to remind everyone that it is now the key information, and it is time to listen to me. It’s like bolding and bolding important points in an article. It’s hard to write a long essay without paragraphs or bold, and the same goes for a speech.

What it takes: A lot of thought

At the end of the day, I think quality sharing must take a lot of thought and time. This article, for example, took me an entire Saturday to write, adjusting its structure and title several times. In order to better prove the argument, a lot of previous sharing of others to support the argument. It’s true that people are so busy with work right now that they don’t have time to prepare properly. I often urge students’ PPT to be shared in our monthly meeting, but it is hard to get them in advance. They are all temporary works before the last time. Under such circumstances, how can you ensure high quality? So I thought I’d go back to my original question, why share? If we really want to help others with our sharing, then we must ask ourselves to share with a certain quality. Otherwise, how can I help others? If my articles and PPT are not helpful to others, it is a waste of everyone’s time. If I don’t think I’m ready, I can wait until the next opportunity to share and get ready. I believe that if I can devote myself to helping others, I can achieve something for myself.

PS: I hope this article can be helpful to those who don’t know how to share, otherwise slapping their face is more serious.