Abstract: Playing chess at age 3, solving equations at age 5! He says developing the Internet of things is like playing a game against monsters

This article to share from huawei cloud community the HDC. Cloud2021 | huawei cloud IoT developers: with code to reduce the threshold of the interconnected all things “, the original author: huawei cloud.

At the age of 3, he could play chess with his father. At the age of 5, he could solve binary equations once. At the age of 7, he graduated from primary school to junior high school. Zhang Xiaojian, who was born in 1997, seems to be a “pace-setter” who has brought buffs with her since childhood.

Development is like playing a game, with endless challenges

Zhang Xiaojian has been fond of learning and exploring since childhood. His mathematical and logical ability is very good, so he chose to major in communication Engineering, the most popular major at that time, and started his career as a developer.

He spent most of his spare time at university exploring software development. “It’s nice to see your code running on the screen.” Zhang xiaojian said, “Development is like playing a game, and I feel a sense of accomplishment when I succeed.”

Faced with the choice of postgraduate entrance examination and employment in his junior year, Zhang Xiaojian resolutely chose employment. He said, “The iteration speed of software development is too fast, and the school’s knowledge can no longer keep up with the development of the industry.” So he took an internship at a software development company, where he worked on social features. Because of his outstanding performance, the leader invited him to work formally upon graduation, but he refused, “I want to learn more cutting-edge technology and know more technical masters.” This is why Zhang xiaojian came to Huawei.

Use the Internet of things to ensure travel safety

Zhang xiaojian’s first project at Huawei was huawei Cloud IoT Network digital service. Through the Internet of Things technology, a holographic digital road network can be created to realize real-time road perception with all-weather, all-scene and all-domain integration, improve driving safety and road efficiency, and facilitate the large-scale commercial use of autonomous driving.

In the development of this service, Zhang Xiaojian is responsible for the design of SMS sending module of the platform. When a vehicle crashes, the platform can sense traffic events in real time and respond to them within the ultra-low time delay of 100 milliseconds, pushing warnings to surrounding vehicles and sending rescue information at the same time.

“Every time we did a product test, it was very stressful, super stressful, because a single error could mean a life.” But zhang quickly adapted to the pressure. “The more challenging a job is, the more rewarding it is when it is finished.”

In less than a year, Network Digital Services successfully completed the project delivery and went through multiple iterations. At present, it has covered 310+ general traffic events, realizing safety warning in various vehicle-road collaborative scenarios, and successfully applied in several projects. For example, we worked together with Sichuan Communications Investment To build the first vehicle-road cooperative test field with intelligent network connection in Southwest China. Cooperated with enterprises and public institutions such as The First Group, completed the first collaborative automatic driving pilot on Yanzhongguo Speed; Assist Wuxi to build the first city-level vehicle and road cooperation demonstration area in China.

Lower the threshold of the Internet of everything, development makes everything possible

The advent of digital economy has brought about the demand for tens of billions of devices to be connected to the cloud, and also brought many challenges to the Internet of Things technology, such as large delay, multiple scenes, high concurrency, complex application adaptation and so on. In this context, Zhang Xiaojian, as the core development backbone, came to Huawei Cloud IoT device Access Service (IoTDA) to overcome difficulties, is committed to reducing the threshold of the Internet of everything, to build the base of Huawei cloud IoT multi-billion level connection ability.

He was in charge of Amqp at that time. After several analysis and design, he identified the key requirement of 10,000 level Topic. Through participating in community groups and communicating with industry experts, he made a comprehensive analysis of the open source component Pulsar from the perspectives of performance and reliability, and finally realized Amqp from zero to existing HTTP push in the final commercial. Even if the enterprise HTTP server is disconnected or other scenarios, a maximum of 1 GB of messages can be reserved for one day. The average latency of messages on the enterprise platform is reduced to 80% of the original time.

At present, Huawei cloud IoT has connected more than 300 million devices, realizing full coverage of access scenarios and improving the access efficiency of devices by 10 times. In practical experience, junior high school students can also easily complete device access through IoTDA.

In the development led by Zhang Xiaojian and his team, many architectural design advantages of Apache Pulsar were fully brought into play to support the implementation and implementation of smart traffic, smart city, smart park and other major projects. Huawei Cloud IoT won the Pulsar Community Annual Best Case Award in 2020. When it comes to the future, Zhang says, “Development is like playing a game. You get a sense of achievement when finishing the game, but the process requires a lot of endurance. Every developer is amazing, and code is our message to the world.”

** From April 24 to 26, Huawei Developer Conference 2021 (Cloud) ** will be held in Shenzhen, where developers can experience huawei Cloud IoT’s core capabilities such as device minimal access, IoT digital twinning, one-stop IoT project delivery and so on. Huawei cloud IoT development tycoon will join hands with industry partners, in-depth analysis of the successful practice of the Internet of Things industry, there are mysterious gift package waiting for you to take oh!

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